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Historical perspective:

When I was a kid, there was no "artificial birth control," and abortion was a crime. If you wanted to have sex and avoid pregnancy, you either used a "rubber" or tried coitus interruptus and hoped for the best. Some abortions did occur, but it was rare and, to be frank, disgraceful. You never talked about it for the rest of your life.

[Remember the term, "Shotgun wedding"? If you got your girlfriend pregnant, you married her or faced SEVERE consequences from the girl's family].

Then came The Pill. We were told that - HOORAY! - there would be "No more unwanted babies." Funny, it didn't seem to work out that way.

Then came Roe v Wade, and the gradual expansion of when an abortion was still "legal," up until, basically the time of birth.

And again, we were told there would be "no more unwanted. babies." Hmmm. Hadn't we heard that before?

And now, nearly 40% of American births are out of wedlock.

And the Left keeps telling us that killing more and more babies later and later in pregnancy, is the solution.

You'll pardon me if I'm a little bit skeptical.
Getting married and staying married is the solution.

That is a good solution, but sadly a rare one these days since half of all marriages tend to end in failure.

No surprise that you believe it....but, as is so much of the Left's propaganda, it is false.

It is designed to weaken the family and marriage.

"Fifty percent of American marriages are not ending in divorce. It's fiction. A myth. A tragically discouraging urban legend.

If there's no credible evidence that half of American marriages will end up in divorce court, where did that belief originate?

Demographers say there was increased focus on divorce rates during the 1970s when the number of divorces rose, partly as a result of no-fault divorce. Divorces peaked in 1979 and articles started appearing that claimed 50 percent of American marriages were ending in divorce.

A spokesperson for the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics told me that the rumor appears to have originated from a misreading of the facts. It was true, he said, if you looked at all the marriages and divorces within a single year, you'd find that there were twice as many marriages as divorces. In 1981, for example, there were 2.4 million marriages and 1.2 million divorces. At first glance, that would seem like a 50-percent divorce rate.

Virtually none of those divorces were among the people who had married during that year, however, and the statistic failed to take into account the 54 million marriages that already existed, the majority of which would not see divorce.

So what is the divorce picture in America? Surprisingly, it's not easy to get precise figures because some states don't report divorces to the National Center for Health Statistics, including one of the largest: California.

In his book Inside America in 1984, pollster Louis Harris said that only about 11 or 12 percent of people who had ever been married had ever been divorced. Researcher George Barna's most recent survey of Americans in 2001 estimates that 34 percent of those who have ever been married have ever been divorced."


But....government school grads will believe anything.

Historical perspective:

When I was a kid, there was no "artificial birth control," and abortion was a crime. If you wanted to have sex and avoid pregnancy, you either used a "rubber" or tried coitus interruptus and hoped for the best. Some abortions did occur, but it was rare and, to be frank, disgraceful. You never talked about it for the rest of your life.

[Remember the term, "Shotgun wedding"? If you got your girlfriend pregnant, you married her or faced SEVERE consequences from the girl's family].

Then came The Pill. We were told that - HOORAY! - there would be "No more unwanted babies." Funny, it didn't seem to work out that way.

Then came Roe v Wade, and the gradual expansion of when an abortion was still "legal," up until, basically the time of birth.

And again, we were told there would be "no more unwanted. babies." Hmmm. Hadn't we heard that before?

And now, nearly 40% of American births are out of wedlock.

And the Left keeps telling us that killing more and more babies later and later in pregnancy, is the solution.

You'll pardon me if I'm a little bit skeptical.

exactally and fine forget sex ed was gonna educate people and no more unwanted babies..
Getting married and staying married is the solution.

That is a good solution, but sadly a rare one these days since half of all marriages tend to end in failure.
True, but that's because the same people that said all this other crap would work, told us that making divorce easy, would lead to an improvement in society........they were wrong again.
We’re not going back to the 1950’s, folks. The republican dream of the Handmaiden’s Tale will not happen either.
Getting married and staying married is the solution.

That is a good solution, but sadly a rare one these days since half of all marriages tend to end in failure.
True, but that's because the same people that said all this other crap would work, told us that making divorce easy, would lead to an improvement in society........they were wrong again.

depends on your view of what is an improvement. Is a lower divorce rate with women trapped in abusive marriages an improvement over what we have now?
Getting married and staying married is the solution.

That is a good solution, but sadly a rare one these days since half of all marriages tend to end in failure.
True, but that's because the same people that said all this other crap would work, told us that making divorce easy, would lead to an improvement in society........they were wrong again.

depends on your view of what is an improvement. Is a lower divorce rate with women trapped in abusive marriages an improvement over what we have now?

Getting married and staying married is the solution.

That is a good solution, but sadly a rare one these days since half of all marriages tend to end in failure.
True, but that's because the same people that said all this other crap would work, told us that making divorce easy, would lead to an improvement in society........they were wrong again.

depends on your view of what is an improvement. Is a lower divorce rate with women trapped in abusive marriages an improvement over what we have now?


that is because you are not a woman and have never been trapped in an abusive relationship with no legal recourse. Hell, it was not long ago that according to the law a husband could not rape his wife because she was supposed to have sex with him whenever he wanted it
Getting married and staying married is the solution.

That is a good solution, but sadly a rare one these days since half of all marriages tend to end in failure.
True, but that's because the same people that said all this other crap would work, told us that making divorce easy, would lead to an improvement in society........they were wrong again.

depends on your view of what is an improvement. Is a lower divorce rate with women trapped in abusive marriages an improvement over what we have now?
I didn't say anything about spousal abuse, of course that's a legit reason (as long as it's not snowflake abuse, like my husband didn't like my shoes...ooooh I'm traumatized now). We're talking about no fault divorce, that's what made divorce easy........and it's horrific. To get a divorce you should have a reason......just state it...and move on. We don't have to do that now.....that's why we joke about divorce and see these Hollywood 5 min marriages. Things get tough, you're unhappy....I love that one, I'm unhappy, It's a feeling that comes and goes....stupid to make life decisions based on it, yet people do.

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