Leave nested quotes enabled or turn them off? Please vote.

Leave nested quotes enabled or turn them off?

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2009
The forum software here doesn't support nested quotes by default. We have to install a hack to make it work. Then we have to install another hack to disable notifications and emails for people who have been quoted in a nest. Sometimes this happens multiple times in a thread inundating people with emails and notifications, because it doesn't work 100% of the time.

It also creates a ton of extra scrolling, wasted space in the database and if the multiquote system was used more you could still keep the flow of conversation in your reply. The nested quotes to me is a lazier way, at the sacrifice of everyone else on the board that doesn't like the downsides listed above.

It's been nested for a while, so I'm posting this poll to see what the general community thinks. Make your voice heard!

How can we have a discussion that makes sense to everyone if they don't know the context of the discussion?


The forum software here doesn't support nested quotes by default. We have to install a hack to make it work. Then we have to install another hack to disable notifications and emails for people who have been quoted in a nest. Sometimes this happens multiple times in a thread inundating people with emails and notifications, because it doesn't work 100% of the time.
It would have been better to copy a small example of the default way Xenforo would handle quotes vs. an example showing it WITH the nested quotes so the reader could SEE the actual differences you speak of they are being asked to choose. Sounds like another failing of Xenforo, as it would seem to me that something important would be lost if quotations are lost within other quotes. Users can adjust their settings if they don't like notifications they get.

It also creates a ton of extra scrolling, wasted space in the database and if the multiquote system was used more you could still keep the flow of conversation in your reply. The nested quotes to me is a lazier way, at the sacrifice of everyone else on the board that doesn't like the downsides listed above.
Seems to me that if more people would truncate their replies to include just the salient part of the conversation they are replying to as Flaccaltenn has brilliantly urged people to do, that would ameliorate most of these problems.

It's been nested for a while, so I'm posting this poll to see what the general community thinks. Make your voice heard!
Sounds like you've done a lot of work to keep the nesting working. Why make more work undoing it? Without SEEING an actual comparo of the real difference, it seems to me that nested quotes is preferable. And the fact that you put all this work into preserving them would tend to support that. Then maybe someday we can hopefully address some of the other, bigger issues with Xenforo that apparently both desktop and PDA users suffer, including the screen-moving problem, the spell-checker problem and the too-rapid refresh problem, though these may be unresolvable by you without direct involvement and cooperation from Xenforo.
Three kinds of replies make sense to me.
  1. Direct response: to the entire OP (in which case no quoting required -- one could just start with "OP:" to eliminate any potential confusion).
  2. Direct response: to the entire latest post -- one could presume the readers capable of figuring out that the response flows straight from the previous post or just use the @ + username function. Someone may slip in between, in which case one can always edit in an @ + username or a quote at the top of their post later.
  3. Indirect response: One quotes exactly what they wish to address from one individual -- either using quote marks, the quote function, or by using the quote so and so function with all nesting disabled -- while understood to be responsible for adding a link back to the source wherever not done automatically. Let idiots whine about context stripping. Indeed, "Read the thread."
It sounds like (and, just based on the voting) that nested quotes probably do more harm than good. I'm for removing them and will likely be doing so in the next few days. Multiquote works, @ mentions work... I think the default system is less cumbersome long term.
View attachment 509084

How can we have a discussion that makes sense to everyone if they don't know the context of the discussion?



I don't need 30 notifications in a days/weeks/months old thread that has changed subjects 30 times since it was created.

I'm also not a child that needs to be spoon fed info to follow along. If I need to I can scroll up. Much better than scrolling though endless one letter paragraphs to get to the damn end of ONE RESPONSE.

If you mean quotes within quotes,.. please do. It really is annoying.
It's so easy to solve, but most posters are too damn lazy to highlight exactly what they're responding to before hitting reply.

I honestly dont know why they keep griping about this

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