Let's ditch term limits for Presidents

bush lover

Feb 18, 2005
The GOP put in term limits to keep any more FDRs from running so many times. But now, when we need our President Bush more than ever, he faces term limits. We still have time to gather up grass-roots support to rescind that amendment to the Constitution, so that our President can run again. He's only 60, and in very good health. Just think of the alternatives, McCain for example, a flip-flopping and sick old man, or Gingrich, a degenerate womanizer and home-wrecker, or Guilianni (ditto). Our President has and practices family values. He has kept us safe. He has saved our economy with tax cuts, free trade and a low dollar. Re-elect George W. Bush. He's one of us.
As entertaining it would be to watch the liberals poke their eyes out in stunned disbelief as President Bush won a third term, I dont think he would run even if it was repealed... i can just imagine how fun it would be to watch though.
The GOP put in term limits to keep any more FDRs from running so many times. But now, when we need our President Bush more than ever, he faces term limits. We still have time to gather up grass-roots support to rescind that amendment to the Constitution, so that our President can run again. He's only 60, and in very good health. Just think of the alternatives, McCain for example, a flip-flopping and sick old man, or Gingrich, a degenerate womanizer and home-wrecker, or Guilianni (ditto). Our President has and practices family values. He has kept us safe. He has saved our economy with tax cuts, free trade and a low dollar. Re-elect George W. Bush. He's one of us.

Somebody has been into the Kool-Aid.
The GOP put in term limits to keep any more FDRs from running so many times. But now, when we need our President Bush more than ever, he faces term limits. We still have time to gather up grass-roots support to rescind that amendment to the Constitution, so that our President can run again. He's only 60, and in very good health. Just think of the alternatives, McCain for example, a flip-flopping and sick old man, or Gingrich, a degenerate womanizer and home-wrecker, or Guilianni (ditto). Our President has and practices family values. He has kept us safe. He has saved our economy with tax cuts, free trade and a low dollar. Re-elect George W. Bush. He's one of us.

As entertaining it would be to watch the liberals poke their eyes out in stunned disbelief as President Bush won a third term, I dont think he would run even if it was repealed... i can just imagine how fun it would be to watch though.

I could only dream that Bush would run again. It would be an easy and uncontested victory for the Democrat candidate.
Instead of repealing the presidential term limits, we should enact them on all federal elected officials.
Instead of repealing the presidential term limits, we should enact them on all federal elected officials.

I disagree, reluctantly. See, I really think 'the people' should be able to elect whomever they wish, yes even Teddy, term after term, after term.

On the presidency, I have to agree with post FDR, 3 terms was one too many. 4 was stupid. The job is too demanding and George Washington was right, even when great, 8 years is enough.
I disagree, reluctantly. See, I really think 'the people' should be able to elect whomever they wish, yes even Teddy, term after term, after term.

On the presidency, I have to agree with post FDR, 3 terms was one too many. 4 was stupid. The job is too demanding and George Washington was right, even when great, 8 years is enough.

To me that appears to be an unfair double standard. The other issue is that "the people" don't get to elect whom they choose. They elect those that the two parties put out there. :huh:
This is too weird. Junior hasn't even won an election. The first one was handed to him via Scalia, the second one is riddled with dubious counts in Ohio.

A better idea would be to sent Junior and all his follwers to Iraq. Think of it as a place where all of you can smell the flowers together.
The GOP put in term limits to keep any more FDRs from running so many times. But now, when we need our President Bush more than ever, he faces term limits. We still have time to gather up grass-roots support to rescind that amendment to the Constitution, so that our President can run again. He's only 60, and in very good health. Just think of the alternatives, McCain for example, a flip-flopping and sick old man, or Gingrich, a degenerate womanizer and home-wrecker, or Guilianni (ditto). Our President has and practices family values. He has kept us safe. He has saved our economy with tax cuts, free trade and a low dollar. Re-elect George W. Bush. He's one of us.

Cute to see such faith. When you say "our Bush" and "our President" it has the ring of "Our Fuhrer".
Anyway there geewhiz and nuc: Are you going to comment on the topic or just make the same tired lame ABB nonsense everyone else does? I mean you could conceivable score some originality points if you tried discussion instead of auditioning for the person Mr. Engvall hands the sign to.
This is too weird. Junior hasn't even won an election. The first one was handed to him via Scalia, the second one is riddled with dubious counts in Ohio.

A better idea would be to sent Junior and all his follwers to Iraq. Think of it as a place where all of you can smell the flowers together.

:baby4: :sleepy1:
Cute to see such faith. When you say "our Bush" and "our President" it has the ring of "Our Fuhrer".

Please get some new material. You have lost three national elections (and a fourth one soon) because you keep running on hate.

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