Leftists decisively end the canard the violence came from the right


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2010
Anyone who watched the tapes of the violent attacks on Trump rallies or listened to the black cops saying it was the leftist protesters who were violent and scary already knew this. But now that the election is over and the violence and intolerance from the left is growing, it takes a real brain dead leftist zombie to continue to try to peddling the lie it's a RW problem now.

What is even scarier is that even when a small government libertarian wants to speak at Berkeley, the media makes up pure lies about him being a white supremacist to try to justify the leftist hatred, and the rest of you are silent to it. At what point would you stop? Seriously, you are silently OK with leftists shutting down free speech across the country? That doesn't scare you into realizing what a threat this is becoming?

I am not calling you Nazis like the violent leftists committing assaults, but you are the silent German masses who let the Nazis grow by sitting in silence while they blamed the Jews and other groups for their actions. You are how it happened, and you would let it happen here apparently as there is no point so far you will stop and say to your own side, enough! So far you're not even blinking an eye.

At what point would leftist violence become an issue for you? Ever?
The right was told to stop hitting anti-Trumpers at the Trump rallies or else.

You snowflakes started crying and htting.

And you are not hitting but really crying.
Of course liberals would rather trash a campus and physically assault people, rather than listen to what a gay Jew that likes black men has to say. The Jew hating, homophobic, fascist leftists will do as they are told. Time to lock up the violent animals and throw away the key.
Of course liberals would rather trash a campus and physically assault people, rather than listen to what a gay Jew that likes black men has to say. The Jew hating, homophobic, fascist leftists will do as they are told. Time to lock up the violent animals and throw away the key.

I hope at some point Trump starts shutting off funding for leftists so called schools of higher learning that don't protect their students from speaking if they aren't going to endorse leftist hatred. Berkeley was sick. The video and people who were there said the police did virtually nothing to stop the violent leftist assaults and destruction
Of course liberals would rather trash a campus and physically assault people, rather than listen to what a gay Jew that likes black men has to say. The Jew hating, homophobic, fascist leftists will do as they are told. Time to lock up the violent animals and throw away the key.

I hope at some point Trump starts shutting off funding for leftists so called schools of higher learning that don't protect their students from speaking if they aren't going to endorse leftist hatred. Berkeley was sick. The video and people who were there said the police did virtually nothing to stop the violent leftist assaults and destruction

That would be in keeping with our societal trajectory of dumbing down the masses and abandoning public education for all. Other advanced nations invest in their societies and in having healthy and educated citizens which can only promote a society’s global competitiveness. We seem to work harder at having an unhealthy and dumbed down population and would rather redistribute wealth into the hands of the aristocracy instead of investing in our society.
The right was told to stop hitting anti-Trumpers at the Trump rallies or else.

You snowflakes started crying and htting.

And you are not hitting but really crying.

You have officially separated yourself from anything even remotely approaching reality.
All the leftists are openly justifying violence now. They see it as a necessary way of dealing with Nazis (everyone who they don't agree with). It's somewhat ironic, because that's exactly what the Nazis did. So they in fact are the closest thing to a Nazi to be found, the irony.

And yes, this is a severe problem, we need to make fools out of these people... all of us.
Of course liberals would rather trash a campus and physically assault people, rather than listen to what a gay Jew that likes black men has to say. The Jew hating, homophobic, fascist leftists will do as they are told. Time to lock up the violent animals and throw away the key.

I hope at some point Trump starts shutting off funding for leftists so called schools of higher learning that don't protect their students from speaking if they aren't going to endorse leftist hatred. Berkeley was sick. The video and people who were there said the police did virtually nothing to stop the violent leftist assaults and destruction

That would be in keeping with our societal trajectory of dumbing down the masses and abandoning public education for all. Other advanced nations invest in their societies and in having healthy and educated citizens which can only promote a society’s global competitiveness. We seem to work harder at having an unhealthy and dumbed down population and would rather redistribute wealth into the hands of the aristocracy instead of investing in our society.
I agree. That is why Americans have tossed out the failed leftist agenda. They have seen through the bull shit lies and have decided a change was needed.
Of course liberals would rather trash a campus and physically assault people, rather than listen to what a gay Jew that likes black men has to say. The Jew hating, homophobic, fascist leftists will do as they are told. Time to lock up the violent animals and throw away the key.

I hope at some point Trump starts shutting off funding for leftists so called schools of higher learning that don't protect their students from speaking if they aren't going to endorse leftist hatred. Berkeley was sick. The video and people who were there said the police did virtually nothing to stop the violent leftist assaults and destruction

That would be in keeping with our societal trajectory of dumbing down the masses and abandoning public education for all. Other advanced nations invest in their societies and in having healthy and educated citizens which can only promote a society’s global competitiveness. We seem to work harder at having an unhealthy and dumbed down population and would rather redistribute wealth into the hands of the aristocracy instead of investing in our society.
I agree. That is why Americans have tossed out the failed leftist agenda. They have seen through the bull shit lies and have decided a change was needed.

You clearly do not see, you're still stuck in your partisanshithead fog.
Of course liberals would rather trash a campus and physically assault people, rather than listen to what a gay Jew that likes black men has to say. The Jew hating, homophobic, fascist leftists will do as they are told. Time to lock up the violent animals and throw away the key.

I hope at some point Trump starts shutting off funding for leftists so called schools of higher learning that don't protect their students from speaking if they aren't going to endorse leftist hatred. Berkeley was sick. The video and people who were there said the police did virtually nothing to stop the violent leftist assaults and destruction

That would be in keeping with our societal trajectory of dumbing down the masses and abandoning public education for all. Other advanced nations invest in their societies and in having healthy and educated citizens which can only promote a society’s global competitiveness. We seem to work harder at having an unhealthy and dumbed down population and would rather redistribute wealth into the hands of the aristocracy instead of investing in our society.

So seriously, you just argued that allowing non-liberal speech on campuses and not shutting it down with violence "would be in keeping with our societal trajectory of dumbing down the masses and abandoning public education for all."

You are seriously one sick fuck. Go kill yourself for the sake of humanity, you're filth of a human being
All the leftists are openly justifying violence now. They see it as a necessary way of dealing with Nazis (everyone who they don't agree with). It's somewhat ironic, because that's exactly what the Nazis did. So they in fact are the closest thing to a Nazi to be found, the irony.

And yes, this is a severe problem, we need to make fools out of these people... all of us.

It was amazing seeing the violent leftist goons in Berkeley standing around with signs saying to ... stop ... fascism ...

Of course liberals would rather trash a campus and physically assault people, rather than listen to what a gay Jew that likes black men has to say. The Jew hating, homophobic, fascist leftists will do as they are told. Time to lock up the violent animals and throw away the key.

I hope at some point Trump starts shutting off funding for leftists so called schools of higher learning that don't protect their students from speaking if they aren't going to endorse leftist hatred. Berkeley was sick. The video and people who were there said the police did virtually nothing to stop the violent leftist assaults and destruction

That would be in keeping with our societal trajectory of dumbing down the masses and abandoning public education for all. Other advanced nations invest in their societies and in having healthy and educated citizens which can only promote a society’s global competitiveness. We seem to work harder at having an unhealthy and dumbed down population and would rather redistribute wealth into the hands of the aristocracy instead of investing in our society.

Annual Government spending in the United States already accounts for 34% of GDP (excluding amortization of future liabilities), at what level would you consider it to be an appropriate amount of "investing in our society"? Secondly are you aware that the upward wealth redistribution that you refer to primarily occurs via fiat currency supply expansion and the buying and selling of government power?

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." -- Albert Einstein
Of course liberals would rather trash a campus and physically assault people, rather than listen to what a gay Jew that likes black men has to say. The Jew hating, homophobic, fascist leftists will do as they are told. Time to lock up the violent animals and throw away the key.

I hope at some point Trump starts shutting off funding for leftists so called schools of higher learning that don't protect their students from speaking if they aren't going to endorse leftist hatred. Berkeley was sick. The video and people who were there said the police did virtually nothing to stop the violent leftist assaults and destruction

That would be in keeping with our societal trajectory of dumbing down the masses and abandoning public education for all. Other advanced nations invest in their societies and in having healthy and educated citizens which can only promote a society’s global competitiveness. We seem to work harder at having an unhealthy and dumbed down population and would rather redistribute wealth into the hands of the aristocracy instead of investing in our society.

So seriously, you just argued that allowing non-liberal speech on campuses and not shutting it down with violence "would be in keeping with our societal trajectory of dumbing down the masses and abandoning public education for all."

You are seriously one sick fuck. Go kill yourself for the sake of humanity, you're filth of a human being

There has been a long term serious effort to screw up education for all but the wealthy for decades son.
Of course liberals would rather trash a campus and physically assault people, rather than listen to what a gay Jew that likes black men has to say. The Jew hating, homophobic, fascist leftists will do as they are told. Time to lock up the violent animals and throw away the key.

I hope at some point Trump starts shutting off funding for leftists so called schools of higher learning that don't protect their students from speaking if they aren't going to endorse leftist hatred. Berkeley was sick. The video and people who were there said the police did virtually nothing to stop the violent leftist assaults and destruction

That would be in keeping with our societal trajectory of dumbing down the masses and abandoning public education for all. Other advanced nations invest in their societies and in having healthy and educated citizens which can only promote a society’s global competitiveness. We seem to work harder at having an unhealthy and dumbed down population and would rather redistribute wealth into the hands of the aristocracy instead of investing in our society.
I agree. That is why Americans have tossed out the failed leftist agenda. They have seen through the bull shit lies and have decided a change was needed.

You clearly do not see, you're still stuck in your partisanshithead fog.

You bipartisanly want to shut down non-leftist speech and support doing it with violence, got it. Thanks for clarifying in case anyone hadn't caught on to how bigoted and hate filled you are

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