Leftist comedian calls Trump's 10 year old kid a date-rapist. Media is silent

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Fox News Readers Bash Obama's Daughter With Racial Slurs, 'Ape,' 'Monkey' | DiversityInc

The press attacked the Bush twins and crucified the Palin kids but never touched Obama's kids. The evil press only attacks kids of republicans.

No widespread press outrage over disparaging tweets about Barron Trump

jan 23 2017 Remember not too long ago when a GOP aide had to resign because she posted on her Facebook page a disparaging remark about then-President Barack Obama’s daughters and their dresses?

So where I ask is the media outrage over the cruel, viral comments made about 10-year-old Barron Trump?

As his father was getting sworn into office, “Saturday Night Live” writer Katie Rich tweeted: “Barron will be this country’s first homeschool shooter.”

A Comedy Central writer said Barron Trump “looks like a very handsome date-rapist to be.”
The author of the tweet, Stephen Spinola seems to be proud of his bullying, sharing a story from Bustle headlined, “‘Funny tweets about Barron at the Inauguration aren’t appropriate,’” and replying, “Wow, my tweet didn’t even make it into this article - that’s bull–t.”
The media did not ignore it. If you could read, you would know this.
Unfortunately, the Left is known for this awful behavior. It's gonna continue. I can only take solace in believing in Karmic Justice.
Karma is apparently already at work.

The Left has lost the White House.

The Left has lost the Senate.

The Left has lost the House.

The Left has lost the Supreme Court.

The Left is largely out of power at the state level - governorships and legislatures - throughout much of the country.

The Left presently holds the fewest elected offices since 1929.

How the mighty have fallen.

Karma's a bitch.
Sounds like you're just defending your fellow Democrats. You're doing it by way of claiming the other side does it too. You're not really condemning these bad people. These folks are on your team. You have to own it. You either condemn this awful stuff, or you don't. You can't have it both ways.

Only to a partisan idiot like yourself who has done nothing but try to attack Democrats in this thread.

Here is my first post- show me where I have defended anyone.

You do realize that neither of the attacks on young Trump were by the press right?

Two asshole 'comedy' writers attacked Barron- a despicable action- and yes- I would be glad to see them fired.

Dont' be an asshole- don't attack the kids- any of them.

Again, either flat-out condemn it, or don't. So far, you've kinda just half-heartedly condemned it by way of ranting about the other side doing it too. That's not really a full condemnation. You're kinda condemning, but at the same time defending. I call that Bullshite. Sorry, but that's how i see it.

Feel free to point out where I have defended ANYONE

Two asshole 'comedy' writers attacked Barron- a despicable action- and yes- I would be glad to see them fired.

Dont' be an asshole- don't attack the kids- any of them

I haven't excused anyone attacking ANY kids- I have pointed out that they are all assholes.

You are the one who has used this issue for partisan attacks.

And that is just kind of sad.

Well see, you're hedging again. You aren't fully condemning these particular despicable actions. You're kinda condemning, but not really. You're repeatedly mentioning that others do it too.

It seems like you're kinda making light of it by way of deflecting attention to the fact that the other side does it too. All you have to do is simply condemn this awful stuff and leave it at that. That's if you truly are condemning the behavior anyway.

All you are doing is attacking the 'other side'.

I guess my even handed condemnation of the persons who attacked Barron- and ANYONE who attacks kids is too much for you- look at your posts

Unfortunately, the Left is known for this awful behavior. It's gonna continue. I can only take solace in believing in Karmic Justice.

A 10yr old kid who can't defend himself. Nice job Democrats. Seriously, the only solace i can take in this, is that i do believe in Karmic Justice.

The Democrats have certainly crossed the line on this one.

These bad folks are on your team, no?

You own it. They're your folks. Good luc

There's more of these ugly folks on your team than you'd like to think.

Just pointing out- you never once actually condemn attacks on kids.
He's a paid professional, I'm pretty sure. Here to school the troops on the best retorts when their Leader is attacked. I'm close to putting him on ignore, and I've NEVER ignored anyone for political reasons here. But he's got no interest in actual discussion, and there's no sense talking to him.
Unfortunately, the Left is known for this awful behavior. It's gonna continue. I can only take solace in believing in Karmic Justice.
Karma is apparently already at work.

The Left has lost the White House.

The Left has lost the Senate.

The Left has lost the House.

The Left has lost the Supreme Court.

The Left is largely out of power at the state level - governorships and legislatures - throughout much of the country.

The Left presently holds the fewest elected offices since 1929.

How the mighty have fallen.

Karma's a bitch.

I was thinking more on a personal level for these particular individuals. But i get your point. Thanks.
The easy answer is we should all condemn any attacks on the kids.

All of us.

But too many of the USMB posters only condemn attacks on kids of the party that they are affiliated with- and then equivocate- and want to talk about all of the other horrible attacks.

So attacks on:
Obama's kids
Palin's kids
Chelsea Clinton

All equally assholish.

Those who find it necessary to say 'well they did it first' or 'they did it worse' are missing the point.

Condemn the attacks- condemn all of the attacks.

And if you are outraged here, but rationalized when Obama's kids were attacked- take a look at yourself.

Sounds like you're just defending your fellow Democrats. You're doing it by way of claiming the other side does it too. You're not really condemning these bad people. These folks are on your team. You have to own it. You either condemn this awful stuff, or you don't. You can't have it both ways.

Only to a partisan idiot like yourself who has done nothing but try to attack Democrats in this thread.

Here is my first post- show me where I have defended anyone.

You do realize that neither of the attacks on young Trump were by the press right?

Two asshole 'comedy' writers attacked Barron- a despicable action- and yes- I would be glad to see them fired.

Dont' be an asshole- don't attack the kids- any of them.

Again, either flat-out condemn it, or don't. So far, you've kinda just half-heartedly condemned it by way of ranting about the other side doing it too. That's not really a full condemnation. You're kinda condemning, but at the same time defending. I call that Bullshite. Sorry, but that's how i see it.

Feel free to point out where I have defended ANYONE

Two asshole 'comedy' writers attacked Barron- a despicable action- and yes- I would be glad to see them fired.

Dont' be an asshole- don't attack the kids- any of them

I haven't excused anyone attacking ANY kids- I have pointed out that they are all assholes.

You are the one who has used this issue for partisan attacks.

And that is just kind of sad.

Well see, you're hedging again. You aren't fully condemning these particular despicable actions. You're kinda condemning, but not really. You're repeatedly mentioning that others do it too.

It seems like you're kinda making light of it by way of deflecting attention to the fact that the other side does it too. All you have to do is simply condemn this awful stuff and leave it at that. That's if you truly are condemning it.

He has condemned all the acts against the Presidents kids. I got that his first post. He said they are off limits.

I'm considered a conservative and I think both sides do it. One of Obama's kids was attacked for her dancing and all sorts of vile crap has been posted on this board about them.

This attacking the kids is way beyond politics and we all need to keep our party's in check when it comes to this subject. I am more appalled when the right does it because I thought we were above that and yet it still happened.
Sounds like you're just defending your fellow Democrats. You're doing it by way of claiming the other side does it too. You're not really condemning these bad people. These folks are on your team. You have to own it. You either condemn this awful stuff, or you don't. You can't have it both ways.

Only to a partisan idiot like yourself who has done nothing but try to attack Democrats in this thread.

Here is my first post- show me where I have defended anyone.

You do realize that neither of the attacks on young Trump were by the press right?

Two asshole 'comedy' writers attacked Barron- a despicable action- and yes- I would be glad to see them fired.

Dont' be an asshole- don't attack the kids- any of them.

Again, either flat-out condemn it, or don't. So far, you've kinda just half-heartedly condemned it by way of ranting about the other side doing it too. That's not really a full condemnation. You're kinda condemning, but at the same time defending. I call that Bullshite. Sorry, but that's how i see it.

Feel free to point out where I have defended ANYONE

Two asshole 'comedy' writers attacked Barron- a despicable action- and yes- I would be glad to see them fired.

Dont' be an asshole- don't attack the kids- any of them

I haven't excused anyone attacking ANY kids- I have pointed out that they are all assholes.

You are the one who has used this issue for partisan attacks.

And that is just kind of sad.

Well see, you're hedging again. You aren't fully condemning these particular despicable actions. You're kinda condemning, but not really. You're repeatedly mentioning that others do it too.

It seems like you're kinda making light of it by way of deflecting attention to the fact that the other side does it too. All you have to do is simply condemn this awful stuff and leave it at that. That's if you truly are condemning it.

He has condemned all the acts against the Presidents kids. I got that his first post. He said they are off limits.

I'm considered a conservative and I think both sides do it. One of Obama's kids was attacked for her dancing and all sorts of vile crap has been posted on this board about them.

This attacking the kids is way beyond politics and we all need to keep our party's in check when it comes to this subject. I am more appalled when the right does it because I thought we were above that and yet it still happened.

Sorry, but he or she kept adding on qualifiers to the 'condemnation.' It didn't come off as a flat-out genuine condemnation of these particular individuals' behavior. Just condemn it, and move on. There's no need to add on qualifiers about the other side doing it too. That's a form of defense. The poster was trying to have it both ways. It wasn't a genuine straight forward condemnation.
Only to a partisan idiot like yourself who has done nothing but try to attack Democrats in this thread.

Here is my first post- show me where I have defended anyone.

You do realize that neither of the attacks on young Trump were by the press right?

Two asshole 'comedy' writers attacked Barron- a despicable action- and yes- I would be glad to see them fired.

Dont' be an asshole- don't attack the kids- any of them.

Again, either flat-out condemn it, or don't. So far, you've kinda just half-heartedly condemned it by way of ranting about the other side doing it too. That's not really a full condemnation. You're kinda condemning, but at the same time defending. I call that Bullshite. Sorry, but that's how i see it.

Feel free to point out where I have defended ANYONE

Two asshole 'comedy' writers attacked Barron- a despicable action- and yes- I would be glad to see them fired.

Dont' be an asshole- don't attack the kids- any of them

I haven't excused anyone attacking ANY kids- I have pointed out that they are all assholes.

You are the one who has used this issue for partisan attacks.

And that is just kind of sad.

Well see, you're hedging again. You aren't fully condemning these particular despicable actions. You're kinda condemning, but not really. You're repeatedly mentioning that others do it too.

It seems like you're kinda making light of it by way of deflecting attention to the fact that the other side does it too. All you have to do is simply condemn this awful stuff and leave it at that. That's if you truly are condemning it.

He has condemned all the acts against the Presidents kids. I got that his first post. He said they are off limits.

I'm considered a conservative and I think both sides do it. One of Obama's kids was attacked for her dancing and all sorts of vile crap has been posted on this board about them.

This attacking the kids is way beyond politics and we all need to keep our party's in check when it comes to this subject. I am more appalled when the right does it because I thought we were above that and yet it still happened.

Sorry, but he or she kept adding on qualifiers to the 'condemnation.' It didn't come off as a flat-out genuine condemnation of these particular individuals' behavior. Just condemn it, and move on. There's no need to add on qualifiers about the other side doing it too. That's a form of defense. The poster was trying to have it both ways. It wasn't a genuine straight forward condemnation.

I didn't see it as that way, however everyone has a differing view. Mine is not better than anyone else's. I respect your opinion however I don't agree, that is what makes this country great.
The Left is largely out of power at the state level - governorships and legislatures - throughout much of the country.


Yup - the GOP now controls the governorship and congress in 25 states. Dems in 5 states!!! The other 20 states are split.

The american voters at both the state and federal level have rejected liberalism and it's hate white people and hate america rhetoric.
I'm considered a conservative and I think both sides do it. One of Obama's kids was attacked for her dancing and all sorts of vile crap has been posted on this board about them.

Well sure, the kids get bashed on the internet. There is no media filter there. But the networks never said anything about the obama kids for 8 years. OTOH - We all remember how they attacked the palin kids. THINK
I'm considered a conservative and I think both sides do it. One of Obama's kids was attacked for her dancing and all sorts of vile crap has been posted on this board about them.

Well sure, the kids get bashed on the internet. There is no media filter there. But the networks never said anything about the obama kids for 8 years. OTOH - We all remember how they attacked the palin kids. THINK

I am thinking, I saw lots of posts about Obama's girls on this board, whether you choose to accept the fact, it is up to you.
I'm considered a conservative and I think both sides do it. One of Obama's kids was attacked for her dancing and all sorts of vile crap has been posted on this board about them.

Well sure, the kids get bashed on the internet. There is no media filter there. But the networks never said anything about the obama kids for 8 years. OTOH - We all remember how they attacked the palin kids. THINK

And the networks havent' said anything about Trump's kid.

Nor did the 'networks' bash palin kids.

Nor did the 'networks' bash Clinton.

All individuals- most of whom got fired or shunned- all except Rush Limbaugh.

Don't be an asshole- leave the kids alone.
Only to a partisan idiot like yourself who has done nothing but try to attack Democrats in this thread.

Here is my first post- show me where I have defended anyone.

You do realize that neither of the attacks on young Trump were by the press right?

Two asshole 'comedy' writers attacked Barron- a despicable action- and yes- I would be glad to see them fired.

Dont' be an asshole- don't attack the kids- any of them.

Again, either flat-out condemn it, or don't. So far, you've kinda just half-heartedly condemned it by way of ranting about the other side doing it too. That's not really a full condemnation. You're kinda condemning, but at the same time defending. I call that Bullshite. Sorry, but that's how i see it.

Feel free to point out where I have defended ANYONE

Two asshole 'comedy' writers attacked Barron- a despicable action- and yes- I would be glad to see them fired.

Dont' be an asshole- don't attack the kids- any of them

I haven't excused anyone attacking ANY kids- I have pointed out that they are all assholes.

You are the one who has used this issue for partisan attacks.

And that is just kind of sad.

Well see, you're hedging again. You aren't fully condemning these particular despicable actions. You're kinda condemning, but not really. You're repeatedly mentioning that others do it too.

It seems like you're kinda making light of it by way of deflecting attention to the fact that the other side does it too. All you have to do is simply condemn this awful stuff and leave it at that. That's if you truly are condemning it.

He has condemned all the acts against the Presidents kids. I got that his first post. He said they are off limits.

I'm considered a conservative and I think both sides do it. One of Obama's kids was attacked for her dancing and all sorts of vile crap has been posted on this board about them.

This attacking the kids is way beyond politics and we all need to keep our party's in check when it comes to this subject. I am more appalled when the right does it because I thought we were above that and yet it still happened.

Sorry, but he or she kept adding on qualifiers to the 'condemnation.' It didn't come off as a flat-out genuine condemnation of these particular individuals' behavior. Just condemn it, and move on. There's no need to add on qualifiers about the other side doing it too. That's a form of defense. The poster was trying to have it both ways. It wasn't a genuine straight forward condemnation.

And by 'qualifiers' you mean I condemned those who attack kids.
You do realize that neither of the attacks on young Trump were by the press right?

Two asshole 'comedy' writers attacked Barron- a despicable action- and yes- I would be glad to see them fired.

Dont' be an asshole- don't attack the kids- any of them

And you just attack liberals and Democrats.

Why didn't you condemn the attack on kids?
I have things to do- I leave Sarge and Dsc to continue to lie about me- and somehow avoid actually condemning the attacks on Barron, in their rush to attack the left.
In other words your claim that the right did the same is just a lie you concocted to deflect from your buddies the left doing it. Thanks for admitting it.

In other words you kick puppies and trip little old ladies.

Thanks for admitting it.
I'm considered a conservative and I think both sides do it. One of Obama's kids was attacked for her dancing and all sorts of vile crap has been posted on this board about them.

Well sure, the kids get bashed on the internet. There is no media filter there. But the networks never said anything about the obama kids for 8 years. OTOH - We all remember how they attacked the palin kids. THINK

I am thinking, I saw lots of posts about Obama's girls on this board, whether you choose to accept the fact, it is up to you.
Shootspeeder participated in some of the threads discussing the attacks on the Obama girls.

She apparently just doesn't remember.
I'm considered a conservative and I think both sides do it. One of Obama's kids was attacked for her dancing and all sorts of vile crap has been posted on this board about them.

Well sure, the kids get bashed on the internet. There is no media filter there. But the networks never said anything about the obama kids for 8 years. OTOH - We all remember how they attacked the palin kids. THINK

I am thinking, I saw lots of posts about Obama's girls on this board, whether you choose to accept the fact, it is up to you.
Shootspeeder participated in some of the threads discussing the attacks on the Obama girls.

She apparently just doesn't remember.

I am sure she has, she is a hardcore racist through and through, I'm she was unkind and expressed her racial hatred toward them. I find it disgusting. I have little tolerance for her kind. They do serve a useful purpose, that we still a long way to go before we reach racial equality.
They do serve a useful purpose, that we still have a long way to go before we reach racial equality.

We''ll never have racial equality until

1. We get rid of affirmative action - the govt mandated persecution of whites and the biggest hate crime in america.

2. Blacks become as intelligent as all other races. That's gonna be tough.
Nor did the 'networks' bash palin kids.
All individuals- most of whom got fired or shunned- all except Rush Limbaugh.

HAHAHA. Is that your "argument"??? " NBC didn't attack the palin kids - it was the people that work for NBC who did it".

They do serve a useful purpose, that we still have a long way to go before we reach racial equality.

We''ll never have racial equality until

1. We get rid of affirmative action - the govt mandated persecution of whites and the biggest hate crime in america.

2. Blacks become as intelligent as all other races. That's gonna be tough.

Well they have seemed to have surpassed you in intelligent.

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