Lenient Donald: "I have a big heart, but if need be, I would drop a nuclear weapon in Europe!"

another home run!

So if the bomb needed to be dropped, would you rather have a president with the balls to do it or a president who would wait to see how it would play in the polls? That's the choice you have in this election, either a real person like Trump or a person manufactured by image consultants like Clinton? Trump has a record of success in several industries and in projects all around the world. Clinton has shown herself to be corrupt and incompetent in every job she has ever had and has failed at every job she has ever had. If you care about America, you will vote for Trump.
I'll tell you guys what. I announce my run for president, and the cornerstone of my platform is that I promise NOT to nuke Germany.

Now, that wasn't so hard, was it?
How many suitcase nuke bombs will you tolerate before you retaliate, or do you just bring out the white flag? And we aren't talking about Pearl Harbor. We are talking about Cuba/Russia, Iran, Syria, North Korea and China coordinating our demise.
They hit LA, Chicago, New York and DC within hours of each other.
What is your next step?
Of course North Korea would never do that, nor would Russia or Iran... but hypothetically, what would you do?
Wonderful Donald has asked if we had enough radioactive
material for bombs on hand to do what needs to be done when he is our leader.
I wonder if Donald could get the nuclear code changed to his birthday or SSI# or the name of his first pet? That would sure streamline things.

I heard tonight that he only would need about 12 minutes
to wipe out a whole bunch of folks once he enters the launch codes....
THIS MAN CAN NEVER BE PRESIDENT. He could easily start a confrontation that could end civilizatiin as we know it. He scares the crap out of many people...obviously from his 18% chance of winning the WH.

The damage he has done to the Republican party will take generations to undo.
How many suitcase nuke bombs will you tolerate before you retaliate, or do you just bring out the white flag? And we aren't talking about Pearl Harbor. We are talking about Cuba/Russia, Iran, Syria, North Korea and China coordinating our demise.
They hit LA, Chicago, New York and DC within hours of each other.
What is your next step?
Of course North Korea would never do that, nor would Russia or Iran... but hypothetically, what would you do?

...so that is why he won't rule out nuking Europe?
Every freaking democrat president in modern history, with the possible exception of Hussein, said the same thing. Harry Truman actually did it and JFK brought us to DEFCON #2 for the only time in history (thank God).

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