Lessons From Sodom

I am nauseated by LibTard Orthodox Jews (They keep kosher and shabbos and memorize all the sports statistics but rarely learn any Torah at all) who will always claim a criminal was tricked into committing a crime.
There seems to be no cure for this mental illness.

"To add insult to injury, well-intentioned Christians will often attempt to comfort the families of murder victims by suggesting that “God works in mysterious ways” as if He were somehow responsible for allowing the murder to occur. However, God has clearly revealed that He has made man responsible for the righteous execution of judgment. Therefore God is not at fault for man’s failure to obey His Law that then results in the growth of criminal behavior and the enormous volume of human suffering it leaves in its wake."

In full disclosure, I beleive that there is another 'force' active and sinister, in the sort of behavior we are addressing, and that the Democrat Party serves that 'force.'
So, PoliticalChic, if you are now holding political power what would you do about homosexuals?


I don’t call myself a Liberal…I’m a conservative…but I am far more liberal than any Leftist because I’m an American, with American values, and those values are about individual liberty and freedom and the American ethic and the Bill of Rights and the Constitution and the privileges bestowed by God, not by the state.

The other side views everything as bestowed by the power of the state because, in their mind, they were responsible for the death of God long ago.

Everyone who votes Democrat may not be quite as far as the fringe radicals who have taken over their party, but they certainly are what Lenin called ‘useful idiots.’
There are rules. There are exceptions to rules. It takes self-discipline to follow the rules. This is why everyone wants to be the exception to the rule. Yet it is in discipline that we free ourselves and in the lack of discipline we bind ourselves to limitations, never achieving what we could.

The bible in Exodus 35:2 states that anyone who works on the sabbath shall be put to death, but let look at reality. In America today, we have a bunch of stores working on the sabbath when they are clear breaking one of God's laws.

Bible also says that tattoos are a abomination unto the lord, Lev 19:28
The bible in Exodus 35:2 states that anyone who works on the sabbath shall be put to death, but let look at reality. In America today, we have a bunch of stores working on the sabbath when they are clear breaking one of God's laws.

Bible also says that tattoos are a abomination unto the lord, Lev 19:28
These laws are only effective when the Temple is operational.
The Sanhedrin saw things were so bad that they disbanded rather put people to death.
The bible in Exodus 35:2 states that anyone who works on the sabbath shall be put to death, but let look at reality. In America today, we have a bunch of stores working on the sabbath when they are clear breaking one of God's laws.

Bible also says that tattoos are a abomination unto the lord, Lev 19:28
God's laws have purpose. In Exodus, even the animals were given a day of rest. The work day was pretty much dawn to dusk, and for most it included a lot of physical labor for both man and beast. Most have eight hour work days and there is a lot less physical labor. Jesus taught that the Sabbath was made for man--in Biblical times, it was needed much more than today. Perhaps understood was, "Thou shalt work six days a week. Only one day of rest."

Are you aware that in Biblical times, man would tattoo another a brand that the tattooed man belonged to the other. Mankind belongs to God alone. It may well have been that what offended God were men claiming other men as their own when God created all men free.

Some would cut themselves as signs of mourning, and this was forbidden along with tattoos. That may have been to discourage cutting, much as we discourage teens today from cutting themselves. It does harm.
The bible in Exodus 35:2 states that anyone who works on the sabbath shall be put to death, but let look at reality. In America today, we have a bunch of stores working on the sabbath when they are clear breaking one of God's laws.

Bible also says that tattoos are a abomination unto the lord, Lev 19:28

Are you serious????

a. This is not a theocracy
b. The Judeo-Christian faith has undergone a reformation, with the center of the faith, free will, on display
c. One would hope that the other major religion is undergoing the same, and will move away from the title 'submission.'
d. The Old Testament specifically only hints at an afterlife so that adherents will have to make their own decisions on how to live.
e. Just as America's Founder used the Bible as a guide, so it is today.
Especially when Ezekiel said it was greed and inhospitality to strangers that got those two cities in trouble.

quite right. not to mention the fact that fundies always use sodom & gomorrah as a reason & defense to thump against the homogays; but always - ALWAYS fail to include the part where lot had sex with his daughters. hmmmmm.... besides their complete hypocrisy with the pick & choose bible proselytizing - perhaps they actually believe that homosexuality is worse than incest?
The bible in Exodus 35:2 states that anyone who works on the sabbath shall be put to death, but let look at reality. In America today, we have a bunch of stores working on the sabbath when they are clear breaking one of God's laws.

Bible also says that tattoos are a abomination unto the lord, Lev 19:28

so is eating shrimp.

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