Leftist comedian calls Trump's 10 year old kid a date-rapist. Media is silent

The Democrats crossed no line.

Individual idiots crossed a line. This was not a political act, this an insensitive idiot.

We need to look, at this as something other than partisan sniping and tit for tat of who's side is worse and who's is better behaved and condemn it for what it is.

Is anyone cheering these comments? I don't think so. She got fired for it. Maybe she'll reconsider her comments next time someone's kids are in her sites.

There's more of these ugly folks on your team than you'd like to think.

The easy answer is we should all condemn any attacks on the kids.

All of us.

But too many of the USMB posters only condemn attacks on kids of the party that they are affiliated with- and then equivocate- and want to talk about all of the other horrible attacks.

So attacks on:
Obama's kids
Palin's kids
Chelsea Clinton

All equally assholish.

Those who find it necessary to say 'well they did it first' or 'they did it worse' are missing the point.

Condemn the attacks- condemn all of the attacks.

And if you are outraged here, but rationalized when Obama's kids were attacked- take a look at yourself.

Sounds like you're just defending your fellow Democrats. You're doing it by way of claiming the other side does it too. You're not really condemning these bad people. These folks are on your team. You have to own it. You either condemn this awful stuff, or you don't. You can't have it both ways.

Only to a partisan idiot like yourself who has done nothing but try to attack Democrats in this thread.

Here is my first post- show me where I have defended anyone.

You do realize that neither of the attacks on young Trump were by the press right?

Two asshole 'comedy' writers attacked Barron- a despicable action- and yes- I would be glad to see them fired.

Dont' be an asshole- don't attack the kids- any of them.

Again, either flat-out condemn it, or don't. So far, you've kinda just half-heartedly condemned it by way of ranting about the other side doing it too. That's not really a full condemnation. You're kinda condemning, but at the same time defending. I call that Bullshite. Sorry, but that's how i see it.

You haven't.
A 10yr old kid who can't defend himself. Nice job Democrats. Seriously, the only solace i can take in this, is that i do believe in Karmic Justice.

Ever notice how Democrats treat Conservative Blacks, Pro Life women, children tied to Republicans, and Latinos that want Immigration Laws enforced? In all cases, Democrats demonstrate how they are not 100% supportive of Blacks, Women, Children, and Latinos. They only care about minorities and women if they are in alignment with Democrats.
I'm considered a conservative and I think both sides do it. One of Obama's kids was attacked for her dancing and all sorts of vile crap has been posted on this board about them.

Well sure, the kids get bashed on the internet. There is no media filter there. But the networks never said anything about the obama kids for 8 years. OTOH - We all remember how they attacked the palin kids. THINK

I am thinking, I saw lots of posts about Obama's girls on this board, whether you choose to accept the fact, it is up to you.
Not the point, the point is the PRESS did not attack the Obama kids. And when some one did they were roundly condemned openly repeatedly and quickly. The same IS NOT happening now with Trump's 10 year old son.
The press attacked the Bush twins and crucified the Palin kids but never touched Obama's kids. The evil press only attacks kids of republicans.

No widespread press outrage over disparaging tweets about Barron Trump

jan 23 2017 Remember not too long ago when a GOP aide had to resign because she posted on her Facebook page a disparaging remark about then-President Barack Obama’s daughters and their dresses?

So where I ask is the media outrage over the cruel, viral comments made about 10-year-old Barron Trump?

As his father was getting sworn into office, “Saturday Night Live” writer Katie Rich tweeted: “Barron will be this country’s first homeschool shooter.”

A Comedy Central writer said Barron Trump “looks like a very handsome date-rapist to be.”
The author of the tweet, Stephen Spinola seems to be proud of his bullying, sharing a story from Bustle headlined, “‘Funny tweets about Barron at the Inauguration aren’t appropriate,’” and replying, “Wow, my tweet didn’t even make it into this article - that’s bull–t.”
I'm considered a conservative and I think both sides do it. One of Obama's kids was attacked for her dancing and all sorts of vile crap has been posted on this board about them.

Well sure, the kids get bashed on the internet. There is no media filter there. But the networks never said anything about the obama kids for 8 years. OTOH - We all remember how they attacked the palin kids. THINK

I am thinking, I saw lots of posts about Obama's girls on this board, whether you choose to accept the fact, it is up to you.
Not the point, the point is the PRESS did not attack the Obama kids. And when some one did they were roundly condemned openly repeatedly and quickly. The same IS NOT happening now with Trump's 10 year old son.
Sarge, come on. You want to attack children? I thought you were better than that.
I'm considered a conservative and I think both sides do it. One of Obama's kids was attacked for her dancing and all sorts of vile crap has been posted on this board about them.

Well sure, the kids get bashed on the internet. There is no media filter there. But the networks never said anything about the obama kids for 8 years. OTOH - We all remember how they attacked the palin kids. THINK

I am thinking, I saw lots of posts about Obama's girls on this board, whether you choose to accept the fact, it is up to you.
Not the point, the point is the PRESS did not attack the Obama kids. And when some one did they were roundly condemned openly repeatedly and quickly. The same IS NOT happening now with Trump's 10 year old son.
Sarge, come on. You want to attack children? I thought you were better than that.
Be specific and link and cite where I did, I won't wait since you can not.
The press attacked the Bush twins and crucified the Palin kids but never touched Obama's kids. The evil press only attacks kids of republicans.

No widespread press outrage over disparaging tweets about Barron Trump

jan 23 2017 Remember not too long ago when a GOP aide had to resign because she posted on her Facebook page a disparaging remark about then-President Barack Obama’s daughters and their dresses?

So where I ask is the media outrage over the cruel, viral comments made about 10-year-old Barron Trump?

As his father was getting sworn into office, “Saturday Night Live” writer Katie Rich tweeted: “Barron will be this country’s first homeschool shooter.”

A Comedy Central writer said Barron Trump “looks like a very handsome date-rapist to be.”
The author of the tweet, Stephen Spinola seems to be proud of his bullying, sharing a story from Bustle headlined, “‘Funny tweets about Barron at the Inauguration aren’t appropriate,’” and replying, “Wow, my tweet didn’t even make it into this article - that’s bull–t.”
SNL suspended the writer who posted this.
The press attacked the Bush twins and crucified the Palin kids but never touched Obama's kids. The evil press only attacks kids of republicans.

No widespread press outrage over disparaging tweets about Barron Trump

jan 23 2017 Remember not too long ago when a GOP aide had to resign because she posted on her Facebook page a disparaging remark about then-President Barack Obama’s daughters and their dresses?

So where I ask is the media outrage over the cruel, viral comments made about 10-year-old Barron Trump?

As his father was getting sworn into office, “Saturday Night Live” writer Katie Rich tweeted: “Barron will be this country’s first homeschool shooter.”

A Comedy Central writer said Barron Trump “looks like a very handsome date-rapist to be.”
The author of the tweet, Stephen Spinola seems to be proud of his bullying, sharing a story from Bustle headlined, “‘Funny tweets about Barron at the Inauguration aren’t appropriate,’” and replying, “Wow, my tweet didn’t even make it into this article - that’s bull–t.”
SNL suspended the writer who posted this.
That means they did not fire them.
The press attacked the Bush twins and crucified the Palin kids but never touched Obama's kids. The evil press only attacks kids of republicans.

No widespread press outrage over disparaging tweets about Barron Trump

jan 23 2017 Remember not too long ago when a GOP aide had to resign because she posted on her Facebook page a disparaging remark about then-President Barack Obama’s daughters and their dresses?

So where I ask is the media outrage over the cruel, viral comments made about 10-year-old Barron Trump?

As his father was getting sworn into office, “Saturday Night Live” writer Katie Rich tweeted: “Barron will be this country’s first homeschool shooter.”

A Comedy Central writer said Barron Trump “looks like a very handsome date-rapist to be.”
The author of the tweet, Stephen Spinola seems to be proud of his bullying, sharing a story from Bustle headlined, “‘Funny tweets about Barron at the Inauguration aren’t appropriate,’” and replying, “Wow, my tweet didn’t even make it into this article - that’s bull–t.”
SNL suspended the writer who posted this.
That means they did not fire them.
Why should she lose her job over a tweet? Why is firing more just than suspension? Why you should you decide that?
I'm considered a conservative and I think both sides do it. One of Obama's kids was attacked for her dancing and all sorts of vile crap has been posted on this board about them.

Well sure, the kids get bashed on the internet. There is no media filter there. But the networks never said anything about the obama kids for 8 years. OTOH - We all remember how they attacked the palin kids. THINK

I am thinking, I saw lots of posts about Obama's girls on this board, whether you choose to accept the fact, it is up to you.
Not the point, the point is the PRESS did not attack the Obama kids. And when some one did they were roundly condemned openly repeatedly and quickly. The same IS NOT happening now with Trump's 10 year old son.

The press didn't attack Baron, two comedy writers did, one was fired the other suspended.
The press attacked the Bush twins and crucified the Palin kids but never touched Obama's kids. The evil press only attacks kids of republicans.

No widespread press outrage over disparaging tweets about Barron Trump

jan 23 2017 Remember not too long ago when a GOP aide had to resign because she posted on her Facebook page a disparaging remark about then-President Barack Obama’s daughters and their dresses?

So where I ask is the media outrage over the cruel, viral comments made about 10-year-old Barron Trump?

As his father was getting sworn into office, “Saturday Night Live” writer Katie Rich tweeted: “Barron will be this country’s first homeschool shooter.”

A Comedy Central writer said Barron Trump “looks like a very handsome date-rapist to be.”
The author of the tweet, Stephen Spinola seems to be proud of his bullying, sharing a story from Bustle headlined, “‘Funny tweets about Barron at the Inauguration aren’t appropriate,’” and replying, “Wow, my tweet didn’t even make it into this article - that’s bull–t.”
SNL suspended the writer who posted this.
That means they did not fire them.
Why should she lose her job over a tweet? Why is firing more just than suspension? Why you should you decide that?

She needs to be fired, if NBC were smart they shouldn't risk loss of advertisers by keeping her on SNL, but that is their decision.
The press attacked the Bush twins and crucified the Palin kids but never touched Obama's kids. The evil press only attacks kids of republicans.

No widespread press outrage over disparaging tweets about Barron Trump

jan 23 2017 Remember not too long ago when a GOP aide had to resign because she posted on her Facebook page a disparaging remark about then-President Barack Obama’s daughters and their dresses?

So where I ask is the media outrage over the cruel, viral comments made about 10-year-old Barron Trump?

As his father was getting sworn into office, “Saturday Night Live” writer Katie Rich tweeted: “Barron will be this country’s first homeschool shooter.”

A Comedy Central writer said Barron Trump “looks like a very handsome date-rapist to be.”
The author of the tweet, Stephen Spinola seems to be proud of his bullying, sharing a story from Bustle headlined, “‘Funny tweets about Barron at the Inauguration aren’t appropriate,’” and replying, “Wow, my tweet didn’t even make it into this article - that’s bull–t.”
SNL suspended the writer who posted this.
That means they did not fire them.
Why should she lose her job over a tweet? Why is firing more just than suspension? Why you should you decide that?

She needs to be fired, if NBC were smart they shouldn't risk loss of advertisers by keeping her on SNL, but that is their decision.
Lol good god. Look I agree Barron should be totally off limits and what she said was dumb, but this was one tweet. I'm sure the kid is fine.
The press attacked the Bush twins and crucified the Palin kids but never touched Obama's kids. The evil press only attacks kids of republicans.
SNL suspended the writer who posted this.
That means they did not fire them.
Why should she lose her job over a tweet? Why is firing more just than suspension? Why you should you decide that?

She needs to be fired, if NBC were smart they shouldn't risk loss of advertisers by keeping her on SNL, but that is their decision.
Lol good god. Look I agree Barron should be totally off limits and what she said was dumb, but this was one tweet. I'm sure the kid is fine.

Sorry, a congressional aide made a comment about Obama's kids and was let go. Limbaugh made an ignorant comment about a football player and was let go, a newscaster made an in appropriate comment about Palin and was let go. Imus made a comment on air about black women and was let go. Of all the ones I have seen both left and right, the only two that should have been fired is the two that went after innocent kids. The rest I didn't think they should have been let go. I don't think the kids will be hurt by it, the fact remains that actions have consequences. She didn't just blurt out a comment, she thought about what she was writing and tweeted it anyway, pretty deliberate and really stupid. She doesn't seem to bright, she thought her disgusting thoughts were funny, she was dumb.
The general rule... Make a comment about others kids and you are fired...

I think both sides do that... The exception come when your parent makes an issue out of it like in the Sarah Palin...

She was talking about Sex education and abstain from sex when her daughter got pregnent at 17... Sorry but that is very hypocritical...

Saying that Barron is pretty bad name for a kid... The poor kid is the bad guy in every movie...
The general rule... Make a comment about others kids and you are fired...

I think both sides do that... The exception come when your parent makes an issue out of it like in the Sarah Palin...

She was talking about Sex education and abstain from sex when her daughter got pregnent at 17... Sorry but that is very hypocritical...

Saying that Barron is pretty bad name for a kid... The poor kid is the bad guy in every movie...

So what does Sara have to do with attacking her kids? She made the statements, her kids didn't. It's both sides, kids should be off limits. Only ignorant, uneducated, morons would think otherwise.
The general rule... Make a comment about others kids and you are fired...

I think both sides do that... The exception come when your parent makes an issue out of it like in the Sarah Palin...

She was talking about Sex education and abstain from sex when her daughter got pregnent at 17... Sorry but that is very hypocritical...

Saying that Barron is pretty bad name for a kid... The poor kid is the bad guy in every movie...

So what does Sara have to do with attacking her kids? She made the statements, her kids didn't. It's both sides, kids should be off limits. Only ignorant, uneducated, morons would think otherwise.

Lets get it in perspective...

Bristol was 18 at the time and her mother was spouting Family values the whole campaign.. Sarah used her kids in the campaign.

Bristol went on to speak about sex education and absence only... It was a farce...
The general rule... Make a comment about others kids and you are fired...

I think both sides do that... The exception come when your parent makes an issue out of it like in the Sarah Palin...

She was talking about Sex education and abstain from sex when her daughter got pregnent at 17... Sorry but that is very hypocritical...

Saying that Barron is pretty bad name for a kid... The poor kid is the bad guy in every movie...

So what does Sara have to do with attacking her kids? She made the statements, her kids didn't. It's both sides, kids should be off limits. Only ignorant, uneducated, morons would think otherwise.

Lets get it in perspective...

Bristol was 18 at the time and her mother was spouting Family values the whole campaign.. Sarah used her kids in the campaign.

Bristol went on to speak about sex education and absence only... It was a farce...

Bristol spoke a few years after that. The daughter that Letterman made fun of was younger than Bristol. He was classless and moronic.

I am also not sure how that excuses people going after their youngest son who was a toddler at the time. I know Sara deserved it because she was a Republican.
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The general rule... Make a comment about others kids and you are fired...

I think both sides do that... The exception come when your parent makes an issue out of it like in the Sarah Palin...

She was talking about Sex education and abstain from sex when her daughter got pregnent at 17... Sorry but that is very hypocritical...

Saying that Barron is pretty bad name for a kid... The poor kid is the bad guy in every movie...

So what does Sara have to do with attacking her kids? She made the statements, her kids didn't. It's both sides, kids should be off limits. Only ignorant, uneducated, morons would think otherwise.

Lets get it in perspective...

Bristol was 18 at the time and her mother was spouting Family values the whole campaign.. Sarah used her kids in the campaign.

Bristol went on to speak about sex education and absence only... It was a farce...
Letterman attacked a 14 year old not an 18 year old. Perhaps you are to stupid to remember that?

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