Leftist policies, high taxes and crime drive residents from major population centers.

Sheite... I left SoCal for northern New England to get away from the quagmire and crime. I can't go much further away at this point so time to PUSH BACK & reclaim the precedents of sovereignty that our founders inspired! Just FYI the 'give me your tired' quote by Emma Lazarus was added in 1903 and is not in the least indicative of US Constitutionality or law in extending ingress into the US. Even at the time, meritorious and work based criteria was the only MO for our Nation accepting immigrants (all of whom followed legal protocol). These potential immigrants were categorically quarantined on Ellis Island to then be 'returned to sender', vouched for, or monetarily self sufficient. We desperately need another 'Ellis Island' at our southern border & it's quite feasible to do so!

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