Less then half think the right is to blame


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
Americans were polled about the violence in Charlottesville, and the answers are ugly

That's right less then half of America thinks that the right is solely to blame for the violence. Most think that the counter protestors are to blame also. And we have seen why, they violently attacked the right some using improvised flame throwers Bats clubs and pepper spray. They blocked the legal protest march path and assaulted the protestors that had a LEGAL right to be there.
Americans were polled about the violence in Charlottesville, and the answers are ugly

That's right less then half of America thinks that the right is solely to blame for the violence. Most think that the counter protestors are to blame also. And we have seen why, they violently attacked the right some using improvised flame throwers Bats clubs and pepper spray. They blocked the legal protest march path and assaulted the protestors that had a LEGAL right to be there.
Never are.

  • A jury in Columbia County found David Elliot Moran, left, and Charles Thomas Newcomb guilty of conspiracy to commit first degree murder after they were caught discussing their plans to kill a black inmate in retaliation for a scuffle with another guard who, like them, belonged to the Ku Klux Klan.
  • [Alachua County Jail via AP (2015)]
    Two former prison guards in Florida who were members of the Ku Klux Klan have been convicted of plotting to kill a black inmate in retaliation for a scuffle with another guard who also belonged to the hate group.

  • A jury in Columbia County found David Elliot Moran and Charles Thomas Newcomb guilty of conspiracy to commit first degree murder after they were caught discussing their plans with an FBI informant, the state attorney general announced Tuesday.
  • Newcomb, Moran and Driver told an FBI informant who had infiltrated the group that Driver had gotten into a “physical altercation” with the inmate, according to a partially redacted affidavit released to reporters at the time of their arrests.
  • Newcomb, who identified himself as the “Exalted Cyclops” of the Klan chapter, told Moran and the informant that they could shoot the former inmate if the plan went awry, according to the transcript.
Two former prison guards in Florida who were members of the Ku Klux Klan have been convicted of plotting to kill a black inmate in retaliation for a scuffle with another guard who also belonged to the hate group.

Former Florida prison guards in KKK convicted of plotting to kill a black inmate - Tampa News
So murderers and murderers to be in prison are now indicative of trump supporters. Rofl. You guys are so desperate it is hilarious.
If you commies insist on using violence to shut down any opposing discourse, what do you expect? At some point, we're ALSO gonna be done talking. Just remember--you started it.
That's odd, since this poll says most people see Rump's spin (and the poll was conducted both before and after the Tuesday meltdown) as bullshit.

>> A majority of Americans think that President Trump blaming both sides for violence at a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va., is inaccurate, according to a CBS poll released Thursday.

The poll, which began surveying respondents the day before Trump’s controversial press conference Tuesday, found that people were more disapproving of Trump after the conference.

Fifty-five percent said that where Trump placed blame for the violence at the rally was inaccurate, compared to 35 percent who said they thought the president was accurate, according to the poll. <<
The same poll found that respondents feel Rump's policies have encouraged racial division (44%) rather than racial unity (12%).

Wassup with the polls anyway? Has it suddenly become OK to trust polls again? Or only when it suits where you want it to go?

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