Leftists Freak Out at the Thought of Cameras Exposing Fanatical CRT Teachers

I try to start every debate off that way... even with the trolls... but yes I am guilty of letting my decorum devolve
I am the same in both ways myself
I've seen your reasonable side and think you are capable of making good points. But sometimes you really piss me off. :) Now answer my damn question about the CRT curriculum... is it valid to teach in school if used in context to the first 100 years??
I think I have answered that already

Teaching an unbiased history of slavery and Jim Crow is ok

But that is quite different from CRT which is aimed at demonizing whites starting with the Pilgrims up to little johnny entering kindergarten in the fall
The demonizing whites element is political hyperbole. I haven't seen that yet in anything that the Theory or Schools have presented. The only text that you've posted is that britanica summary but you admit that it is an accurate depiction of how our institutions were originally set up. So is there another element that would make you object to CRT being taught in regards to early history? We can get into modern times later but I want to establish whether you think its valid in education for early history... If not then please explain why...
When teachers start telling their classes that the reason we broke away from England back in the 1700's was to perpetuate an economy based on slavery it's laughably incorrect. That isn't "history"...that's a political narrative with the goal of achieving a political goal!
Do you think that the laws and institutions that were created at the founding of our country perpetuated a racist society and discriminatory economy?
The laws and institutions that were created at the founding or our country were some of the LEAST racist and discriminatory of any country on the planet! Claiming they aren't is ridiculous! Look at what America was at that time compared to every other nation. We didn't become a symbol of opportunity because we were so racist and discriminatory...we became that because we were a place where people weren't held down by class.
This is an amazing statement... You know that slavery was legal and black people weren't even counted to have a full vote while women had no right to vote... This was our legal system and you think that is not racist or discriminatory?! That had no effect on how blacks and women fit in society?! Come on man. I don't care what anybody else was doing, that makes zero difference. We are talking about how our institutions effected our society and the people living within it throughout history. Please take another thought through this one and try again.
You don't care what anybody else was doing? You're a blinders wearing partisan then! Of course it matters what everybody else was doing! The truth is that we were far more progressive than most of the rest of the world! When you "teach" a history that doesn't take something like that into context then you're teaching a distorted truth!
No it doesn’t matter at all what anybody else was doing. That’s the dumbest argument I’ve heard today. If you and a bunch of friends are out causing trouble and your friends are all raping and murdering while you are stealing cars and breaking windows. Your crime isn’t as bad as theirs but you’re still committing crimes you’re still committing offenses and you’re still going to need to atone for those offenses. Try going to court and telling the judge that what you were doing was not as bad as what everybody else was doing therefore it’s not a big deal. See what kind of reaction you get
With all due respect...context means everything! If I'm stealing cars and everyone else is raping and murdering it's ridiculous to say that I'm as bad or worse than they are! Your own argument falls on it's face with even the most cursory of examinations!
You’re right, which is why I’m not saying we were as bad or worse than other countries. I’m saying that our institutions, laws and society were discriminatory and they impacted a large amount of people. Just because other countries were worse, doesn’t mean what we didn’t wasn’t wrong or worthy of critique
The fact that we were far better than most other countries means what then, Slade? I've never claimed that we weren't racist or discriminatory but what people need to understand is that in many ways America led the rest of the world OUT of racism and discrimination!
That’s fine, we can and should and have celebrated that perspective. But we have also ignored the damage that was done and there is nothing wrong with putting a light on that.

You may have helped save some of the victims that you’re friends were out there trying to murder but that doesn’t mean you should pay the people back and atone for the cars you stole and windows you broke
When you "put a light" on one perspective yet refuse to admit the context in which it took place you're not being honest, Slade! I'm not ignoring anything. I've said all along that there was racism and discrimination throughout the history of America. The thing that makes America stand out among so many other countries is how we evolved from that nation into one that elects a black man as President and revere black sports stars and celebrities.

What is the purpose of CRT? How does it make things better now? Does it improve the lives of blacks? Or does it simply sow division?
It sows division when people try so hard to ignore and deny realities of our history. You give quick acknowledgments that the things CRT puts a light on actually happened which is better than most… but then you quickly make excuses and want to go back to the whitewashed history that we grew up with. That’s fine for white and rich people but If you have been paying attention over the past couple years there is a loss of patience in the black community and those who sympathize with their plight
You didn't answer my questions, Slade! Is teaching CRT to a generation of young Americans going to improve the "plight" of blacks in urban America? How so?

I would make the argument that it's 60 plus years of having the left try to "fix" urban America that has led the black community in our cities to the plight they now find themselves in! Liberal policies haven't gotten rid of racism or poverty and God knows they haven't made life for blacks in urban wastelands any better! Perhaps we should spend time examining where we went wrong with THOSE things instead of wasting time further dividing the country with things like CRT!
There are many that attack CRT by pointing to the way our countries founding set up institutions that were inherently racist and then analyze the effects it had on black society, culture and development.
Lib teachers are telling children that our institutions are racist NOW

And that is a lie that does great harm to the children
Liberal teachers are telling white children that they and their parents are racist...no matter what. THAT is what does great harm! And if you contest that...then you are automatically branded a racist for defending yourself against the charge of being a racist! It borders on farce!
Very negative of you. Perhaps kids will behave better and teachers will be able to teach and get through to kids as there will be repercussions. ...
Most students who "act out" have parents who are unlikely to watch any such video (for a number of reasons, and that is IF they have family around to watch). Even the most conscientious parents, and even if they expressed support this idea (which will never happen) would run out of steam pretty quickly and you would be left with unwatched streaming and a bunch of richer lawyers.

That might tame some of the antics of students if they know they are being montored...
That is when some students take the opportunity to show their ass if they know someone might be watching. Why do you people not understand that teachers know fully well that this idea is a waste of time, money, and effort?
Teachers do disagree.
You are not a teacher, so you don't get to decide.
then you are automatically branded a racist for defending yourself against the charge of being a racist! It borders on farce!
I think we are seeing the 2021 version of the French Revolution where insanity was the order of the day
That is when some students take the opportunity to show their ass if they know someone might be watching.
You are describing the modern classroom that liberals such as the ACLU imposed on America

If you cannot control your students then that is a fundamental flaw in education that should be dealt with instead of brainwashing them with CRT
I try to start every debate off that way... even with the trolls... but yes I am guilty of letting my decorum devolve
I am the same in both ways myself
I've seen your reasonable side and think you are capable of making good points. But sometimes you really piss me off. :) Now answer my damn question about the CRT curriculum... is it valid to teach in school if used in context to the first 100 years??
I think I have answered that already

Teaching an unbiased history of slavery and Jim Crow is ok

But that is quite different from CRT which is aimed at demonizing whites starting with the Pilgrims up to little johnny entering kindergarten in the fall
The demonizing whites element is political hyperbole. I haven't seen that yet in anything that the Theory or Schools have presented. The only text that you've posted is that britanica summary but you admit that it is an accurate depiction of how our institutions were originally set up. So is there another element that would make you object to CRT being taught in regards to early history? We can get into modern times later but I want to establish whether you think its valid in education for early history... If not then please explain why...
When teachers start telling their classes that the reason we broke away from England back in the 1700's was to perpetuate an economy based on slavery it's laughably incorrect. That isn't "history"...that's a political narrative with the goal of achieving a political goal!
What teacher is telling that...........besides it being right in the Dec of Ind?

A Twitter thread read on air by Tucker Carlson ostensibly was about 2020 election media manipulation, but it reflects a broader awakening to institutional rot that is playing out state by state, school district by school district, and school by school. CRT is the cultural battle of our time.
10 Jul 2021 ~~ By William A. Jacobson
I don’t always get predictions correct, but back in 2017 I was spot on in predicting the situation we are in now, with the loss of almost every major institution to ideological exploitation from the left.
The occasion of that prediction was my annual anniversary post for that year, Legal Insurrection is 9 years old, and filled with dread:
Last year I noted that while it was a difficult year personally, I was optimistic. That’s been one of my roles over the years, keeping hope alive. But there’s no pep talk this year. Just dread….
Imagine living in a repressive country in which the government blocked access to and suppressed internet content. You don’t need to move. It’s coming here but from private industry. This is, in many ways, more dangerous than government suppression of free speech because at least in the U.S. the government is subject to the First Amendment, and can be voted out of office.
I don’t know if there are any uncorrupted institutions left that matter. The education system, from public grade school through public and private higher ed, is gone. The frontal assault on free speech on campuses is the result. If you think this is just a Humanities and Social Sciences problem, stay tuned. In 3-5 years, if we’re still here, we’ll be writing about how the social justice warriors have corrupted the STEM fields. It’s happening now, it’s just not in the headlines yet.
There is a rising tide of absolutism in ideas and enforcement of ideological uniformity that is palpable. I feel it in the air, even at Cornell which is far from the worst….
Even language as a means of communication is corrupted, with terminology manipulated and coerced to achieve political ends. It started on campuses, and it’s moved into the AP stylebook and the mainstream.
The press could stand as a bulwark against this slide, but it too is corrupted. The greatest threat to freedom of the press is not Donald Trump’s bloviating about FCC licenses (which has been a favorite threat traditionally of Democrats), but the mainstream press itself which has abdicated even the pretense of neutrality and joined #TheResistance….
So I’m thinking through what it will mean to live without institutions.
Heading quickly towards the list of corrupted institutions is much of K-12, and the military, which under Biden is starting to rot from the head.

In 2017, I was filled with dread. I wish I had been wrong.
Perhaps people have finally woken up, or perhaps better phrased, awakened up.
If the national teachers unions and the activists who now inhabit the Biden administration have their way, things are going to get much worse. Don’t let them win. The fight against CRT and its offshoots is the great cultural battle of our time, the politics will follow.

As usual Prof Jacobson delivers a cogent and logical treatise, in this case CRT... Jacobson included the The Martyrmade Twitter thread that was powerful. I saw it yesterday afternoon and am amazed at how it has “gone viral”. It has hit a chord. I don’t know who Darryl Cooper is, but he is also onto something.
Cooper exposes the brainwashing in Public Leftist Seminaries that are our schools I worry will be the demise of the country.
Soon every school kid will be carting around a little red book denouncing adults to be racists or supremacists including their parents and demanding self confessions of racism from white people they corner.

You feel that CRT is going to be the demise of our country?!

Seriously man, something is wrong with you. Urine too deep. Go get some fresh air

You feel that CRT is going to be the demise of our country?

Seriously man, something is wrong with you. Urine too deep. Go get some fresh air


Dont laugh off what happens when a country breaks down into irreparable factions fighting among themselves
That breakdown you speak of is not because of CRT. The war on CRT is a product of the hyperpoliticized partisan wing nuts. They (you included) sensationalize everything and demonize your opponents. Been doing it for decades but Trump poured gasoline all over it. The problem isn't CRT, its our inability to talk to each other and the utter dishonesty that our media, leaders and now citizens use to discuss political topics.

With all due respect Slade...the left isn't interested in talking to others about political topics...they want free rein to put forth their view of the world but have decided that any viewpoint that contradicts that view is somehow "dangerous" to the mental health and well being of students!

This is further proof you did not read the thread,

It seems your "stock" answers to anyone who doesn't see eye to eye with you, Swab is to accuse them of either being a pedophile or of not having read the thread! Kind of lazy on your part!

I've read the thread...I simply disagree with the left's premise that what they now want to teach our kids isn't propaganda. The truth is, liberals have taken over education and they're reluctant to cede control of education to anyone else. If todays students get bombarded with one side of an argument long enough...they won't even know that there is another side!

I just want somebody to point to anything specific about what they think is being taught that is propaganda... Can you do that?

I just did. According to CRT dogma...it was slavery that made the Americas break away from Great Britain.

Show us where the CRT curriculum (dogma?) states that. A quote would be nice.
I try to start every debate off that way... even with the trolls... but yes I am guilty of letting my decorum devolve
I am the same in both ways myself
I've seen your reasonable side and think you are capable of making good points. But sometimes you really piss me off. :) Now answer my damn question about the CRT curriculum... is it valid to teach in school if used in context to the first 100 years??
I think I have answered that already

Teaching an unbiased history of slavery and Jim Crow is ok

But that is quite different from CRT which is aimed at demonizing whites starting with the Pilgrims up to little johnny entering kindergarten in the fall
The demonizing whites element is political hyperbole. I haven't seen that yet in anything that the Theory or Schools have presented. The only text that you've posted is that britanica summary but you admit that it is an accurate depiction of how our institutions were originally set up. So is there another element that would make you object to CRT being taught in regards to early history? We can get into modern times later but I want to establish whether you think its valid in education for early history... If not then please explain why...
When teachers start telling their classes that the reason we broke away from England back in the 1700's was to perpetuate an economy based on slavery it's laughably incorrect. That isn't "history"...that's a political narrative with the goal of achieving a political goal!
Do you think that the laws and institutions that were created at the founding of our country perpetuated a racist society and discriminatory economy?
The laws and institutions that were created at the founding or our country were some of the LEAST racist and discriminatory of any country on the planet! Claiming they aren't is ridiculous! Look at what America was at that time compared to every other nation. We didn't become a symbol of opportunity because we were so racist and discriminatory...we became that because we were a place where people weren't held down by class.
Native Americans are laughing at your post.
Has America been racist in the past? Of course! Are we racist now? If you listened to the left you'd think Bull Connor was roaming the streets with dogs and fire hoses and men in white sheets are lynching blacks from every tree in sight! Yet somehow we just elected a black man to two terms as President? I'm sorry but America IS the land of opportunity for people of color! The opportunity is there...but people like George Floyd could care less.
Apparently you believe it's ONLY racism if "Bull Connor was roaming the streets with dogs and fire hoses, etc."
lI'm asking the question over and over because I'm looking for a straight on topic answer not a evasive answer and pivot to attack the left.
The left deserves to be attacked when it engages in brainwashing young white children

You are deflecting by only talking about the past and refusing to discuss the present
You cool with schools brainwashing young minority children?
So...a member of a private school is giving his opinion about an anti-racist curriculum....not noticing actual quotes from that curriculum,

just his opinion on what it does.........
His informed opinion as the headmaster of the school
Very negative of you. Perhaps kids will behave better and teachers will be able to teach and get through to kids as there will be repercussions. ...
Most students who "act out" have parents who are unlikely to watch any such video (for a number of reasons, and that is IF they have family around to watch). Even the most conscientious parents, and even if they expressed support this idea (which will never happen) would run out of steam pretty quickly and you would be left with unwatched streaming and a bunch of richer lawyers.

That might tame some of the antics of students if they know they are being montored...
That is when some students take the opportunity to show their ass if they know someone might be watching. Why do you people not understand that teachers know fully well that this idea is a waste of time, money, and effort?
Teachers do disagree.
You are not a teacher, so you don't get to decide.
I am a taxpayer so I do.
I'm not fine with politicizing the schools more than they already are
If the teachers have nothing to hide then they have nothing to fear

But bad teachers should be worried about cameras on the classroom
It doesn’t have anything to do with teachers hiding stuff. It has to do with a clogged up Bureaucracy. This clogs it up even more.

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