Leftist Extremist Socialist Democrat Governance Insanity: California City BANS SITTING IN PUBLIC...No Kidding


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"No, that wasn’t a typo in the title suggesting that the city has banned public defecation. (They wouldn’t do that anyway. California doesn’t enforce “quality of life crimes.”) Manhattan Beach, a suburb of Los Angeles is beginning the process of removing all of the chairs, benches and tables from public property. Yes, Manhattan Beach has banned “sitting in public” as of today. The seating facilities will remain in storage “until further notice.” As if you needed me to tell you, this is ostensibly being done to combat the spread of the dreaded novel coronavirus."


Mandated 6-foot distancing and mask-wearing is not enough for Marxist liberals who want to control every aspect of your life. No, now they are mandating American citizens can not SIT in public...even alone on a park bench.

The Mayor has ordered all public seating (chairs, benches, etc...) be removed and stored. That means the city will have to pay a work crew to dig up / pick up all the benches and seats - no social distancing here. The city will have to find / rent storage locations for all of those confiscated seats and benches...not to mention the Marxist micro-managing nanny state forced compliance with an insane edict.

Holy shit...welcome to Amerika under Marxist Democrat rule....

"No, that wasn’t a typo in the title suggesting that the city has banned public defecation. (They wouldn’t do that anyway. California doesn’t enforce “quality of life crimes.”) Manhattan Beach, a suburb of Los Angeles is beginning the process of removing all of the chairs, benches and tables from public property. Yes, Manhattan Beach has banned “sitting in public” as of today. The seating facilities will remain in storage “until further notice.” As if you needed me to tell you, this is ostensibly being done to combat the spread of the dreaded novel coronavirus."


Mandated 6-foot distancing and mask-wearing is not enough for Marxist liberals who want to control every aspect of your life. No, now they are mandating American citizens can not SIT in public...even alone on a park bench.

The Mayor has ordered all public seating (chairs, benches, etc...) be removed and stored. That means the city will have to pay a work crew to dig up / pick up all the benches and seats - no social distancing here. The city will have to find / rent storage locations for all of those confiscated seats and benches...not to mention the Marxist micro-managing nanny state forced compliance with an insane edict.

Holy shit...welcome to Amerika under Marxist Democrat rule....


Mental illness is the most cruel of all social ills.
But what is going to happen when their peaceful protestors get tired from all their looting, and arson and need a place to sit and rest a bit?

Not to mention handicapped and elderly who often have to sit down because they can no longer stand. They can take public seating away, but they cannot confiscate seats in businesses or homes. That's unconstitutional.
Once again they are ensuring the spread by not feeding the infected, homeless, or vulnerable.
Only by state feeding programs can they isolate the different groups.
By not providing food in isolation, then they are forcing them all into the same food lines at stores or restaurants.
And they easily could provide food since all the school cafeterias are closed.
So does the Fascist Wing support the mandatory spread of the New Virus in these affluent areas or what?
SITTING does not spread COVID-19 or other viruses. C-19 is spread in the air through coughing and can be spread through droplets as a result of coughing, This Mayor should have banned COUGHING in public or even BREATHING in public instead of SITTING in public.

So does the Fascist Wing support the mandatory spread of the New Virus in these affluent areas or what?
Tell the class what these rules have to do with the spread of this virus. . . .

. . . you seem to have some insight the rest of us lack. . . . :dunno:

It's a temp order Community News and Updates | City of Manhattan Beach from the elected official. Not extreme socialism, just doing what they think is best for public safety.

It's a moronic order lapped up by morons like you.
So does the Fascist Wing support the mandatory spread of the New Virus in these affluent areas or what?
Tell the class what these rules have to do with the spread of this virus. . . .

. . . you seem to have some insight the rest of us lack. . . . :dunno:

It's a temp order Community News and Updates | City of Manhattan Beach from the elected official. Not extreme socialism, just doing what they think is best for public safety.

It's a moronic order lapped up by morons like you.

Useless or moronic, doesn't make it extreme socialism. That would be confiscating all those nice homes and properties and redistributing them to the homeless masses wouldn't it? Not removing public chairs and asking people to limit their public exposure.
So does the Fascist Wing support the mandatory spread of the New Virus in these affluent areas or what?
Tell the class what these rules have to do with the spread of this virus. . . .

. . . you seem to have some insight the rest of us lack. . . . :dunno:

It's a temp order Community News and Updates | City of Manhattan Beach from the elected official. Not extreme socialism, just doing what they think is best for public safety.
I don't care what kind of order it is, or who it is by. . .


What do these rules have to do with the spread of this virus?

If you can't, or don't answer it, stop with the snarky ass comments, and leave those who can and do use their critical thinking faculties alone.
It's a moronic order lapped up by morons like you.
What official thinks sitting spreads the covid disease? Where is the "science" behind this?
Probably the same dunce that thinks walking in public is permissible but not bicycle riding.

California is headed back to the Dark Ages when dealing with the covid virus and before you know it.
black cats and pointy black hats will be banned along with places to sit down.

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