Let's Reform The Individual Mandate In ACA


Maybe if you click your heels together when you say "costs are irrelevant" it will become true!

Are you being intentionally obtuse here or are you actually that stupid? Who said costs are irrelevant? Show me the quote.

Keep trying. I quoted what you said for context. Defend your nonsense or keep deflecting. I don't give a crap because your argument is so unbelievably stupid.

Right. You are too stupid to engage further.
0.5% reduction with Malpractice reform represents a tiny, tiny portion of the cost of healthcare. I think you didn't understand the simple statement by the CBO or you chose to ignore it. This clearly demonstrates your overused talking point is just that, a weak talking point with zilch to back it up.

As I wrote, high malpractice insurnce premiums are one factor. That means there are many others. The CBO's predictions have never been correct. NEver.
I understand you have to challenge things that contradict your world view. But pick on a less informed, less skillful poster than me. Save everyone a lot of time.

You're over-rating yourself. My views on America's healthcare are supported by facts and I just happen to be part of that industry.
Regarding the CBO predictions, you may be right but that doesn't matter to either side of the aisle, they like what the CBO has to say when it supports their argument. There are plenty of studies that echo the CBO's report, just do a simple Google search. The cost of the entire malpractice scenario represents a very small portion of the overall cost of healthcare in America.
You do know that I have not supported Obamacare from the get-go because of the mandate, don't you? We actually agree on something. Crazy, huh? :cuckoo:
But I feel that America is seriously getting screwed over by our healthcare industry and that includes my employer.

Didnt you also claim you could read graphs?
I posted an article that said malpractice premiums accounted for 10% of spending. What source do you have to contradict that claim?

The entire tort culture contributes to those costs. As I said to my brother once, No doctor ever got sued because he ordered too many tests.
Are you being intentionally obtuse here or are you actually that stupid? Who said costs are irrelevant? Show me the quote.

Keep trying. I quoted what you said for context. Defend your nonsense or keep deflecting. I don't give a crap because your argument is so unbelievably stupid.

Right. You are too stupid to engage further.

Smart choice to claim victory and run away. Your argument is indefensibly stupid so you really have no other choice.
Keep trying. I quoted what you said for context. Defend your nonsense or keep deflecting. I don't give a crap because your argument is so unbelievably stupid.

Right. You are too stupid to engage further.

Smart choice to claim victory and run away. Your argument is indefensibly stupid so you really have no other choice.

Let's put it this way. Rabbi believes black people are incapable of being effective leaders of countries. He'll deny he ever said it, but the internet never forgets. True story.
Are you being intentionally obtuse here or are you actually that stupid? Who said costs are irrelevant? Show me the quote.

Keep trying. I quoted what you said for context. Defend your nonsense or keep deflecting. I don't give a crap because your argument is so unbelievably stupid.

Right. You are too stupid to engage further.

Considering I have owned you, if I am stupid, what's that make you?
I'm going to take the time to mark everything in red where you are doing screaming anger, but I'll leave actual arguments in black.

You're a lying bitch.

Ryan had a great plan for Medicare and what do you scumbags do?

You run an Ad depicting him pushing an old lady in a wheelchair off a cliff.

Fuck you. You and your entire party are the scum of the fucking earth.

Ah, good start. Sorry, it wasn't a good plan. It was a typical, "Let's comfort the comfortable and afflict the afflicted" kind of plan. Even Ryan knows that his "Rob from the Poor and give to the rich" stuff ain't flying with folks anymore.

We offered our own plans, you killed them. We offered to work with you, you LITERALLY locked us out of our House.

In your ignorant arrogance, you thought that you, and only you, had the right ideas.

Well, no, we wanted Single Payer Canadian Style Health Care. That's what "we" wanted. But we tried to work with you guys, made all sorts of concessions to even try to get ONE Republican vote, until it was pretty obvious that was futile.

Also, I don't think you know what the word "literally" means. They might have "figuratively" locked you out of the house, but they didn't actually close the doors and lock them with you on the outside.

Well guess what scumbag?

YOu're not nearly as smart as you thought were, are you?

And that's why you're going to see one of the biggest political routes in the Country's history come November.

I'm thinking as many as 15 Republican pickups in the Senate (10 is more likely) and another 25 - 30 in the House.

I tihnk you are delusional and the polls don't show anything like that. RCP shows that on average, Democrats are ahead in the generic ballot.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - 2014 Generic Congressional Vote

Now, you MIGHT make pickups because the Senate Map is skewed against the Democrats. So many Republicans were given the broom in 2008 that there's nowhere to get pickups. But please don't delude yourself into thinking that's an endorsement for your anger. This is the same mistake you made after 2010, and we saw how that worked out for you.

I'm also thinking that if the lying cocksucker in chief keeps up his lawless and unConstitutional bullshit that he will be the third dimocrap scumbag to be Impeached and the first to be removed from office.

Again, that's pretty unlikely.

Here's what you don't get, fuckface....

Many of us on the 'Right' are for the same things you're for. I WANT a serious Health Care Reform Plan.

But it has to be serious. And you can NOT look me in the eye and tell me that you're serious when you don't even address one of the worst parts of our system...... Legal abuse by the only people on Earth lower than Child Molesters -- Lawyers.

NOw you see, here's the problem. You've bought into shit you've heard on Hate Radio that all we need to do is Tort Reform (i.e. eliminate any redress patients have when incompetent health care givers kill and mangle them) and that will "fix" the system.

The CBO under REPUBLICANS found that even the most draconian Tort Reform would save 54 Billion over a ten year period. ANd that was a maximum estimate. BUt really, that only works out to about 5 billion a year when our annual spending on health care is a trillion dollars a year.

CBO Says Tort Reform Would Bring $54 Billion in Savings

So is a .5% reduction in costs really worth the decrease in quality of care when doctors figure, "Meh, I can skip that test, my total out of pocket will only be 250K!"

You don't even touch that and you exepct is to believe that you're serious about HC Reform?

You're a joke.

A pathetic joke. Your entire party needs to be extinguished from our Country.

Now go back to your OFA masters and tell them we're hip to their fucking lies

If you are like this in real life, you must not have any friends.
If you put up a polite meek front and are seething with this kind of anger, I figure you are a disaster looking for a place to happen. In either case, please get help.
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Who defends Medicare from lawsuits (A MAJOR cost in the private industry)???

First off, good luck suing the Federal Government. Second, if they do allow you to sue them, they defend the suit with DOJ Lawyers. Not Medicare Lawyers. If you win :)lmao:) the Treasury Dept pays, not Medicare.

What I'm saying is... Private Insurance carries ALL the costs of doing business itself. Nothing is hidden, everything is ou and up front.

But, I'm wasting my time talking to dimocraps. They're just too stupid to breathe the same air as I do

I think you are a little confused here...

(Sorry, not going to repeat your whole rant.)

If your doctor screws up and chops off the wrong leg, they aren't going to Sue Medicare, and they aren't going to sue Cigna or Blue Cross.

They are going to sue the Doctor who screwed up.

Now besides the fact you really think that medical costs are high because of malpractice suits, or the fear of malpractice, the fact is, that has very little to do with why costs are high. In fact, most people who have a case against their doctors for malpractice or negligence don't sue.

Who defends Medicare from lawsuits (A MAJOR cost in the private industry)???

First off, good luck suing the Federal Government. Second, if they do allow you to sue them, they defend the suit with DOJ Lawyers. Not Medicare Lawyers. If you win :)lmao:) the Treasury Dept pays, not Medicare.

What I'm saying is... Private Insurance carries ALL the costs of doing business itself. Nothing is hidden, everything is ou and up front.

But, I'm wasting my time talking to dimocraps. They're just too stupid to breathe the same air as I do

I think you are a little confused here...

(Sorry, not going to repeat your whole rant.)

If your doctor screws up and chops off the wrong leg, they aren't going to Sue Medicare, and they aren't going to sue Cigna or Blue Cross.

They are going to sue the Doctor who screwed up.

Now besides the fact you really think that medical costs are high because of malpractice suits, or the fear of malpractice, the fact is, that has very little to do with why costs are high. In fact, most people who have a case against their doctors for malpractice or negligence don't sue.

So you're saying that insurance companies never get sued, right? Like if they deny a claim or something.

Who defends Medicare from lawsuits (A MAJOR cost in the private industry)???

First off, good luck suing the Federal Government. Second, if they do allow you to sue them, they defend the suit with DOJ Lawyers. Not Medicare Lawyers. If you win :)lmao:) the Treasury Dept pays, not Medicare.

What I'm saying is... Private Insurance carries ALL the costs of doing business itself. Nothing is hidden, everything is ou and up front.

But, I'm wasting my time talking to dimocraps. They're just too stupid to breathe the same air as I do

I think you are a little confused here...

(Sorry, not going to repeat your whole rant.)

If your doctor screws up and chops off the wrong leg, they aren't going to Sue Medicare, and they aren't going to sue Cigna or Blue Cross.

They are going to sue the Doctor who screwed up.

Now besides the fact you really think that medical costs are high because of malpractice suits, or the fear of malpractice, the fact is, that has very little to do with why costs are high. In fact, most people who have a case against their doctors for malpractice or negligence don't sue.

So you're saying that insurance companies never get sued, right? Like if they deny a claim or something.

That wasn't the point the Poster was trying to make.

Do try to pay attention.
I think you are a little confused here...

(Sorry, not going to repeat your whole rant.)

If your doctor screws up and chops off the wrong leg, they aren't going to Sue Medicare, and they aren't going to sue Cigna or Blue Cross.

They are going to sue the Doctor who screwed up.

Now besides the fact you really think that medical costs are high because of malpractice suits, or the fear of malpractice, the fact is, that has very little to do with why costs are high. In fact, most people who have a case against their doctors for malpractice or negligence don't sue.

So you're saying that insurance companies never get sued, right? Like if they deny a claim or something.

That wasn't the point the Poster was trying to make.

Do try to pay attention.

Yeah actually it was. I'd suggest remedial reading but the problem is not reading but comprehension.
Ignorant we can educate
Crazy we can medicate
We can't fix stupid.
So you're saying that insurance companies never get sued, right? Like if they deny a claim or something.

That wasn't the point the Poster was trying to make.

Do try to pay attention.

Yeah actually it was. I'd suggest remedial reading but the problem is not reading but comprehension.
Ignorant we can educate
Crazy we can medicate
We can't fix stupid.

No, actually it wasn't. Of course, with that guy, half his posts are cursing people out and calling people names, but his point was that people were suing for malpractice, not a refusal to pay. Because he was going on and on about the "Tort Reform" rant.
Considering I have owned you, if I am stupid, what's that make you?


Just :eek: wow!

Not sure if that was irony in the post or just plain stupidity.

Obviously you have reading comprehension issues. I have easily blown you out of the water in every single debate we have had between each other. That means I have owned you. You called me stupid. Now if I am so stupid, then what are you? Certainly not as intelligent as say,,,me!
Now there are quite a few conservatives that I have great respect for on these boards. Unlike you, they aren't echo chambers of far right talking points, they think for themselves and demonstrate great usage of their grey matter. You? You are Mr. Talking Points using other people's train of thought
Here's an example of your great intelligence and during the process you make yourself into the joke of the thread. http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...progressives-don-t-have-a-sense-of-humor.html
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Just :eek: wow!

Not sure if that was irony in the post or just plain stupidity.

Obviously you have reading comprehension issues. I have easily blown you out of the water in every single debate we have had between each other. That means I have owned you. You called me stupid. Now if I am so stupid, then what are you? Certainly not as intelligent as say,,,me!
Now there are quite a few conservatives that I have great respect for on these boards. Unlike you, they aren't echo chambers of far right talking points, they think for themselves and demonstrate great usage of their grey matter. You? You are Mr. Talking Points using other people's train of thought
Here's an example of your great intelligence and during the process you make yourself into the joke of the thread. http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...progressives-don-t-have-a-sense-of-humor.html

I reply to a post by Bombur telling him he is too stupid to engage. And you think I'm talking to you. And you still haven't realized it.
I'd say the only thing you've blown out of the water is your own credibility.

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