Lets say Romney reverses trend ....


Free Thinker
Sep 4, 2011
And Romney becomes the GOP candidate for Pres.

I have been thinking about this. I think I would vote for him (I stated earlier that I would stay home). I think the gains by the Tea Party will be enough to stop some of his more assinine ideas wheil still back his Budget Plans and other good ideas.

I think what the most important thing to remember for any Pub this year running for office is that this landslide will not be a massive endorsement for whatever his little pet project may be. We are not electing "Romneycare" we are kicking a failure out of office, a man that failed to understand that the american majority is tired of this bull thats been going on by both parties.

There will be enough of us in the House and Senate to put a stop to any pet projects that you think we voted for. We dont care about your pet projects, we care about fixing the debt, fixing the spending and fixing the job market ... All of which involve the exact same thing ... Shrinking government and getting it out of our hair

Ill vote for Romney if the other choice is Obama and then implore my representatives to stand firm in the face or pee-brained pet projects.

This is not about "Romney for Pres" or "Cain for Pres" or "Newt for Pres" .... Its about "Get that fool out of the Whitehouse and you get in there and fix it"
I think I prefer Romney to Perry. Perry is too much the crony capitalist type.

Romney has had the same support all through. The leaders change every single poll. Right now it is Cain, it was Perry, it was Paul, it was Bachman, It was Palin, It was Trump. But Romney keeps on plugging away at the same 17% level as always. It does show that what support he has is real. The support everyone else has is pretty flighty.
i'm curious. how is it reversing trend for romney to get the nomination? he's stayed pretty stable. no one has come near him. so i'm wondering what you're seeing that i'm not... other than a parade of flavors of the month.
Romney is stable, Newt and Cain have been rising sense the first debate ... its the difference between ... steady and rising

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