
Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2010
I have mixed feelings on this. I'm very glad to see someone like Brit Hume speaking out against the shutdown. On the other hand, I don't agree with his take on Fauci and Birx or his portrayal of the shutdown as as a well-intended "mistake." It was not a mere mistake, it was deliberate, and not for the reasons we were given. But that's a topic for another thread. For now I just wanted to share this.

I have mixed feelings on this. I'm very glad to see someone like Brit Hume speaking out against the shutdown. On the other hand, I don't agree with his take on Fauci and Birx or his portrayal of the shutdown as as a well-intended "mistake." It was not a mere mistake, it was deliberate, and not for the reasons we were given. But that's a topic for another thread. For now I just wanted to share this.

Every day I see a few more signs of common sense creeping in.
My $.02 is that they've broken capitalism here


Yeah, there is so much more going on than many seem to realize. I've been saying over and over that the world is being changed, and this plannedemic is a tool to move the world one step close to the NWO. We're heading towards not only a new system of government but a new monetary system, a surveillance state, the destruction of individual rights and privacy, the list goes on. But it seems no one cares, the apathy is deafening. People (on this site at least) are too busy bickering about partisan politics, completely missing the bigger picture.
Well there is no doubt that regardless of how all of this crisis has unfolded, the left is going to use it to create a long term strategy that will manifest in a much more socialistic nation. It was heading there anyway, but this is likely to speed up the process ten fold.
The banking cabal of an ethnic group I won't name, are thrilled to be collecting future interest money on an additional 3 trillion dollars. ... :cool:


I'm sure the Amish people are very happy.



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