Leftists Attack Barry For Ripping 'Defund The Police' Slogan


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Progressives fire back after Obama rips 'Defund the Police' slogan; far-left insists they really mean it

Progressives fire back after Obama rips 'Defund the Police' slogan; far-left insists they really mean it

Progressive Democrats took aim at former President Barack Obama after he argued that political candidates alienate voters when they use "snappy" slogans such as "defund the police."

Obama made the comments during an interview with Peter Hamby on the Snapchat original political show "Good Luck America" that aired Wednesday morning.

"You lost a big audience the minute you say it, which makes it a lot less likely that you're actually going to get the changes you want done," Obama said. "The key is deciding, do you want to actually get something done, or do you want to feel good among the people you already agree with?"

His comments drew a sharp rebuke from several progressive Democrats.

Obama is far smarter than the new radical socialists like Omar, who criticized Barry for these comments. Barry knows you don't TELL Americans what you want and intend to do. You 'sneak up on them' and just DO IT before they know what's happening, like what he did with Obamacare. Americans woke up one morning to find that his minority-supported healthcare BS had been rammed down their throats as they slept. After that it was too late...

"Snappy slogans" ??? 'Defund the Police' is a radical, inflammatory statement that backfired on the Left. Even when they tried their bullshit retraction strategy by admonishing people with " you took it out of context" or "it really means 'reallocate' funding" - all of that crap also backfired on them.
Barry gives a crumb back to look Presidential. But the movement is always left.....always left...always left...
Yes it was very poor wording, Some understood the meaning behind it. Many just used it to insult people wanting better policing. Truth of late gets drowned out by speaking first & thinking later.
Of course President Obama is correct. "Defund the Police" is possibly the dumbest slogan they could have possibly used in trying to sway people to vote Democrat. Republican messaging masters were quick as SoS to take advantage of it. Makes me think it was a plant by GOP operative.

"Defund Chokeholds" would have been better.
"Snappy slogans" ??? 'Defund the Police' is a radical, inflammatory statement that backfired on the Left. Even when they tried their bullshit retraction strategy by admonishing people with " you took it out of context" or "it really means 'reallocate' funding" - all of that crap also backfired on them.
List the CANDIDATES that ran on "defund the police" scumbag.

Don't worry, I'll wait.
Personally, I rather like the phrase, "defund the police". it strikes a good amount of fear into the hearts of the ones it needs to.

Too bad the Democrats didn't run on it.
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"Snappy slogans" ??? 'Defund the Police' is a radical, inflammatory statement that backfired on the Left. Even when they tried their bullshit retraction strategy by admonishing people with " you took it out of context" or "it really means 'reallocate' funding" - all of that crap also backfired on them.
List the CANDIDATES that ran on "defund the police" scumbag.

Don't worry, I'll wait.

Ah that's easy, it's the same ones who endorsed the all the Rioting, Burning and Looting of course!
We might not be here if Obama had actually done anything to address this issue.
"Snappy slogans" ??? 'Defund the Police' is a radical, inflammatory statement that backfired on the Left. Even when they tried their bullshit retraction strategy by admonishing people with " you took it out of context" or "it really means 'reallocate' funding" - all of that crap also backfired on them.
List the CANDIDATES that ran on "defund the police" scumbag.

Don't worry, I'll wait.

Why the name calling? Did I strike a nerve? WAIT.
Yes it was very poor wording, Some understood the meaning behind it. Many just used it to insult people wanting better policing. Truth of late gets drowned out by speaking first & thinking later.

I agree, it was the dumbest slogan ever used by anyone.
Personally, I rather like the phrase, "defund the police". it strikes a good amount of fear into the hearts of the ones it needs to.

Too bad the Democrats didn't run on it.

How does striking fear into a bunch of white people clustered in the burbs and rural areas going to help anyone? These people literally think the police are going to be put out of work and with a slogan like "defund the police" I kind of can't blame them.
How does striking fear into a bunch of white people clustered in the burbs and rural areas going to help anyone? These people literally think the police are going to be put out of work and with a slogan like "defund the police" I kind of can't blame them.
I was actually referring to the rogue and lawless police who the term is referring to/aimed at.

However, if there's some white people in the burbs who are so stricken by fear of that term, I have little to no sympathy for them, as my sympathy and empathy lies w/those who have been suffering under lawless cops getting away w/severely ruining or taking away the lives of unarmed blacks and other minorities for little to no reason. Without consequence.

So while some claim to be so concerned w/a mere slogan that they're wringing their hands in fear, my concern is w/those who are losing their lives by an armed, State-sanctioned oppressive gang of thugs in blue.

When Republicans run around the place using terms like "defund education" no one seems to bat an eye at that, they understand what it means, and there's still teachers in existence, so I seriously don't understand why people are pretending not to get what "defund the police" means.

I have my guesses though.
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However, if there's some white people in the burbs who are so stricken by fear of that term, I have little to no sympathy for them, as my sympathy and empathy lies w/those who have been suffering under lawless cops getting away w/severely ruining or taking away the lives of unarmed blacks and other minorities for little to no reason. Without consequence.

I can agree with all of that, however the point is to win elections. It's not the fear stricken folks we can reach out to anyway, it's the casual voter who doesn't pay enough attention to understand what 'Defund the Police' means to those who've use it. The Republican propagandists used it to target those casual voters and to make them think the slogan means 'abolish police departments'.
How does striking fear into a bunch of white people clustered in the burbs and rural areas going to help anyone? These people literally think the police are going to be put out of work and with a slogan like "defund the police" I kind of can't blame them.
I was actually referring to the rogue and lawless police who the term is referring to/aimed at.

However, if there's some white people in the burbs who are so stricken by fear of that term, I have little to no sympathy for them, as my sympathy and empathy lies w/those who have been suffering under lawless cops getting away w/severely ruining or taking away the lives of unarmed blacks and other minorities for little to no reason. Without consequence.

So while some claim to be so concerned w/a mere slogan that they're wringing their hands in fear, my concern is w/those who are losing their lives by an armed, State-sanctioned oppressive gang of thugs in blue.

When Republicans run around the place using terms like "defund education" no one seems to bat an eye at that, they understand what it means, and there's still teachers in existence, so I seriously don't understand why people are pretending not to get what "defund the police" means.

I have my guesses though.
Yes in those 12 million annual arrests made by the police and 1000 deaths about 400 black thugs get killed because they resist arrest....such lawless and brutal police.
How does striking fear into a bunch of white people clustered in the burbs and rural areas going to help anyone? These people literally think the police are going to be put out of work and with a slogan like "defund the police" I kind of can't blame them.
I was actually referring to the rogue and lawless police who the term is referring to/aimed at.

However, if there's some white people in the burbs who are so stricken by fear of that term, I have little to no sympathy for them, as my sympathy and empathy lies w/those who have been suffering under lawless cops getting away w/severely ruining or taking away the lives of unarmed blacks and other minorities for little to no reason. Without consequence.

So while some claim to be so concerned w/a mere slogan that they're wringing their hands in fear, my concern is w/those who are losing their lives by an armed, State-sanctioned oppressive gang of thugs in blue.

When Republicans run around the place using terms like "defund education" no one seems to bat an eye at that, they understand what it means, and there's still teachers in existence, so I seriously don't understand why people are pretending not to get what "defund the police" means.

I have my guesses though.

Right, changes need to happen for sure. But starting off with a slogan that to be honest is way too easy to redefine. I mean all you have to do is just read it without context and it sounds like the left is trying to put the police out of business. It's counter productive when slogans are created that almost seem to be wanting the wrong attention. Yes,, 'defund the police' sounds just like 'defund education' something the majority of people are against.

"Defund the Police" short, sweet and easily fits on a sign or bumper sticker and is used now more by the right than the left and if you don't think they'll take that, run with it and be successful in shooting down any sort of police reforms well, keep watching.
Right, changes need to happen for sure. But starting off with a slogan that to be honest is way too easy to redefine. I mean all you have to do is just read it without context and it sounds like the left is trying to put the police out of business. It's counter productive when slogans are created that almost seem to be wanting the wrong attention. Yes,, 'defund the police' sounds just like 'defund education' something the majority of people are against.

"Defund the Police" short, sweet and easily fits on a sign or bumper sticker and is used now more by the right than the left and if you don't think they'll take that, run with it and be successful in shooting down any sort of police reforms well, keep watching.
I'd challenge anyone painting Democrats w/that term to point out any candidate that's running on it.
Right, changes need to happen for sure. But starting off with a slogan that to be honest is way too easy to redefine. I mean all you have to do is just read it without context and it sounds like the left is trying to put the police out of business. It's counter productive when slogans are created that almost seem to be wanting the wrong attention. Yes,, 'defund the police' sounds just like 'defund education' something the majority of people are against.

"Defund the Police" short, sweet and easily fits on a sign or bumper sticker and is used now more by the right than the left and if you don't think they'll take that, run with it and be successful in shooting down any sort of police reforms well, keep watching.
I'd challenge anyone painting Democrats w/that term to point out any candidate that's running on it.

It's the candidates on the right who stole it from the activists and redefined it that I'm concerned about

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