Leave them kids alone

Why? Does every parental situation need to be addressed? One parent? Living with Grandma and Grandpa because mom is a crack addict?. Coming from a commune?
Kids in school will come from different backgrounds.
Single parents, foster kids, gay parents

Pretending every family is mommy and daddy doesn’t change things
Kids in school will come from different backgrounds.
Single parents, foster kids, gay parents

Pretending every family is mommy and daddy doesn’t change things

It's not pretending anything. It' just not delving into it in Kindergarten to the 3rd grade. Let the parents explain it.
I wouldn't say homophobic, I would say they have a right to be Religious and if their religion says homosexuality is sinful, they have the right to instruct their children that is so.

Their religion can indoctrinate then any way they want to….doesn’t mean the School has to
It's not pretending anything. It' just not delving into it in Kindergarten to the 3rd grade. Let the parents explain it.
Parents aren’t in the classroom with kids from different backgrounds

Parents can teach as much hate as they want to at home.
We know...we have to deal with the liberal indoctrination camps everyday .

Their religion can indoctrinate then any way they want to….doesn’t mean the School has to

And yet, that is exactly what you are defending, even demanding, that schools indoctrinate children into depraved sexual perversions.

There is no need to wonder what your motive is in supporting this sickness. There is only one reason why anyone would support dragging children into sexual perversions. I'd get in trouble here, if I came out and said it, but I don't need to. Everyone knows.
The only indoctrination going on in schools right now is from the left, and that's the whole fucking point.

Under the premise that religion has no place in public schools, we've kicked God's religion out, and let Satan's religion take its place.

If we're not allowed to teach about God in public schools, then we should equally be forbidden from promoting Satan's religion there as well, which includes sick perversions such as homosexuality and transsexuality.

Just how fucked-up does someone need to be to think that these are appropriate topics for young children anyway?

If a child in a classroom has two mommies, the Teacher has an obligation to address it

Why? I never had a teacher address the fact that my Dad was a truck driver or that Mom knew how to sew.

And who would you like to see addressed? The entire class?

Absolutely not.

It's not the school's place to discuss with a classroom full of second graders the family structure of a classmate.

Perhaps you're fine with the state raising your children but, I promise you, sane and intelligent people are not...
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Under the premise that religion has no place in public schools, we've kicked God's religion out, and let Satan's religion take its place.

If we're not allowed to teach about God in public schools, then we should equally be forbidden from promoting Satan's religion there as well, which includes sick perversions such as homosexuality and transsexuality.

Just how fucked-up does someone need to be to think that these are appropriate topics for young children anyway?

The left counters that their belief structure isn't a religion, although how they treat people opposed to it is far more closer to how religions treat apostates and heretics than how one would normally treat people of an opposed supposedly secular viewpoint.

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