Left vs Right

The last time we shut down the economy for COVID, it didn't work; the virus is still here. So the right doesn't want to waste time with that nonsense again. The left does.

That's who the left is - the very definition of insanity.

But see, then you get the process versus motive moment.

People are killed driving on the interstate all the time.
They passed seatbelt laws, but they didn't shut the interstate or the economy down.

They didn't shut the economy down to save lives.
People will still die even if they wear a seatbelt.

It's like, do you want the brain aneurism you can get while taking blood thinners, or the stroke you can have if you don't?
Then what kind of damage are we talking about allowing to happen to the patient, why, and who does that serve?

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The last time we shut down the economy for COVID, it didn't work; the virus is still here. So the right doesn't want to waste time with that nonsense again. The left does.

That's who the left is - the very definition of insanity.

But see, then you get the process versus motive moment.

People are killed driving on the interstate all the time.
They passed seatbelt laws, but they didn't shut the interstate or the economy down.

They didn't shut the economy down to save lives.
People will still die even if they wear a seatbelt.

It's like, do you want the brain aneurism you can get while taking blood thinners, or the stroke you can have if you don't?
Then what kind of damage are we talking about allowing to happen to the patient?

Mobility is a sacred, though thousands of Americans die in crashes every year. Just like backyard swimming pools are a sacred, though hundreds of infants and toddlers drown in them every year.

People make their own choices. That's freedom.

Moonbats want to be the ones to make all the judgments. That's tyranny. To hell with the economy and the increase in the suicide, alcoholism, and domestic abuse rates; we're going to slow the COVID spread so that, you know, the misery lasts longer.
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The Interpretation of (Left) Dreams

“Why do we dream? Freud’s answer is deceptively simple: the ultimate function of the dream is to enable the dreamer to stay asleep.” Slavoj Zizek (2006)

Traditional Left Ideology sets out a vision of how the world ‘ought to be.’ The Left’s view can be summed up as the belief that social justice is the primary requirement for improving the world, and that this better future entails the pursuit of equality in various forms. The Left ideologist believes that it is both ethical and moral to attempt to approach equality in terms of civil rights and material wealth.

But if the Left focuses on ‘what could be,’ the Right focuses on ‘what is.’ If the Left operates where people ‘could be,’ the Right operates where people ‘are’ or at least, where they believe themselves to be. The Right does not aim to change human social reality but rather to celebrate, and to even maximize it.

I don't subscribe to left/right pardigm - FYI. I'm libertarian. I think it could be interesting to have a discussion-
Leftism is merely empowering government to try and control what is perceived as bad behavior.

The opposite are those who want to allow people the option of making bad decisions and simply learning to better govern themselves instead of government doing it for them.

The need for both being a civil society. But as Ben Franklin aptly stated, once the moral fiber of society wanes then a despotic government will rise up to contain it, being no other option to maintain a civil society.

And that is what I see happening. Mass shootings emerged in the 1960's, as well as many other societal ills that have increasingly demanded a rise of big government. This is largely, in my opinion, the result of increased secularism. People are simply encouraged to govern their own moral behavior due to their faith, and recognize future penalties from a higher power for not being moral. Conversely, the secularist acts as they please with the notion that if no one ever finds out about their amoral behavior or is willing to stop them, why not just do as you please, especially knowing that if they get caught and punished that punishment is temporal.

Studies have shown that those that believe in a hell, for example, have a lower incidence of crime. And those of faith lead the way for those giving their money and time the charity and those in need. Conversely, Leftists just sit around trying to convince us to vote for people to force them to pay higher taxes, in the hopes that some of that money may find its way to those in need. Why they just don't roll up their sleeves and give their own time and money to those in need is but a mystery. Perhaps just laziness with very little motivation is the reason.
Original sinners like to just make up their own facts. Burning people at the stake was done in the past and not for free market capitalism purposes.
What you speak of was the theocracy of the Catholic church. Here was a society who could not read and were not taught Biblical teachings correctly. In fact, the state is the number one murderer and enslaver of any human organization, and when sinful man does these things in the name of God, it only gets worse. Thanks to the Guttenberg Press, and Martin Luther, people began to see for themselves what the Biblical teachings really were. After all, Jesus explicitly said that his kingdom was not of this world. No world government can properly represent him.

The Founding Fathers realized this and came from a society where the state spoke from the pulpit. This they were adamantly opposed to, and rightfully so. This is why we have religious freedom today instead of the state demanding we adhere to a state run church.
We also got a First Amendment from them. Right wingers are not for freedom unless it is about loving your guns.
But it is the Left that wants to repeal the First Amendment.

Half of Americans now want speech restricted if it "offends" them

In other words, only speech that offends Leftists.
The last time we shut down the economy for COVID, it didn't work; the virus is still here. So the right doesn't want to waste time with that nonsense again. The left does.

That's who the left is - the very definition of insanity.

But see, then you get the process versus motive moment.

People are killed driving on the interstate all the time.
They passed seatbelt laws, but they didn't shut the interstate or the economy down.

They didn't shut the economy down to save lives.
People will still die even if they wear a seatbelt.

It's like, do you want the brain aneurism you can get while taking blood thinners, or the stroke you can have if you don't?
Then what kind of damage are we talking about allowing to happen to the patient?

Mobility is a sacred, though thousands of Americans die in crashes every year. Just like backyard swimming pools are a sacred, though hundreds of infants and toddlers drown in them every year.

People make their own choices. That's freedom.

Moonbats want to be the ones to make all the judgments. That's tyranny. To hell with the economy and the increase in the suicide, alcoholism, and domestic abuse rates; we're going to slow the COVID spread so that, you know, the misery lasts longer.
The relative communism of a wartime economy is what achieved full employment and won WWII. Nobody trusts capitalism when it really really matters. Our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are examples.
Do you agree or disagree with the assessment featured?

The Interpretation of (Left) Dreams

“Why do we dream? Freud’s answer is deceptively simple: the ultimate function of the dream is to enable the dreamer to stay asleep.” Slavoj Zizek (2006)

Traditional Left Ideology sets out a vision of how the world ‘ought to be.’ The Left’s view can be summed up as the belief that social justice is the primary requirement for improving the world, and that this better future entails the pursuit of equality in various forms. The Left ideologist believes that it is both ethical and moral to attempt to approach equality in terms of civil rights and material wealth.

But if the Left focuses on ‘what could be,’ the Right focuses on ‘what is.’ If the Left operates where people ‘could be,’ the Right operates where people ‘are’ or at least, where they believe themselves to be. The Right does not aim to change human social reality but rather to celebrate, and to even maximize it.

I don't subscribe to left/right pardigm - FYI. I'm libertarian. I think it could be interesting to have a discussion-
Leftism is merely empowering government to try and control what is perceived as bad behavior.

The opposite are those who want to allow people the option of making bad decisions and simply learning to better govern themselves instead of government doing it for them.

The need for both being a civil society. But as Ben Franklin aptly stated, once the moral fiber of society wanes then a despotic government will rise up to contain it, being no other option to maintain a civil society.

And that is what I see happening. Mass shootings emerged in the 1960's, as well as many other societal ills that have increasingly demanded a rise of big government. This is largely, in my opinion, the result of increased secularism. People are simply encouraged to govern their own moral behavior due to their faith, and recognize future penalties from a higher power for not being moral. Conversely, the secularist acts as they please with the notion that if no one ever finds out about their amoral behavior or is willing to stop them, why not just do as you please, especially knowing that if they get caught and punished that punishment is temporal.

Studies have shown that those that believe in a hell, for example, have a lower incidence of crime. And those of faith lead the way for those giving their money and time the charity and those in need. Conversely, Leftists just sit around trying to convince us to vote for people to force them to pay higher taxes, in the hopes that some of that money may find its way to those in need. Why they just don't roll up their sleeves and give their own time and money to those in need is but a mystery. Perhaps just laziness with very little motivation is the reason.
Original sinners like to just make up their own facts. Burning people at the stake was done in the past and not for free market capitalism purposes.
What you speak of was the theocracy of the Catholic church. Here was a society who could not read and were not taught Biblical teachings correctly. In fact, the state is the number one murderer and enslaver of any human organization, and when sinful man does these things in the name of God, it only gets worse. Thanks to the Guttenberg Press, and Martin Luther, people began to see for themselves what the Biblical teachings really were. After all, Jesus explicitly said that his kingdom was not of this world. No world government can properly represent him.

The Founding Fathers realized this and came from a society where the state spoke from the pulpit. This they were adamantly opposed to, and rightfully so. This is why we have religious freedom today instead of the state demanding we adhere to a state run church.
We also got a First Amendment from them. Right wingers are not for freedom unless it is about loving your guns.
But it is the Left that wants to repeal the First Amendment.

Half of Americans now want speech restricted if it "offends" them

In other words, only speech that offends Leftists.
Maybe on Parler, here you just seem to be making up right wing Hoax.
Do you agree or disagree with the assessment featured?

The Interpretation of (Left) Dreams

“Why do we dream? Freud’s answer is deceptively simple: the ultimate function of the dream is to enable the dreamer to stay asleep.” Slavoj Zizek (2006)

Traditional Left Ideology sets out a vision of how the world ‘ought to be.’ The Left’s view can be summed up as the belief that social justice is the primary requirement for improving the world, and that this better future entails the pursuit of equality in various forms. The Left ideologist believes that it is both ethical and moral to attempt to approach equality in terms of civil rights and material wealth.

But if the Left focuses on ‘what could be,’ the Right focuses on ‘what is.’ If the Left operates where people ‘could be,’ the Right operates where people ‘are’ or at least, where they believe themselves to be. The Right does not aim to change human social reality but rather to celebrate, and to even maximize it.

I don't subscribe to left/right pardigm - FYI. I'm libertarian. I think it could be interesting to have a discussion-
Leftism is merely empowering government to try and control what is perceived as bad behavior.

The opposite are those who want to allow people the option of making bad decisions and simply learning to better govern themselves instead of government doing it for them.

The need for both being a civil society. But as Ben Franklin aptly stated, once the moral fiber of society wanes then a despotic government will rise up to contain it, being no other option to maintain a civil society.

And that is what I see happening. Mass shootings emerged in the 1960's, as well as many other societal ills that have increasingly demanded a rise of big government. This is largely, in my opinion, the result of increased secularism. People are simply encouraged to govern their own moral behavior due to their faith, and recognize future penalties from a higher power for not being moral. Conversely, the secularist acts as they please with the notion that if no one ever finds out about their amoral behavior or is willing to stop them, why not just do as you please, especially knowing that if they get caught and punished that punishment is temporal.

Studies have shown that those that believe in a hell, for example, have a lower incidence of crime. And those of faith lead the way for those giving their money and time the charity and those in need. Conversely, Leftists just sit around trying to convince us to vote for people to force them to pay higher taxes, in the hopes that some of that money may find its way to those in need. Why they just don't roll up their sleeves and give their own time and money to those in need is but a mystery. Perhaps just laziness with very little motivation is the reason.
Original sinners like to just make up their own facts. Burning people at the stake was done in the past and not for free market capitalism purposes.
What you speak of was the theocracy of the Catholic church. Here was a society who could not read and were not taught Biblical teachings correctly. In fact, the state is the number one murderer and enslaver of any human organization, and when sinful man does these things in the name of God, it only gets worse. Thanks to the Guttenberg Press, and Martin Luther, people began to see for themselves what the Biblical teachings really were. After all, Jesus explicitly said that his kingdom was not of this world. No world government can properly represent him.

The Founding Fathers realized this and came from a society where the state spoke from the pulpit. This they were adamantly opposed to, and rightfully so. This is why we have religious freedom today instead of the state demanding we adhere to a state run church.
We also got a First Amendment from them. Right wingers are not for freedom unless it is about loving your guns.
But it is the Left that wants to repeal the First Amendment.

Half of Americans now want speech restricted if it "offends" them

In other words, only speech that offends Leftists.

So it be through times and America the present offends the Left and the Right !

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