Let us talk rationally about biden


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
President Joe Biden is a shadow of his former self. Long gone is the aggressive, pugnacious, and partisan Democrat who mistreated Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas in the latter's confirmation hearings. Today, Americans see a president who is clearly mentally diminished and is getting worse on a daily basis.

Yes he certainly is diminished, but the voters got rid of a failed buffoon in Dumb Don. Prior to that we had eight years of the Fraud O, a warmongering corporatist controlled by Wall Street. Prior to that we had eight years of dumb W, yet another warmongering corporatist.

So, it only gets worse.

What a country!
Yes he certainly is diminished, but the voters got rid of a failed buffoon in Dumb Don. Prior to that we had eight years of the Fraud O, a warmongering corporatist controlled by Wall Street. Prior to that we had eight years of dumb W, yet another warmongering corporatist.

So, it only gets worse.

What a country!

Indeed, they did by running a illegitimate election driven by illegal voting, ballot harvesting, and the use of Dominion voting machines that were hacked and tabulated falsely in favor of the Democrats.
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I personally believe that since it took Biden 47 years to get where he is now, he may as well, make the best of what he has. Of course, making it worse than he probably didn't realize what he is doing now. Which means, it was either scratch that "Become President" off his bucket list. Or just remain in his basement for the for-seeable future. He figured, it was now or never.

Now if he actually won the nomination 47 years ago...I may have a different view of the guy. I don't know...maybe.
Wait till he has to sit down for 6 to 10 hours with Putin negotiating geo-politics..
Biden is by far the worst U.S President in my lifetime. I'm 50.
I wouldn't send him to the local shop with a shopping list.

America Last in Biden’s Bon-Bon New START Extension to Russia - Liberty Nation
Biden's Obama-style bumbling of foreign policy begins - Washington Times

I knew it wouldn't be long before Biden had to start repaying his debt to Russia.
Yes he certainly is diminished, but the voters got rid of a failed buffoon in Dumb Don. Prior to that we had eight years of the Fraud O, a warmongering corporatist controlled by Wall Street. Prior to that we had eight years of dumb W, yet another warmongering corporatist.

So, it only gets worse.

What a country!

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss...
I listen to Biden and hear a guy who can talk policy, unlike trump, who's not capable of any decent talk or thought. He's a guy that either insults others or brags about himself and his kiss asses on this forum think he's great, based on him telling them he's the greatest.
I listen to Biden and hear a guy who can talk policy, unlike trump, who's not capable of any decent talk or thought. He's a guy that either insults others or brags about himself and his kiss asses on this forum think he's the great, based on him telling them he's the greatest.
Biden talks through osmosis. Near 50 years there. You learn things just sitting around others. anyway him and Kamala should die. They were not elected.
Yes he certainly is diminished, but the voters got rid of a failed buffoon in Dumb Don. Prior to that we had eight years of the Fraud O, a warmongering corporatist controlled by Wall Street. Prior to that we had eight years of dumb W, yet another warmongering corporatist.

So, it only gets worse.

What a country!
And yet somehow we’ve managed to survive.
I listen to Biden and hear a guy who can talk policy, unlike trump, who's not capable of any decent talk or thought. He's a guy that either insults others or brags about himself and his kiss asses on this forum think he's great, based on him telling them he's the greatest.

He "talks" or rather repeats the policy you desire to hear.

Biden is about a stage and a half from a drooling carrot
Yes he certainly is diminished, but the voters got rid of a failed buffoon in Dumb Don. Prior to that we had eight years of the Fraud O, a warmongering corporatist controlled by Wall Street. Prior to that we had eight years of dumb W, yet another warmongering corporatist.

So, it only gets worse.

What a country!
And yet somehow we’ve managed to survive.
We are shipping our wealth overseas massaging the loss with larger government payments to individuals.
Mistreated Anita Hill is more like it.

Biden is far from a good person. He's a plutocrat lapdog and swamp monster, who has always been an awfully gaffe-prone public speaker. No need to embelish on that

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