Leftist Leader Admits Multiculturalism Has Failed

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Apr 28 2022

Leftist Leader Admits Multiculturalism Has Failed

Now that it is nearly too late to do anything about it that will not entail bloodshed on a massive scale, even socialists have begun to admit that Europe has been conquered from within and is now undergoing colonization and demographic displacement:

Watson Chimes in

If you want to know how this will turn out for Europeans under a best case scenario, visit a dismal Indian reservation in the United States. Under the more likely worst case scenario, soft genocide will turn hard, and there will be no Europeans in any meaningful sense.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

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Where's maurice papon when ya need him ?
Apr 28 2022

Leftist Leader Admits Multiculturalism Has Failed

Now that it is nearly too late to do anything about it that will not entail bloodshed on a massive scale, even socialists have begun to admit that Europe has been conquered from within and is now undergoing colonization and demographic displacement:

Watson Chimes in

If you want to know how this will turn out for Europeans under a best case scenario, visit a dismal Indian reservation in the United States. Under the more likely worst case scenario, soft genocide will turn hard, and there will be no Europeans in any meaningful sense.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

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Where's maurice papon when ya need him ?

The same thing is going down as we speak across our America. Everywhere one looks immigrants are performing the nuts-and-bolts hard labor work once done by generation after generation of our forefathers. At a housing development going up near our home the entire workforce are Central American laborers whose culture is drastically different than what one would deem traditional American culture. Countless Middle Eastern and African 'settlers' are being transplanted all across the American Heartland, injected into Mayberry after Mayberry, forever radically altering the generations of American tranquility the older among us grew up with and loved; what made America to us is dying as if the American spirit herself has been put down by the middle stages of some terminal disease.

What concerns me most about the flood of Mexican, Central and South American immigrants is the ancient culture and religions they descend from, which are religions of mass human sacrifice—violent ritual bloodshed on a scale unimaginable by most modern minds. What's to stop these people from reverting to their ancient roots and bringing back the horrors of the Aztecs or Mayans?

Frankly speaking, if Americans of all types—those born here or who came here and changed their cultures to meld into American culture—do not do something drastic, then we will all go the way of all extinct peoples.
Apr 28 2022

Leftist Leader Admits Multiculturalism Has Failed

Now that it is nearly too late to do anything about it that will not entail bloodshed on a massive scale, even socialists have begun to admit that Europe has been conquered from within and is now undergoing colonization and demographic displacement:

Watson Chimes in

If you want to know how this will turn out for Europeans under a best case scenario, visit a dismal Indian reservation in the United States. Under the more likely worst case scenario, soft genocide will turn hard, and there will be no Europeans in any meaningful sense.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

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Where's maurice papon when ya need him ?
Multiculturalism = one world without borders. The problem with multiculturalism is that human beings are NOT herd creatures though human beings @ times can be very social creatures. Just because the hive mentality works for insects like yellow jackets does not mean it works for human beings!

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