Let's see what democrats are. Hilarious

I don't care if they killed them all and your silly flag with it. The flag means nothing.
You never respected democrats rights to the flag. You must think it's exclusively for ratbag republicans to hide behind.

Death penalty my arse. Grow up. What has the flag ever done for you?
You're only another ratbag Republican yet you call me partisan. If it wasn't for the likes of me to maintain democracy you fascists would be marching up and down the mall like China.
Fuck off you brain dead godbothering old fool. You haven't the intelligence to see what the problem is.
You ate partisan.....
So you're not for the death penalty for murder?

fascist impose their agenda.....so look in the mirror.

the flag is awesome, but a poor choice of weapon for a govt takeover....

let's be honest you don't even believe this was a coup......

you look at these people as hayseed hicks with 100s guns each......
If you are running a coup you use guns not flags, is so obvious even you understand that
5 people died from that but it was still a peaceful demonstration in a place they were not allowed and hundreds have been charged since. Why you playing down? There's nothing in it for republicans now. You drew a line in the sand regarding democracy and showed just what a fascist mob of angry arseholes you all are. You're not American, you hate the place but ignorantly suggest the opposite.

You will be reminded of it forever. You lot took the first steps towards a totalitarian government you all want. The temptation under trump was great you didn't have the courage or brains to realise you were writing history for all the wrong reasons. Just a plain good old garden variety grab for power at any cost. A leader that fed you like chickens and sent you into battle to die for the cause.

Not a functioning neuron among the lot of them.

4 of the 5 died from natural causes. You commies are such drama queens.

4 of the 5 died from natural causes. You commies are such drama queens.


Sure they did. Would they have died if there was no riot? Coincidental that 4 died at the same time and all in the building simultaneously.
It's nothing to do with communism. You're brain dead you fool.
You're paranoid.
Even the commies in the DOJ aren't using the term insurrection. Does all that propaganda you've been swallowing taste good?


It's the same doj when trump was there. Were they communist then also?

You're paranoid about this communist shit. It clearly shows you have a feeble defence of everything you post. To you, they are responsuble for everything, including trumps election. It was the same communist vote counters that rigged the election that put him there is the first place. Ring any bells son.
You've got a very short memory dickhead.
Sure they did. Would they have died if there was no riot? Coincidental that 4 died at the same time and all in the building simultaneously.
It's nothing to do with communism. You're brain dead you fool.
You're paranoid.

Sorry eurotrash, they didn't all die at the same time and the only one that was actually killed, died inside. Maybe you should take your eurotrash self back to where you came from. You don't seem to be able to keep up with events here.

It's the same doj when trump was there. Were they communist then also?

You're paranoid about this communist shit. It clearly shows you have a feeble defence of everything you post. To you, they are responsuble for everything, including trumps election. It was the same communist vote counters that rigged the election that put him there is the first place. Ring any bells son.
You've got a very short memory dickhead.

What kind of drugs are you on? Crack or meth? And the only bells that are ringing, seem to be in your empty commie eurotrash head.

Night, night eurotrash, it's been fun watching you make a total fool of yourself.

What kind of drugs are you on? Crack or meth? And the only bells that are ringing, seem to be in your empty commie eurotrash head.

Night, night eurotrash, it's been fun watching you make a total fool of yourself.
.You've got nothing. Same old communist shit they all use when they're out of ammo.
You're intelligence is like beauty. It's only skin deep and nothing behind it.

I know who's feeling foolish because you can't get over me. Its best you do go to bed. You're wasting your time being awake with me slapping you.
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Sorry eurotrash, they didn't all die at the same time and the only one that was actually killed, died inside. Maybe you should take your eurotrash self back to where you came from. You don't seem to be able to keep up with events here.
.what's this euro trash shit. I live here you know all idiot.
Even if I didn't, Europeans have forgotten more than what atrophied lumps like you will ever learn.
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I agree. He's just like the rest of the lefty loons on this board. Almost every thread is a Trump thread.

One would think they would all be bragging about their boy Bidung.

Oh wait. I forgot. Bidung has done nothing but make messes. They have nothing to brag about. Never mind.
I remember when Fauci said wearing a mask is actually a bad idea.

Yes, but he was lying for our own good.

How are we supposed to know the lies from the truth?

Lefties know....just ask them. They follow the science...
Colin norris

Where you live now is irrelevant, you're nothing but eurotrash and always will be. Also you're just as big a hypocrite as the commiecrats featured in the OP. Now run along and abort yourself, make the country a better place.

Just so you know, it's a posting violation to post within the quote box of the person you're replying to. Do it again and I'll report you.

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Colin norris

Where you live now is irrelevant, you're nothing but eurotrash and always will be. Also you're just as big a hypocrite as the commiecrats featured in the OP. Now run along and abort yourself, make the country a better place.

Just so you know, it's a posting violation to post within the quote box of the person you're replying to. Do it again and I'll report you.
If your threat of reporting is the best you've got, you report me. You certainly tackle the big issues. You've got nothing. As if I'm intimidated by a boofhead like you. All immigrant Americans and their heritage are eorotrash. You not quite up to speed but quick to show your ignorance and xenophobia. Idiot.

You're argument is exhausted so you start on the personal attacks of heritage and grammar etc.
Stay away from this thread. You have nothing to offer humanity.
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