Learning From Hitler

And are we to close our eyes on the fact that the US is assisting Islamic militants (Al-Q) in Libya and Syria?

That is questionable.

Or are you expecting people to forget how US/NATO fought on a side of KLA in Serbia?!

I haven't forgotten. And the bombing of the Kosovo commuter train was probably a war crime - still that doesn't make the bullshit you post true.

1. How is it "questionable" when it is splattered even across WESTERN media! During war on Libya your media was keeping quiet; but with Syrians DISPLAYING Al-Q militants who came all the way from Libya and are openly supported by the US even your media could no longer keep the fact under the wraps.

2. Yes, it was a war crime; as was the bombing of other civilian targets across Serbia and contamination of the land by DU.
Are you daft? NO corporation exists in China without the involvement of the Communist party and the government.

Is that your understanding of how economy works?

I think, your naivety exceeds even your ignorance!

Mullah Omar (remember him?) was mujahed, then a leader of taliban government.

Your lies are pretty stupid.

It's why you are a pariah here.

{Following the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan in 1989 and the collapse of Najibullah's Soviet-backed regime in 1992, the country fell into chaos as various mujahideen factions fought for control. Omar returned to Singesar and founded a madrassah.[21] According to one legend, in 1994 he had a dream in which a woman told him: "We need your help; you must rise. You must end the chaos. Allah will help you."[21] Mullah Omar started his movement with less than 50 armed madrassah students, known simply as the Taliban (Students). His recruits came from madrassahs in Afghanistan and from the Afghan refugee camps across the border in Pakistan. }

Mohammed Omar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh, and OBL was not a Saudi creation. He was an ENEMY of the house of Saud!


I think, your naivety exceeds even your ignorance!

Mullah Omar (remember him?) was mujahed, then a leader of taliban government.

Your lies are pretty stupid.

Oh, and OBL was not a Saudi creation. He was an ENEMY of the house of Saud!



What, you didn't know that Mullah Omar was a mujahed who fought against the Soviets and was trained by the US/UK instructors?
Or you didn't know that Mullah Omar lead Taliban government in Afghanistan prior to US invasion?

Do you read your own papers? There for you: 2009. The Washington Times: "A brazen attempt to assassinate Saudi Arabia’s top counterterrorism official shows that al Qaeda has not been eliminated in its birthplace and is redirecting its efforts to target members of the Saudi royal family, analysts and U.S. counterterrorism officials say."
You're a fucking moron - and a waste of time.

Does it mean, you finally realised that Mullah Omar, a leader of Taliban government, indeed was trained by US as a mujahed? And OBL and his Al-Q were attempting to assassinate Saudi royals?

At last!...

In my mind these two articles have a single theme:

Why Aren't Murderous Communists Condemned Like Nazis Are?
Tue, Aug 07 2012 00:00:00 E A13_ISSUES
Posted 08/06/2012 06:58 PM ET

Socialists And Communists Are Even Bigger Murderers Than Hitler's Nazis Were - Investors.com


August 7, 2012
Vetting Conference Exposes More of Obama's Marxist Ties
James Simpson

Blog: Vetting Conference Exposes More of Obama's Marxist Ties

Walter E. Williams asks:

Why are the horrors of Nazism so well-known and widely condemned, but not those of socialism and communism? What goes untaught — and possibly is covered up — is that socialist and communist ideas have produced the greatest evil in mankind's history.

One answer can be seen in those who rant against war while calling for bigger government. The number of dead caused by all of the wars in the past five centuries is less than the total the number of murders modern totalitarian governments committed against their own people in just the last century. The totals cited by Professor Williams should shock every so-called pacificist out of their cherished benevolent-government fantasies:

Between 1917 and 1987, Vladimir Lenin, Josef Stalin and their successors murdered and were otherwise responsible for the deaths of 62 million of their own people. Between 1949 and 1987, China's communists, led by Mao Zedong and his successors, murdered and were otherwise responsible for the deaths of 76 million Chinese.

The most authoritative tally of history's most murderous regimes is documented on University of Hawaii Professor Rudolph J. Rummel's website, at Freedom, Democide, War: Home Page, and in his book "Death by Government."

How much hunting down and punishment have there been for these communist murderers? To the contrary, it's acceptable both in Europe and in the U.S. to hoist and march under the former USSR's red flag emblazoned with a hammer and sickle.

Mao Zedong has been long admired by academics and leftists across our country, as they often marched around singing the praises of Mao and waving his little red book, "Quotations From Chairman Mao Tse-tung." President Obama's communications director, Anita Dunn, in her June 2009 commencement address to St. Andrews Episcopal High School at Washington National Cathedral, said Mao was one of her heroes.

Interestingly, it was Adolf Hitler, not Lenin or Stalin, who clearly stated everything Hussein & Company personify. Hitler reduced everything they do to the four words in the final sentence:

Williams identifies the worst offenders:

I want to separate the children from the others by turning to Hitler again:

If you doubt where American Communists were going long before Hussein came along apply Hitler’s Children to Communist control of the public education system in this country.

Ninety-nine percent of Socialist education is formulated especially to indoctrinate young children into the joys of collectivism. Implanting the idea that there is good totalitarian government and bad totalitarian government is critical. All of the propaganda apparatus at the government’s disposal cannot bury the bad. There is too much known about totalitarian governments to hide the bad; more so since the Internet.

Further education all the way through higher education reinforces the concept of good and bad totalitarian governments. Proof: Professor Williams’ et al., exposing totalitarianism’s innate cruelty drives Socialists to point to Communist China and say “See, communism is working. That’s good totalitarian government.”

Obviously, the media elite, along with stalwarts of the Democrat party, totally ignore the Mao cited by Professor Williams, and the incomprehensible brutality Mao initiated against his own people in order to make communism work.

To Socialists/Communists there is but one sin: Pointing out that totalitarian governments must kill everyone who resists no matter how slight that resistence might be, and they must kill quickly, without mercy, lest they be overthrown by revolution. In the end, every totalitarian government will always do what Hitler, and Stalin, and Mao, and Pol Pot, and Castro and others did best —— murder, torture and enslave. Regardless of the evidence some still insist that a benevolent totalitarian government is possible.

Moving on

I learned something from James Simpson’s piece that surprised me:

I was surprised to learn there were Muslim Communists with so much political influence, while I understand the marriage between the two ideologies perfectly. Islam and Communism are totalitarian theocracies.

Again, one can turn to Hitler who sanctioned marriage between totalitarians in a different context: Nazi Party recruiters had one standing order: Recruit new members from the ranks of the Communists because they always make the best Fascists. The context is different because Communists will not make the best Muslims, nor will Muslims make the best Communists.

Identical methods of subjugation aside, Muslims are asking for the dirty end of the stick on this one. A Muslim Communist might believe that Communist ideology can be adapted to accommodate Islam, while Communists will never allow any Supreme Deity religion to survive after Socialists/Communists consolidate political power. Indeed, Muslims will be slaughtered first because Communists fear all other forms of totalitarian government. Hitler covered that one, too.

“The great strength of the totalitarian state is that it forces those who fear it to imitate it.”

There is no way in hell one totalitarian government will share power with another for very long. Hitler understood what had to be done; so he invaded the Soviet Union. Hitler well-knew that Stalin would have done it to Nazi Germany at the first opportunity. In fact, the very nature of totalitarian government abhors power-sharing. In that same vain it is logical to assume Mussolini’s Italy was first on Hitler’s hit list after Germany won the war.


I’ve always said the wrong side won WWII in Europe. Communism is still alive and well while Fascism has disappeared. There is not one openly Fascist country today although many countries are dictatorships. There are several Communist countries.

Had Nazi Germany won WWII in Europe I doubt very much if that brand of totalitarian government would have survived after Hitler and Mussolini died. It is certain Nazism would not be a worldwide movement today as is socialism/communism. Fascists most certainly never would have infiltrated our government to the extent Communists have succeeded. In short: Hussein the Fascist would not have come as far as did Hussein the Communist.

Finally, the single theme I referred to in the first sentence of this thread:

It was decent but misguided earlier generations of Germans — who would have cringed at the thought of genocide — who created the Trojan horse for Hitler's ascendancy. Today's Americans are similarly accepting the massive consolidation of power in Washington in the name of social justice. Walter E. Williams

And this:​

. . . a huge network of U.S. and foreign communist and hard left organizations connected to this President has colluded with radical Islam for decades to oversee the destruction of their mutual enemy: America. James Simpson

Always paid attention to what Walter Williams had to say, I will have to look for more of James Simpson's stuff.
Does it mean, you finally realised that Mullah Omar, a leader of Taliban government, indeed was trained by US as a mujahed? And OBL and his Al-Q were attempting to assassinate Saudi royals?

At last!...


It means that like most Chomskyites, you throw out bullshit, when refuted, you toss out unrelated factoids and act as if it has some relevance.

You're dishonest and stupid - which makes engaging you boring.
Last edited:
Jim ONeill wrote a fabulous piece that includes a question I have been trying to answer most of my adult life:

Now you tell me, how do the Nazis, an offshoot of Big Government fascism, end up on the right side of the political spectrum (let alone the far right)?

Right Wing Nazis: The Big Lie
By Jim ONeill
November 3, 2015

Right Wing Nazis: The Big Lie

One answer I told myself is that the United States fought alongside the Soviet Union during WWII; hence, Communism gained respectability by association in this country. America’s victory in WWII is praised as it should be, but Hollywood liberals did it for an obvious reason. Without ever mentioning the Soviet Union they told us “Communism is good because Fascism was so bad.”

In all of the times I wrote messages on the topic, I never found a comprehensive answer to Jim ONeill’s question, This excerpt from #1 permalink addresses why Communists succeeded without answering ONeil’s question:

Had Nazi Germany won WWII in Europe I doubt very much if that brand of totalitarian government would have survived after Hitler and Mussolini died. It is certain Nazism would not be a worldwide movement today as is socialism/communism. Fascists most certainly never would have infiltrated our government to the extent Communists have succeeded. In short: Hussein the Fascist would not have come as far as did Hussein the Communist.
NOTE: Back in 2012 I called Taqiyya the Liar by his middle name —— Hussein.
Jim ONeill wrote a fabulous piece that includes a question I have been trying to answer most of my adult life:

Now you tell me, how do the Nazis, an offshoot of Big Government fascism, end up on the right side of the political spectrum (let alone the far right)?

Right Wing Nazis: The Big Lie
By Jim ONeill
November 3, 2015

Right Wing Nazis: The Big Lie

One answer I told myself is that the United States fought alongside the Soviet Union during WWII; hence, Communism gained respectability by association in this country. America’s victory in WWII is praised as it should be, but Hollywood liberals did it for an obvious reason. Without ever mentioning the Soviet Union they told us “Communism is good because Fascism was so bad.”

In all of the times I wrote messages on the topic, I never found a comprehensive answer to Jim ONeill’s question, This excerpt from #1 permalink addresses why Communists succeeded without answering ONeil’s question:

Had Nazi Germany won WWII in Europe I doubt very much if that brand of totalitarian government would have survived after Hitler and Mussolini died. It is certain Nazism would not be a worldwide movement today as is socialism/communism. Fascists most certainly never would have infiltrated our government to the extent Communists have succeeded. In short: Hussein the Fascist would not have come as far as did Hussein the Communist.
NOTE: Back in 2012 I called Taqiyya the Liar by his middle name —— Hussein.
Many on the Right supported Hitler.
Bush's grandfather got in trouble for financing him.
Many on the Right supported Hitler.

of course thats 100% stupid, illiterate, and liberal. Hitler was a National Socialist for a huge powerful govt, exactly the opposite of the right.

See why we are 100% positive that a liberal will be stupid. What other conclusion is possible??
Many on the Right supported Hitler.
Bush's grandfather got in trouble for financing him.
To Political Junky: A long list of loyal Americans supported Hitler before Dec. 7, 1941 because they saw Soviet Communism as the greater evil in Europe. None betrayed their country before or after WWII began.

American Communists loved Hitler until he invaded the Soviet Union. None of them would have fought for this country had Hitler not double-crossed Stalin. Every American Communist has been betraying this country since the end of WWII —— first with the Soviet Union, then Communist China, then North Vietnam, then North Korea. Cuba is he most recent betrayal.
Many on the Right supported Hitler.

of course thats 100% stupid, illiterate, and liberal. Hitler was a National Socialist for a huge powerful govt, exactly the opposite of the right.

See why we are 100% positive that a liberal will be stupid. What other conclusion is possible??

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

Rumours of a link between the US first family and the Nazi war machine have circulated for decades. Now the Guardian can reveal how repercussions of events that culminated in action under the Trading with the Enemy Act are still being felt by today's president
George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.
The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.

His business dealings, which continued until his company's assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, has led more than 60 years later to a civil action for damages being brought in Germany against the Bush family by two former slave labourers at Auschwitz and to a hum of pre-election controversy.

The evidence has also prompted one former US Nazi war crimes prosecutor to argue that the late senator's action should have been grounds for prosecution for giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
His business dealings, which continued until his company's assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, has led more than 60 years later to a civil action for damages being brought in Germany against the Bush family by two former slave labourers at Auschwitz and to a hum of pre-election controversy.
To Political Junky: No American did anything wrong before the war as your excerpt implies. As a matter of fact, had Hitler never declared war on America until four days after Pearl Harbor FDR would not have been able to go to the Soviet Union’s aid in Europe. No war against Germany meant that business would of been legal while Nazi Germany was busy defeating the Soviet Union.

NOTE: It was illegal to do business with the Soviet Union throughout the Cold War. If objecting to trading with the enemy is your shtick, Al Gore’s father, Senator Albert Gore, Sr., was a lot guiltier than Bush’s grandfather. Gore senior was known as Armand Hammer’s senator:

But the most remarkable thing about Armand Hammer is that he created this personal empire largely by negotiating extraordinary deals with nations that have usually been hostile to the United States - and even more hostile to American capitalists. The son of one of the founders of the American Communist Labor Party, Hammer became a multimillionaire capitalist, thanks in large measure to his relations with the leaders of the Soviet Union. He has maintained cordial relations with Soviet leaders for more than half a century, providing Moscow with a vital link to Western industry and technology. (Six years ago Soviet leader Leonid I. Brezhnev gave Hammer a luxurious Moscow apartment, and Kremlin officials have proposed that he be named United States ambassador to the Soviet Union. Such recommendations have made some members of the Reagan Administration uneasy. Says one member of the President's inner circle, who asked not to be identified by name, ''We simply don't know which side of the fence Hammer is on.'')

Published: November 29, 1981



Mr. Epstein's Times article suggested that Hammer's trade with the Soviet Union helped Soviet interests, including espionage, but he had no direct proof. Now the evidence is at hand, and in damning detail, straight from old Soviet archives. The account is of a man who bribed and cheated his way to great wealth --- and started with Soviet gold.

by Edward Jay Epstein

The evidence has also prompted one former US Nazi war crimes prosecutor to argue that the late senator's action should have been grounds for prosecution for giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
To Political Junky: If you want aid and comfort to the enemy start with John Kerry after he returned from Vietnam. If you want something more current take a good look at the piece of garbage in the White House. If that offends your sensibilities read this:

Soros: National Borders Are The Enemy
By Matthew Vadum
November 3, 2015

Soros: National Borders Are The Enemy
What's with all the stupid Hitler posts on this forum?

When you start throwing Hitler around it generally doesn't mean any insight will be found.
That's what idiots who support the same policies that the progressives (aka "Hitler supporters") of the WWI/WWII, pro-Nazi era always say. Of course you're going to object when people point out that you're still around, and still doing the same shit.
What's with all the stupid Hitler posts on this forum?

When you start throwing Hitler around it generally doesn't mean any insight will be found.
That's what idiots who support the same policies that the progressives (aka "Hitler supporters") of the WWI/WWII, pro-Nazi era always say. Of course you're going to object when people point out that you're still around, and still doing the same shit.

lets see, Hitler was a socialist and Bernie Sanders was a socialist but that does not mean anything???
What's with all the stupid Hitler posts on this forum?

When you start throwing Hitler around it generally doesn't mean any insight will be found.
That's what idiots who support the same policies that the progressives (aka "Hitler supporters") of the WWI/WWII, pro-Nazi era always say. Of course you're going to object when people point out that you're still around, and still doing the same shit.

lets see, Hitler was a socialist and Bernie Sanders was a socialist but that does not mean anything???
Hitler had a lot of good policies. So does Sanders.
What's with all the stupid Hitler posts on this forum?

When you start throwing Hitler around it generally doesn't mean any insight will be found.
That's what idiots who support the same policies that the progressives (aka "Hitler supporters") of the WWI/WWII, pro-Nazi era always say. Of course you're going to object when people point out that you're still around, and still doing the same shit.

lets see, Hitler was a socialist and Bernie Sanders was a socialist but that does not mean anything???
Hitler had a lot of good policies. So does Sanders.
The only thing that Hitler did wrong, and the ONLY reason he's now reviled, is because he ADOPTED PROGRESSIVE POLICIES of population control, legalized human rights violations in the name of "science".... and legalized murder.

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