Lesbian activist’s surprisingly candid speech: Gay marriage fight is a ‘lie’

Does she want to do away with marriage as a legal contract or as holy matrimony?

I've always thought this was just a front to force their life styles on the churches by forcing them to marry gay couples or get sued out of existence.

how do you think that would happen?
Has everyone disremembered Sandra Fluke?

Who knew who she was before her last condom broke?

Sandra Fluke is a Dyke, the only thing she uses condoms for is a political lie or waterballons.
One has to question the viability of an institution with a 50% failure rate.

What's the leading cause of divorce?


Number 2

Women, cuz bitches be crazy.
The most common causes are lack of communications, laziness, and unrealistic expectations. There are just a lot of people that should have never got married.

For the 50% who stay married, I wonder what percent of those marriages are dysfunction and are held together because of economic necessity. In my opinion, society shouldn't push people young people toward marriage. It should be an option for those that feel totally committed to one another regardless of sex.
Does she want to do away with marriage as a legal contract or as holy matrimony?

I've always thought this was just a front to force their life styles on the churches by forcing them to marry gay couples or get sued out of existence.

The 14th Amendment applies only to public sector entities, not private organizations such as religious institutions.

Equal protection rights have nothing to do with ‘forcing’ anything on anyone, it concerns only due process and equal access to the law.

Consequently, religious institutions can’t be ‘sued’ for refusing to marry a same-sex couple; your perception of those seeking equal protection rights as some sort of ‘front’ is predicated on ignorance of, and animus towards, homosexuals.
This reminds me of Republicans reactions when they first heard of Ben Carson.

Wow, you guys find one crackpot and we now have earth shattering news, lmao! This would be funny if it weren't so sad.

Then why were the lefties applauding when a single Bush admin guy came out against Bush??

The key is here that there is more of an agenda than just equality in things like taxes, visitation in hospitals, etc... and this has been stated time and time again

Or when one or two republican donors came out in favor of gay marriage. or the occaisonal Republican gun control idiot is pointed out...

Yes. They speak for thousands.
Does she want to do away with marriage as a legal contract or as holy matrimony?

I've always thought this was just a front to force their life styles on the churches by forcing them to marry gay couples or get sued out of existence.

how do you think that would happen?

2 gays want a church wedding, church says no, gays claim it's discrimination, sue the church, church either concedes, and liberals screech "see, knew they were all hypocrites" or the church ponies up and either closes, b/c it will get sued again, which causes liberals to screech "new all they cared about was money" or they stop weddings which allows more liberal screeching of about how unimportant marriage is.
One person said one thing...Well that's the end of that whole discussion aint it

Its more evidence of what liberals believe....they are not honest..the deceive to ge their way...obamacare was gonna cost less...only morons like you bought that
Does she want to do away with marriage as a legal contract or as holy matrimony?

I've always thought this was just a front to force their life styles on the churches by forcing them to marry gay couples or get sued out of existence.

how do you think that would happen?

2 gays want a church wedding, church says no, gays claim it's discrimination, sue the church, church either concedes, and liberals screech "see, knew they were all hypocrites" or the church ponies up and either closes, b/c it will get sued again, which causes liberals to screech "new all they cared about was money" or they stop weddings which allows more liberal screeching of about how unimportant marriage is.
The gay marriage movement is about changing state laws to legalize a marriage contract between gays. The decision to allow gays to marry in the church is a church issue, not a legal one. Churches can refuse to do interracial marriage, gay marriage, or marriages outside the faith. Churches are private entities. Although conservatives try to make the gay marriage issue a religious issue it's not. It's a legal issue.
how do you think that would happen?

2 gays want a church wedding, church says no, gays claim it's discrimination, sue the church, church either concedes, and liberals screech "see, knew they were all hypocrites" or the church ponies up and either closes, b/c it will get sued again, which causes liberals to screech "new all they cared about was money" or they stop weddings which allows more liberal screeching of about how unimportant marriage is.
The gay marriage movement is about changing state laws to legalize a marriage contract between gays. The decision to allow gays to marry in the church is a church issue, not a legal one. Churches can refuse to do interracial marriage, gay marriage, or marriages outside the faith. Churches are private entities. Although conservatives try to make the gay marriage issue a religious issue it's not. It's a legal issue.
just to be clear, I support gays getting married. and honestly I assumed that they could, just not in a church.


You know as well as I do, that the left has a deep seated hate for religion and you know as well as I do that many will be pushing for this.

and I know from history, that the left never fucking ever stops, it's never satisfied.
Does she want to do away with marriage as a legal contract or as holy matrimony?

I've always thought this was just a front to force their life styles on the churches by forcing them to marry gay couples or get sued out of existence.

how do you think that would happen?

2 gays want a church wedding, church says no, gays claim it's discrimination, sue the church, church either concedes, and liberals screech "see, knew they were all hypocrites" or the church ponies up and either closes, b/c it will get sued again, which causes liberals to screech "new all they cared about was money" or they stop weddings which allows more liberal screeching of about how unimportant marriage is.

I totally get what you are saying. The same thing happened when interracial marriages became legal. Churches were sued if they didn't marry interracial couples. Churches were sued when they didn't marry interfaith couples.


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