Let's Allow More Peaceful Phuccking Muslims to Come into the U.S.


Gold Member
Nov 20, 2015
Luray, Virginia
God only knows they should be welcomed with open arms.
Phuckking Liberals - wake the fuck up!
The next box-truck drive by could be at one of your dumb-ass gay-lesbo pride parades. You know how much Islam loves the gays.

I don't think Trump needs any more help. BLM and the radical Islamic terrorists have given him all the help he needs if ya know what I mean! ROFLMAO.
I don't think Trump needs any more help. BLM and the radical Islamic terrorists have given him all the help he needs if ya know what I mean! ROFLMAO.
----------------------- agreed , course a little gravy on top can't hurt WTree !!
That **** Hillary (whose campaign is bought/paid for by Saudi Arabia) BRAGS that she's going to repeat Merkel's treason of bringing a million muslim inbred filth into this country! Even though it's filled Germany with a violent criminal CHILD RAPE EPIDEMIC!!! Regardless of one's political slant, Einstein's definition of madness is to keep repeating the same action and expect a different result. Ergo, since Islam causes nothing but murder, rape and destruction everywhere it's ever gone (for 1400 years), I'm honestly curious what fucking GOOD you expect from importing this religion to America?
Pisslam has a 1400 year, 100% track record of turning every society that it infests into 3rd-world, bloodthirsty, semi-literate mayhem. That's why not ONE liberal pig on this site can name me a single benefit to American society by importing these mass-cousin-inbreeding muslim animals. On our dime.
Trump will become our next president when the independents and anyone who isn't a hard core leftist loon sees the wisdom in not letting anymore of these sand monkeys in.

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