Left wing thugs now attacking Republican politicians at Town Halls, it will get worse.

Some leftist extremist have to realize lashing out violently is stooping down to a conservatives level. We are supposed to be the reasonable and peaceful ones. By lashing out, you allow them to have an upper hand.

Not worth going to jail for a republican cockroach.
LOL, the left has been engaged in roadblocks, riots and violence since the election. You're not any better than a common street thug.
Some leftist extremist have to realize lashing out violently is stooping down to a conservatives level. We are supposed to be the reasonable and peaceful ones. By lashing out, you allow them to have an upper hand.

Not worth going to jail for a republican cockroach.

Excuse me, apparently you missed the election. It was the disturbed democrats that resorted to violence, not the other way around. Democrats lashing out is stoooping to Soros' level. Republicans rise above mind control.

There was violence from both sides. Right and left wingers behaved badly.

The Leftwingers attacked the Rightwingers who tried to defend themselves is the way I heard it. Maybe not all the time but most of the time. Not quite the same when you have to get violent to defend yourself.
From shouting down conservatives on college campuses, to shouting GOP politicians down at local town halls, the left wing assholes are starting to escalate their political violence......

Getting Dangerous: Man Gets Physical With GOP Congressman At Town Hall [VIDEO]

6 months of butt hurt is more than the leftists can take.

sad really.

But where are they going to go? They are too far down the rabbit hole now, they cannot accept the election.

They're going to run as the anti-Trump party. Vote for us cuz we are against Trump, and that'll work for their base. But it won't work for anyone else unless Trump's economic agenda doesn't work. The Dems are going to oppose everything the GOP tries to do, EVERYTHING. The question is, will they pay the price for it next November?

One big violent protest, one more highway blocked, continued beating on the Russian drum and they are going to get whooped again. Of course they won't lose their California and New York strongholds but that's about all they will have.
Why are people assuming that only the "left" wants to save the republic? Not every rightist is like the RWNJs who post here. Surely there are true Conservatives who want to stop Repubs from attacking every principle and law our country was built on.

And "paid"?? Non one should have to pay an American to fight the insanity we're seeing in the Repub party right now.

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Why are people assuming that only the "left" wants to save the republic? Not every rightist is like the RWNJs who post here. Surely there are true Conservatives who want to stop Repubs from attacking every principle and law our country was built on.

And "paid"?? Non one should have to pay an American to fight the insanity we're seeing in the Repub party right now.

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The left doesn't want to save the Republic....asswipes like you want to destroy it, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights.....they all interfere with big government......and you welfare goodies...
They aren't just democrats, they are paid operatives.
How much are they getting paid?

Too find out you could talk to these guys....bob craemer, scot foval and the others on this video....where they admit they hired people to incite violence at Trump events......they have not gone away...

If you have any doubts about left wingers paying for riots and protests....watch the video..they confess it.......

They aren't just democrats, they are paid operatives.
How much are they getting paid?

Too find out you could talk to these guys....bob craemer, scot foval and the others on this video....where they admit they hired people to incite violence at Trump events......they have not gone away...

If you have any doubts about left wingers paying for riots and protests....watch the video..they confess it.......

Oh yeah....that was a hoot! Thank you for the fake news. :lol: :lol: :lol:
They aren't just democrats, they are paid operatives.
How much are they getting paid?

Too find out you could talk to these guys....bob craemer, scot foval and the others on this video....where they admit they hired people to incite violence at Trump events......they have not gone away...

If you have any doubts about left wingers paying for riots and protests....watch the video..they confess it.......

Oh yeah....that was a hoot! Thank you for the fake news. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yeah.....they are actually on video admitting to working for the Democrat National Committee and the Hilary campaign, they state who they get directions from, who pays them......and you want to hide it........they also went to the White House about 100 Times during the election....
Why are people assuming that only the "left" wants to save the republic? Not every rightist is like the RWNJs who post here. Surely there are true Conservatives who want to stop Repubs from attacking every principle and law our country was built on.

And "paid"?? Non one should have to pay an American to fight the insanity we're seeing in the Repub party right now.

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I am a true Constitutional Conservative and you don't know what you are talking about. The left wants the destruction of the Republic and a one global government.
Pffffffffffffffft, we have a long and rich history otherwise.

I didn't say it hasn't happened before and no doubt will again, what I did say was there's no excuse for it. Which these days is primarily many of those on the Left who seem to have little or no respect for the law or other people's rights.

Oh, so all you have is parisanshit? We've always been able to make excuses for violence, we got the land mass via enthinc cleansing for christ's sake.

no asswipe....we got the land mass because the original owners were backward and primitive and didn't have guns......what happened here was what happened all over the world......and they were busy killing, and eating, each other over here long before the Europeans came around...

From the beginning of civilization people have been killing or enslaving other people and stealing their land. That does not excuse what goes on today.

Didn't say it did...but putting a false blame on the Europeans who came here as being especially different from the mongols, the samurai, the zulu, the aztec, the arabs, the egyptians, the assyrians, and all the other people who conquered and murdered to acquire wealth and power is wrong...
Then there's nothing exceptional about america after all, just another place and space in time.
Why are people assuming that only the "left" wants to save the republic? Not every rightist is like the RWNJs who post here. Surely there are true Conservatives who want to stop Repubs from attacking every principle and law our country was built on.

And "paid"?? Non one should have to pay an American to fight the insanity we're seeing in the Repub party right now.

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You say "Repubs from attacking every principle and law our country was built on." What are these principles and laws they are attacking? Also, I see the violence coming only from the left. I actually thought of going to a trump rally in orange county, ca, but didn't want to risk getting hit or having a rock thrown at me. And there was violence at that rally, all from the left, as well as some carrying mexican flags, to add insult to injury.
Some leftist extremist have to realize lashing out violently is stooping down to a conservatives level. We are supposed to be the reasonable and peaceful ones. By lashing out, you allow them to have an upper hand.

Not worth going to jail for a republican cockroach.

Excuse me, apparently you missed the election. It was the disturbed democrats that resorted to violence, not the other way around. Democrats lashing out is stoooping to Soros' level. Republicans rise above mind control.

There was violence from both sides. Right and left wingers behaved badly.

You are wrong. The Republicans acted nothing like the Democrats. Democrats use violence to shut down the 1st. Amendment. Look no further than how they act at Berkeley.... Whiny little creeps.
Some leftist extremist have to realize lashing out violently is stooping down to a conservatives level. We are supposed to be the reasonable and peaceful ones. By lashing out, you allow them to have an upper hand.

Not worth going to jail for a republican cockroach.

Excuse me, apparently you missed the election. It was the disturbed democrats that resorted to violence, not the other way around. Democrats lashing out is stoooping to Soros' level. Republicans rise above mind control.

There was violence from both sides. Right and left wingers behaved badly.

You are wrong. The Republicans acted nothing like the Democrats. Democrats resort to violence to shut down the 1st. Amendment. Look no further than how they acting at Berkeley.... Whiny little creeps.
Voters are associating that nonsense with the Democratic Party. It's why I can't help smiling when it happens.
From shouting down conservatives on college campuses, to shouting GOP politicians down at local town halls, the left wing assholes are starting to escalate their political violence......

Getting Dangerous: Man Gets Physical With GOP Congressman At Town Hall [VIDEO]
That dude wasn't left wing. He was a right wing constituent of the Congressman who's pissed of at the GOP for throwing average Americans under the bus.

You fuckers are so pussy, you can't stand your own ilk telling you you're fucked!

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