Left-wing supporters: What do you think of this post?


Going off your chart it is clear that a real decline in unemployment numbers did not happen until Obama second term which would mean the House has controlled by the GOP and John Boehner at the time and many State Governments had flipped GOP, can you explain what policies that Obama implemented that caused the downward turn for unemployment and was the drop in unemployment because of job creation or those that ran out of benefits and no longer reported?
Yes, QE kicked in. Obama did the right thing, and watched the Fed pour $4.5 trillion into markets, and that's what unfroze credit markets and brought us back. I don't give him much credit for that, as he didn't have much choice considering what he inherited.

You guys are desperate to make this about politics, but it's not.

And now you're celebrating an economy in which we have exploded the deficit AND the Fed is BACK to pouring hundreds of billions of dollars into markets to grease the system.

I don't think you guys know this. I don't think you care.

Feel free to link me Celebrating this because I assure you I am not but as usual you will put me with the Trumpster group.

The actual fall for unemployment under Obama was mixed but I did ask a simple damn question you did not want to answer and what was it?

Was the downward decline because of job creation or those dropping out and no longer reporting because their benefits had run dry?

The unemployment indicator is a poor idiot way to judge how well the economy is actually flowing.

I never mentioned anything about the pumping of money into the government or the fact during Obama eight years the Feds kept interest rates low as hell...

So pleas kind Sir show where I am celebrating because I can tell you I am not a fan of Trump economy and was one of the few on this board that went off when Trump almost crashed it with his threat of closing off Mexican trade...

Now get busy...
I answered your question as clearly and simply as I could: QE unfroze the system and created the momentum that led to job creation and positive GDP growth.

I'm tired of repeating the obvious here.

But the job creation during Obama eight years were mainly low wage earning jobs and not high earning jobs which many of those high earning jobs in fields like medical and engineering were being farmed out to H1-B visa holders, so again was Obama economy that great?

Also no you did not truly answer the question because you know for a fact the decrease during Obama time was in part from the dropping out of searching for a job and not participating in the labor market.

You know this and play coy as usual because of your TDS.

Fact is the country is heading toward a massive downturn that will not be a recession but a great depression under Trump second term.

I do not feel comfortable with the course of actions Trump has taken and feel his policies and hotshot attitude will cause a war and economic collapse but I also do not credit Obama for saving the economy from George W. Bush time seeing Obama was a Senator during the time when the collapse started.

It take more than one man to save a nation like ours but it can take only one man to collapse it...

Pure fabricated bullshit. Unbelievable.
Uh...yes it was. Obama campaigned on “fuck the rich..l’ll wipe them out” and “I’m going to soak the successful in taxes”. The markets responded to his rhetoric and his winning the election.
1) He campaigned on no such thing.
Joe...the adults can't have a discussion if you're just going to keep denying reality simply because you're ashamed of the history of your party.

Barack Obama proudly ran on "fuck corporations". I'm sitting here watching the Dumbocrat debates and they are doing the same thing. Completely demonizing corporations and promising the American people to "get them". Exactly like MaObama did.

Now sit down and shut up until you're willing to accept undeniable reality.

Hey moron, newsflash for you - posting pure fantasies and then getting upset that they get called for the baseless bullshit they are is not adult-like.

Obama never said anything like that and shame on you for being this fucking stupid and ignorant to believe it.
Uh...yes it was. Obama campaigned on “fuck the rich..l’ll wipe them out” and “I’m going to soak the successful in taxes”. The markets responded to his rhetoric and his winning the election.
1) He campaigned on no such thing.
Joe...the adults can't have a discussion if you're just going to keep denying reality simply because you're ashamed of the history of your party.

Barack Obama proudly ran on "fuck corporations". I'm sitting here watching the Dumbocrat debates and they are doing the same thing. Completely demonizing corporations and promising the American people to "get them". Exactly like MaObama did.

Now sit down and shut up until you're willing to accept undeniable reality.

Hey moron, newsflash for you - posting pure fantasies and then getting upset that they get called for the baseless bullshit they are is not adult-like.

Obama never said anything like that and shame on you for being this fucking stupid and ignorant to believe it.

Wake up...dumbass.
I think the left wing ideas about Obama Vs Trump unemployment is complete BULLSHIT. Not just because of false information...

1. The worse the recession the greater room for recovery. The greatest amount of that recovery should occur in the early going, which slows in time. It's basic math, logic and economics. I like to use a bouncy ball as a metaphor, the further the ball drops the more the climb, and velocity (room for improvement) decreases as it climbs.

2. Similar the logic above, the greater the economy the less room for improvement. In other words, when unemployment is low there's little room for improvement. But logic is inconvenient where PROG-narrations are concerned.

3. WTF exactly did Obama do to create an environment for hiring anyway? It sure as heck wasn't Obamacare. Other than govt. agencies having to account for the changes, which was a major expense, Obamacare stagnated hiring. I know what Trump has done, we can start with taxes, regulations, trade and business friendly.

4. Unemployment is just a guide, it doesn't account for underemployment, those who used up their benefits, and those who gave up trying, for which there were a bunch under Obama.

5. Then there's the elephant in the room, the Democrats controlled both houses and POTUS when we hit rock bottom. You don't hear a single PROG-economist or "news" agency making that important distinction, doesn't suit their agenda.

This looks like a legit chart. Gives the rate for the months of December. 2008 was 7.3%, 2009 (year into Obama) it was 9.9%.....Slow as fuck recovery too, 2010 was 9.3%, 2011 was 8.5%. Compare Today's Unemployment with the Past
Oh fk the leftists
My God you progs are stupid. Anybody can make a graph. Here's one:


Going off your chart it is clear that a real decline in unemployment numbers did not happen until Obama second term which would mean the House has controlled by the GOP and John Boehner at the time and many State Governments had flipped GOP, can you explain what policies that Obama implemented that caused the downward turn for unemployment and was the drop in unemployment because of job creation or those that ran out of benefits and no longer reported?
Yes, QE kicked in. Obama did the right thing, and watched the Fed pour $4.5 trillion into markets, and that's what unfroze credit markets and brought us back. I don't give him much credit for that, as he didn't have much choice considering what he inherited.

You guys are desperate to make this about politics, but it's not.

And now you're celebrating an economy in which we have exploded the deficit AND the Fed is BACK to pouring hundreds of billions of dollars into markets to grease the system.

I don't think you guys even KNOW this. I don't think you care.

Down here in Australia the reserve bank is keeping interest rates as low as they can. Some with most Western economies. Why? Because anywhere over the next 2-4 years they are expecting a US led recession due to Trump's dangerous fiscal policies. Weirdly, I hope he wins the next election. Because if a Dem wins, they'll be blamed for the shit caused on Trump's watch. Same thing happened with Obama. Remember the GFC started on Bush's watch. Trump lovers seem to conveniently forget that.

Going off your chart it is clear that a real decline in unemployment numbers did not happen until Obama second term which would mean the House has controlled by the GOP and John Boehner at the time and many State Governments had flipped GOP, can you explain what policies that Obama implemented that caused the downward turn for unemployment and was the drop in unemployment because of job creation or those that ran out of benefits and no longer reported?
Yes, QE kicked in. Obama did the right thing, and watched the Fed pour $4.5 trillion into markets, and that's what unfroze credit markets and brought us back. I don't give him much credit for that, as he didn't have much choice considering what he inherited.

You guys are desperate to make this about politics, but it's not.

And now you're celebrating an economy in which we have exploded the deficit AND the Fed is BACK to pouring hundreds of billions of dollars into markets to grease the system.

I don't think you guys even KNOW this. I don't think you care.

Down here in Australia the reserve bank is keeping interest rates as low as they can. Some with most Western economies. Why? Because anywhere over the next 2-4 years they are expecting a US led recession due to Trump's dangerous fiscal policies. Weirdly, I hope he wins the next election. Because if a Dem wins, they'll be blamed for the shit caused on Trump's watch. Same thing happened with Obama. Remember the GFC started on Bush's watch. Trump lovers seem to conveniently forget that.
There must be someone in the White House warning Trump about the dangers of his fiscal all-you-can-eat donut truck.

But why should he personally care? And he also knows that if it happens he and his followers will just blame someone else.

All we can do at this point is hang on for the ride.
There must be someone in the White House warning Trump about the dangers of his fiscal all-you-can-eat donut truck.

But why should he personally care? And he also knows that if it happens he and his followers will just blame someone else.

All we can do at this point is hang on for the ride.

Again, you guys on Wall Street will insist on a bailout - again- when it crashes.


Going off your chart it is clear that a real decline in unemployment numbers did not happen until Obama second term which would mean the House has controlled by the GOP and John Boehner at the time and many State Governments had flipped GOP, can you explain what policies that Obama implemented that caused the downward turn for unemployment and was the drop in unemployment because of job creation or those that ran out of benefits and no longer reported?
All i see is a downward trend since around 2010. Nothing the right wing did changed that.
Yes, QE kicked in. Obama did the right thing, and watched the Fed pour $4.5 trillion into markets, and that's what unfroze credit markets and brought us back. I don't give him much credit for that, as he didn't have much choice considering what he inherited.

You guys are desperate to make this about politics, but it's not.

And now you're celebrating an economy in which we have exploded the deficit AND the Fed is BACK to pouring hundreds of billions of dollars into markets to grease the system.

I don't think you guys know this. I don't think you care.

Naw, guy, we don't care. The problem with all the QE's is that most of the benefits of it went to the parasite class on Wall Street. The rest of us are out here working two jobs, struggling with debt, and just waiting for the next recession to hit which we'll all end up paying for.
lol. this is the Best Tax Cut economics can do:
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Dumbass, because Obama didn’t cause the Great Recession. DUH
Dumbass, yes he did. To repeat: unemployment stood at 7.8% when he was sworn in. :lmao:
Yes. And rising fast as the economy was basically in free fall. This is a dramatic difference from where Trump took over with a health economy.

What’s the point?
You're wasting your time. These guys haven't been told about this stuff. So they just don't know.
Dumbass, because Obama didn’t cause the Great Recession. DUH
Dumbass, yes he did. To repeat: unemployment stood at 7.8% when he was sworn in. :lmao:
Yes. And rising fast as the economy was basically in free fall.
Yeah...and when firemen show up on a scene...the first is also “rising fast”. But they don’t make fucking excuses and they sure as shit don’t dump gasoline on the fire like MaObama did. They take responsibility and they put the fire out.

Unemployment skyrocketed to over 10% under Obama after he threw more than $1 trillion at the economy. There was no “recovery” until after Republicans took control, coast-to-coast. That’s an indisputable fact that pisses the left off so much, they can’t help but lie about it.
Dumbass, because Obama didn’t cause the Great Recession. DUH
Dumbass, yes he did. To repeat: unemployment stood at 7.8% when he was sworn in. :lmao:
Yes. And rising fast as the economy was basically in free fall.
Yeah...and when firemen show up on a scene...the first is also “rising fast”. But they don’t make fucking excuses and they sure as shit don’t dump gasoline on the fire like MaObama did. They take responsibility and they put the fire out.

Unemployment skyrocketed to over 10% under Obama after he threw more than $1 trillion at the economy. There was no “recovery” until after Republicans took control, coast-to-coast. That’s an indisputable fact that pisses the left off so much, they can’t help but lie about it.
Fascinating. How did Obama throw gasoline on it?
Dumbass, because Obama didn’t cause the Great Recession. DUH
Dumbass, yes he did. To repeat: unemployment stood at 7.8% when he was sworn in. :lmao:

Ooooh, so Obama gets sworn in and 800,000 jobs a month loss is supposed to turn into growth overnight...? Thats what you are blaming him for not making happen?

Stop laughing ignoramus, the joke is on you. You may not like it but the story on Obama's economy is already written into history - it's one of recovery and steady growth. Can you find a healthy way to deal with that? I bet not.

Dumbass, because Obama didn’t cause the Great Recession. DUH
Dumbass, yes he did. To repeat: unemployment stood at 7.8% when he was sworn in. :lmao:
Yes. And rising fast as the economy was basically in free fall.
Yeah...and when firemen show up on a scene...the first is also “rising fast”. But they don’t make fucking excuses and they sure as shit don’t dump gasoline on the fire like MaObama did. They take responsibility and they put the fire out.

Unemployment skyrocketed to over 10% under Obama after he threw more than $1 trillion at the economy. There was no “recovery” until after Republicans took control, coast-to-coast. That’s an indisputable fact that pisses the left off so much, they can’t help but lie about it.
Fascinating. How did Obama throw gasoline on it?

Spending projects, tax-cuts, bailouts and low interests rates are contractionary dontcha-know. :rolleyes:
Uh...yes it was. Obama campaigned on “fuck the rich..l’ll wipe them out” and “I’m going to soak the successful in taxes”. The markets responded to his rhetoric and his winning the election.
1) He campaigned on no such thing.
Joe...the adults can't have a discussion if you're just going to keep denying reality simply because you're ashamed of the history of your party.

Barack Obama proudly ran on "fuck corporations". I'm sitting here watching the Dumbocrat debates and they are doing the same thing. Completely demonizing corporations and promising the American people to "get them". Exactly like MaObama did.

Now sit down and shut up until you're willing to accept undeniable reality.

Hey moron, newsflash for you - posting pure fantasies and then getting upset that they get called for the baseless bullshit they are is not adult-like.

Obama never said anything like that and shame on you for being this fucking stupid and ignorant to believe it.

Wake up...dumbass.

There is nothing in your aticle stating that Obama said what you claimed he did. Stop fucking lying already, it's pathetic.
Uh...yes it was. Obama campaigned on “fuck the rich..l’ll wipe them out” and “I’m going to soak the successful in taxes”. The markets responded to his rhetoric and his winning the election.
1) He campaigned on no such thing.
Joe...the adults can't have a discussion if you're just going to keep denying reality simply because you're ashamed of the history of your party.

Barack Obama proudly ran on "fuck corporations". I'm sitting here watching the Dumbocrat debates and they are doing the same thing. Completely demonizing corporations and promising the American people to "get them". Exactly like MaObama did.

Now sit down and shut up until you're willing to accept undeniable reality.

Hey moron, newsflash for you - posting pure fantasies and then getting upset that they get called for the baseless bullshit they are is not adult-like.

Obama never said anything like that and shame on you for being this fucking stupid and ignorant to believe it.

Wake up...dumbass.

There is nothing in your aticle stating that Obama said what you claimed he did. Stop fucking lying already, it's pathetic.

I see, so it only matters if he says he's anti business...dumbass.
1) He campaigned on no such thing.
Joe...the adults can't have a discussion if you're just going to keep denying reality simply because you're ashamed of the history of your party.

Barack Obama proudly ran on "fuck corporations". I'm sitting here watching the Dumbocrat debates and they are doing the same thing. Completely demonizing corporations and promising the American people to "get them". Exactly like MaObama did.

Now sit down and shut up until you're willing to accept undeniable reality.

Hey moron, newsflash for you - posting pure fantasies and then getting upset that they get called for the baseless bullshit they are is not adult-like.

Obama never said anything like that and shame on you for being this fucking stupid and ignorant to believe it.

Wake up...dumbass.

There is nothing in your aticle stating that Obama said what you claimed he did. Stop fucking lying already, it's pathetic.

I see, so it only matters if he says he's anti business...dumbass.

Stop lying jerk-off. He never said that.

Why do you post all these blatant lies? Don’t you have just A BIT of shame??

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