Learning From Hitler

^^Same old rehashed bullshit that has been rebutted a thousand times

In other words: you had no clue that your country was helping both sides in WW2, and it hurts; you realised that "millions of billions of victims of Stalin" is a lot of bullshit, and you were (still are) fed crudely made propaganda that has no barring on reality, but it came as a shock to your system...

That's OK'... Maybe in time you will learn to think...

People who can think agree that Communism is a murderous failure.

People who can't think believe it's swell. You know, like you do.
Are you about to tell me it was all because of "Stalin"?!

how nice to see liberals defending Stalin again. I guess with Barry in the White House liberals can be more open about it again. It was so cool the way the liberals gave the world's most evil man the A- bomb. Way to go liberals!!!
how nice to see liberals defending Stalin again. I guess with Barry in the White House liberals can be more open about it again. It was so cool the way the liberals gave the world's most evil man the A- bomb. Way to go liberals!!!

He's the second one this month who has tried to rewrite history in favor of Uncle Joe.

Obviously the American left is returning to the dream of a Soviet style dictatorship, and wants to convince everyone that Stalin was a good guy.

The ghost of Jim Wright lives... (Whoops, the old fucking traitor is still alive.)
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He's the second one this month who has tried to rewrite history in favor of Uncle Joe.

I guess its human nature. The French, Germans, Russians, Chinese, Japanese, and Italians supported Napoleon, Hitler, Mao, Tojo, and Mussolini, respectively.

A liberal wants authority and the rapid change it can bring, while Jefferson knew freedom from liberal change was the Holy Grail without seeing the great 20th Century liberals.

A liberal simply lacks the IQ to comprehend the subject so believes in Stalin the way a child believes in Santa Claus.
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Obviously the American left )

"American left", "American right"...

What "left", what "right"?

You have two types of shit, and the difference between your "left" directed by your globalist financial/industrial elites, and your "right" directed by the same globalist financial/industrial elites is like the difference between dog shit and cat shit -- very subtle.
globalist financial/industrial elites

Does this include South Korea? Do we need a global government to stop them from making the cheapest best cars it the world?? Maybe we should just make their customers our enemy since they want to buy the cheapest best cars in the world and thus really cause all the problems!!

Consumer greed is the root problem !!!!!
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A liberal simply lacks the IQ to comprehend the subject so believes in Stalin


Americans BELIEVE. Others -- HAVE OPINIONS!

"Liberals" believe in Stalin? :D Only a product of decades of US propaganda could lump together "liberal" and Stalin.

Why do you insist on using the words the meaning of which you do not understand?!

Marxism is a true “child of Western civilisation” of the 19-20 century —a “dialectical view of social change” (Wiki). From the off it was picked up by different thinkers and applied to the realities of their respective countries. In Russia it was adopted by a militant group of Jews closely connected to their German counterparts and financial clans of US and Britain (Rockefellers and Rothschilds); later this group became known as “Bolsheviks”.

“In Soviet Russia itself, the Marxist revolutionaries were often denounced as a Western implant, dominated by Jews, backed by Western money and manipulated by German intelligence” (Norman Davies. Europe a History). Led by Lenin and Trotsky, Bolsheviks took power in two capital cities of the Russian Empire and started a new era in the history of Russia and the world.

And here we come to an interesting question: why, so opposed to “commies” West comes like a ton of bricks on Stalin, but has nothing negative to say about neither Lenin nor Trotsky? Could it be because Stalin who followed his own brand of Marxism, put an end to Westernised ideology of Lenin and Trotsky faction in Russia, and reversed some most damaging effects of their policies, bringing Marxism in line with traditional Russian life-style, Orthodox values and open mind-set?

The fact is -- practically all the ideological paradigm of the modern West implemented by politicians of "Generation '68" and commonly referred to as Liberalism, is a derivative of Marxism, only not in its moderate (Stalin’s) manifestation, but in its extreme. Calling a spade a spade, -- the West now lives and acts according to the precepts of Trotsky, Gramsci, and the recommendations of Marcuse. The brightest representative of this trend is Bernard Henri Levy; but he's only a junior student of Sartre who in his time blessed Pol Pot to "build a just society".

Sick, distorted, pushed to the absurd Trotskist dogma of Marxism is the main current ideological path of the West, where - exactly in line with the precepts of Lev Davidovich Trotsky - a cruel doctrine of complete atomization of human beings and full control of them by society represented by the "selected intellectuals" (Levy) is implemented.
Abolition of gender differences;
the destruction of the authority of a family;
the destruction of a family as a fundamental unit of society;
abolition of traditional cultural values;
reliance of the elites on the newcomers from alien cultures in order to control the indigenous population;
freedom for anti-Christian propaganda and actions;
a ban on freedom of thought (thought crimes);
and dictate of minority agenda groups (political correctness);
denial of majority right;
an all-consuming lie, which is to be accepted as truth without a question because “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it” gave way to liberal Trotsky paradigm “elite knows best”...
And, of course, the "export of revolution" – a spite of “coloured revolutions” and an “Arab Spring” – all in the name of “spreading democracy”... That is -- the forcible introduction of the "right" ideas in the "wrong" heads by means of the most "humane" in the world -- NATO military machine...
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"Liberals" believe in Stalin? :D Only a product of decades of US propaganda could lump together "liberal" and Stalin.

dear, it was the liberals who spied for Stalin , not the Girl Scouts! How is it possible that you didn't know that unless you have a liberal's IQ??????????????

Americans BELIEVE. Others -- HAVE OPINIONS!

"Liberals" believe in Stalin? :D Only a product of decades of US propaganda could lump together "liberal" and Stalin.

Why do you insist on using the words the meaning of which you do not understand?!

Yeah, you're an ignorant buffoon alright.

You know absolutely nothing about Marxism or Lenin - but you'll spew leftist bullshit without regard.

Lemme guess, you're a fucking Chomskyite, ameyerite?
Stalin: Only in such a society [a wealthy communist society] personal and any other freedom can exist for real and not "on paper".

Republican: real freedom comes from capitalism and limited government while Hitler Stalin and Mao killed 150 million. China just switched to capitalism and proved it once again but still a liberal lacks the IQ to see the obvious.
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Stalin: Only in such a society [a wealthy communist society] personal and any other freedom can exist for real and not "on paper".

Republican: real freedom comes from capitalism and limited government while Hitler Stalin and Mao killed 150 million. China just switched to capitalism and proved it once again but still a liberal lacks the IQ to see the obvious.

What are you muttering on about?

How many people around the world were killed by Republican US administrations? How many people around the world were killed by Democratic US administrations? How many people around the world were killed by Conservative, Labour, and now -- Lib-Dem UK governments? French governments of all shades?..

NONE of the INTERNATIONAL wars was started by a country with a social economy! You know why? Because social economies are directed inwards: they need internal and external stability to develop.
While all capitalist economies go through periods of economic crisis and during these periods they need external conflicts -- wars -- to get them out of the crisis.

China did not "switch" onto anything; they simply are attempting to combine the elements of capitalist and socialist economies.

Name me one former socialist country that prospered after it turned to capitalism!
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What are you muttering on about?

What he says is completely correct. There can be no freedom without economic freedom. No people can have liberty if they lack the freedom to engage in voluntary trade with others. Whether this is trade of goods, ideas, or trade of their time for wages.

A person assigned work by a government who cares for them, as Chomsky advocates, is a slave. The promise and reality of Communism is slavery. Chomsky promises that "Massah Gubmint will takes care of y'all" so slavery is appealing.

But slavery is never a good deal for the slave.

How many people around the world were killed by Republican US administrations? How many people around the world were killed by Democratic US administrations? How many people around the world were killed by Conservative, Labour, and now -- Lib-Dem UK governments? French governments of all shades?..

One U.S. Citizen has been murdered on order of a sitting president. One.

The president who ordered this murder, without charge, without arrest, without trial, without any hint of due process, is Barack Obama. You'll excuse him, since he promotes the slavery you desire.

NONE of the INTERNATIONAL wars was started by a country with a social economy! You know why? Because social economies are directed inwards: they need internal and external stability to develop.

Yeah, the Soviet Union sure never started wars - oh wait - you're telling lies again.

Hey, you're a Chomsky Commie - lying is part of the package.

While all capitalist economies go through periods of economic crisis and during these periods they need external conflicts -- wars -- to get them out of the crisis.

What nonsense. You've never been exposed to even elementary economics.

China did not "switch" onto anything; they simply are attempting to combine the elements of capitalist and socialist economies.

China has a fascist economy, just a Lenin installed with the NEP. Well connected corporations entangled with the ruling government.

Can you say "GM" and "Obamacare?" I knew you could.

Name me one former socialist country that prospered after it turned to capitalism!

East Germany, Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic, ad infintium.
A liberal simply lacks the IQ to comprehend the subject so believes in Stalin


Americans BELIEVE. Others -- HAVE OPINIONS!

"Liberals" believe in Stalin? :D Only a product of decades of US propaganda could lump together "liberal" and Stalin.

Why do you insist on using the words the meaning of which you do not understand?!

Marxism is a true “child of Western civilisation” of the 19-20 century —a “dialectical view of social change” (Wiki). From the off it was picked up by different thinkers and applied to the realities of their respective countries. In Russia it was adopted by a militant group of Jews closely connected to their German counterparts and financial clans of US and Britain (Rockefellers and Rothschilds); later this group became known as “Bolsheviks”.

“In Soviet Russia itself, the Marxist revolutionaries were often denounced as a Western implant, dominated by Jews, backed by Western money and manipulated by German intelligence” (Norman Davies. Europe a History). Led by Lenin and Trotsky, Bolsheviks took power in two capital cities of the Russian Empire and started a new era in the history of Russia and the world.

And here we come to an interesting question: why, so opposed to “commies” West comes like a ton of bricks on Stalin, but has nothing negative to say about neither Lenin nor Trotsky? Could it be because Stalin who followed his own brand of Marxism, put an end to Westernised ideology of Lenin and Trotsky faction in Russia, and reversed some most damaging effects of their policies, bringing Marxism in line with traditional Russian life-style, Orthodox values and open mind-set?

The fact is -- practically all the ideological paradigm of the modern West implemented by politicians of "Generation '68" and commonly referred to as Liberalism, is a derivative of Marxism, only not in its moderate (Stalin’s) manifestation, but in its extreme. Calling a spade a spade, -- the West now lives and acts according to the precepts of Trotsky, Gramsci, and the recommendations of Marcuse. The brightest representative of this trend is Bernard Henri Levy; but he's only a junior student of Sartre who in his time blessed Pol Pot to "build a just society".

Sick, distorted, pushed to the absurd Trotskist dogma of Marxism is the main current ideological path of the West, where - exactly in line with the precepts of Lev Davidovich Trotsky - a cruel doctrine of complete atomization of human beings and full control of them by society represented by the "selected intellectuals" (Levy) is implemented.
Abolition of gender differences;
the destruction of the authority of a family;
the destruction of a family as a fundamental unit of society;
abolition of traditional cultural values;
reliance of the elites on the newcomers from alien cultures in order to control the indigenous population;
freedom for anti-Christian propaganda and actions;
a ban on freedom of thought (thought crimes);
and dictate of minority agenda groups (political correctness);
denial of majority right;
an all-consuming lie, which is to be accepted as truth without a question because “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it” gave way to liberal Trotsky paradigm “elite knows best”...
And, of course, the "export of revolution" – a spite of “coloured revolutions” and an “Arab Spring” – all in the name of “spreading democracy”... That is -- the forcible introduction of the "right" ideas in the "wrong" heads by means of the most "humane" in the world -- NATO military machine...
When you steal posts from other message boards, you really should post the source.

Marxism-Trotskism, Neo-Liberalism and their historic roots - Historum - History Forums
East Germany, Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic, ad infintium.

2009 poll: 57% of East Germans want socialism back;

Hungary is begging for a "safety net" to avoid economic collapse;

50% of Poles live and work outside of Poland for lack of jobs; 25% of Polish kids who still live in Poland grow up in poverty; Polish health system that was set up during socialist era and is still functioning, is "worn out" (over 20 years on!);

Czech Republic is better off then any other former socialist state, but it still has 8.3% unemployment; national debt in 2011 was 41.2% and rising;

In 2011 Latvian MP said in an interview to Latvijas avīze:

"When one thinks about the EU and begins to understand what they have done to us, one wants to quickly get out of this union. First, they made us uncompetitive. Yes, due to the inadequately low payments to agricultural workers, due to the elimination of the sugar industry and the destruction of fisheries.

I think we should leave. Where to next? We should think about it "- said Kalnins. "At the moment we can not do anything" - he added, stressing that the EU has also deprived Latvia of its sovereignty.

After the fall of the Soviet Union the first thing we did was to rush headlong away from it all, turning our backs to the past and turning sharply to the west. But is it all so good on the "west side"? Today I can not find anything out there with the sign "plus". There we lost our independence. The only thing that's left out of our independence is a declaration of May 4 and August 21.

You can criticise the collective farms, the "iron curtain" on the borders, but in those days there was life in the villages. There were plenty of manufacturing, schools and children, health and social care, but we did not defend that life. The situation now is that we are implementing economic policies determined by Brussels and financial lenders, and political affairs are dictated by Washington.

Looking at what happened in the villages and towns of Latvia, how things are with my friends and colleagues in music and art, I am having great grievances about where this Western orientation has led us... "


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