Leftism and social parasitism


Gold Member
Aug 22, 2021
Leftist systems breed social parasitism and educate fraudsters. In leftist society there is a system of mutual responsibility, society pays for individuals. Honest people invest their labor and creativity in society, fraudsters take advantage of the fact that honest people pay for them. Because of this, scammers and parasites gain an evolutionary advantage.
They are looking for ways to get government subsidies, legal theft and the like, while an honest person bears a social burden and strain.

Left-wing society is a way of transforming society from honest people into parasites and fraudsters. The whole political economic leftism boils down to the redistribution of resources from honest people to parasites.
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The banking system is a special case of such a system. It collects toxic assets from fraudsters who are not going to pay, then a collapse occurs, and the government prints money to compensate for toxic assets, inflation falls on the shoulders of the working people.
The problem with the followers of the far-left (Marxists) is that it breeds laziness, that is part of why there is no innovation, that and no incentive to be very innovative. They steal innovation from the west then adapt it to their needs.
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The problem with the followers of the far-left (Marxists) is that it breeds laziness, that is part of why there is no innovation, that and no incentive to be very innovative. They steal innovation from the west then adapt it to their needs.
It’s not just the ultra-left. In any left-wing system it will be the same, firstly because there is no incentive for development, and secondly, because the person himself is degrading. In leftist systems, initiative is not only discouraged, but also punished. For the left, invention itself is dangerous because it threatens power by forming new elites.
Leftist systems breed social parasitism and educate fraudsters. In leftist society there is a system of mutual responsibility, society pays for individuals. Honest people invest their labor and creativity in society, fraudsters take advantage of the fact that honest people pay for them. Because of this, scammers and parasites gain an evolutionary advantage.
They are looking for ways to get government subsidies, legal theft and the like, while an honest person bears a social burden and strain.

Left-wing society is a way of transforming society from honest people into parasites and fraudsters. The whole political economic leftism boils down to the redistribution of resources from honest people to parasites.
What enables the Left to gain power is the power of the purse in Congress which sends money to every man, woman, and child on the planet in the form of international and domestic welfare. That way, Congress has sway over these people receiving taxpayer money and will use that money to manipulate them into doing what they want them to do. That is why the US has the highest debt in human history that is now growing exponentially with virtually no constraints other than troublesome debt ceilings they have to raise about every week, which is more like a debt vacuum than ceiling. The notion that there is any constraint or possible constraint in spending in Washington is a mere illusion and laughable.

But Congress has become a clown show, as they steal tax payer dollars to use to solidify their own power, buying welfare votes from both the poor and corporate America. Corporate welfare is really the key to it all as they buy the support of corporations world wide to get them to do their bidding like vaccine mandates. Such corruption is on a scale never before seen in human history and arguably unchallengeable. Really the only thing that can stop it is fiscal collapse of the economy and subsequent ruination of the Republic, but when will the bubble burst? How much debt is too much? Countries have destroyed themselves historically for much less debt than in the US.

Oh well, I reckon we are going to find out in the near future, and then we will all be speaking Chinese assuming we survive their biological weapons causing Pandemics.
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Really the only thing that can stop it is fiscal collapse of the economy and subsequent ruination of the Republic, but when will the bubble burst?
This was already during the collapse of the Brettoon Woods system, the only difference is that gold was the asset that covered the dollar. This is an ordinary default, for the United States there is nothing terrible about it, they only risk that confidence in the dollar will fall, and in general, government debts are not secured by anything, no one guarantees anything. Debts are simply canceled.
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This system of debts is based not on material support, but on political will. Britain did the same. The leaderships of the countries that hold dollar assets know that they are not backed by any guarantees, except for the political power of the United States, and they will be quoted as long as it is. But when America shows weakness, as in Afghanistan, it risks undermining confidence.
They are looking for ways to get government subsidies, legal theft and the like, while an honest person bears a social burden and strain.
Simplistic nonsense. Everyone looks for an advantage, Left and Right. Bankers seek protection from their bad judgements, companies want protection from foreign competition, rich tax payers have many ways of minimizing their tax burden, etc.
Simplistic nonsense. Everyone looks for an advantage, Left and Right. Bankers seek protection from their bad judgements, companies want protection from foreign competition, rich tax payers have many ways of minimizing their tax burden, etc.
This is just for the sake of populism. The right will not win if they explicitly declare the abolition or cuts of social benefits
The left wants to suppress the most capable among us and bring everyone down to the same mediocre level. Bright students are being punished, via the abolishment of Gifted Programs, and the schools are being dumbed down, all in the name of “equity.”

The Marxists behind this movement won’t be satisfied until the entire populace is dependent on government assistance.
Democrat voters are exactly the way the Democrat party wants them. Poor, pissed off and dependent on government. That's also how they intend to make all the illegal aliens that are invading our country.
Democrat voters are exactly the way the Democrat party wants them. Poor, pissed off and dependent on government. That's also how they intend to make all the illegal aliens that are invading our country.
Quite the generalization, unbiased by any facts I'd guess. I'm a Dem and I'm not poor, pissed off, or dependent on gov't handouts. Same for most people I know.

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