Leading contributor of racism is...


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
...Television media.

Just my personal opinion, but the tv media loves a good controversy. And if in covering an incident they can depict something as racially charged or motivated they do seem to do that. Would Ferguson have blown up into fullscale riots without media coverage? Are there riots everywhere everytime a minority suspect is shot by police? If not, what's the X factor but media coverage fueling the fire and turning a match into a bonfire.
It's absolutely the waste product, or "pollution" of TV. The boob tube's main function is propaganda for advertising -- selling you shit you don't need. To that end it blows everything out of proportion, because that's what $ells. Especially above all, conflict. That's why we have the old adage "if it bleeds it leads".

And "$ells" is the Prime Directive. The couch potato hears and obeys his Telescreenic Master. TV certainly doesn't exist to inform. It exists to pick your pocket. And to that end it'll dangle whatever shiny object works, whether it's fake wrestling... strangers on an island forced to eat bugs... talk show paternity tests... a deadly fire in some neighborhood you never heard of but is reportedly not far away... conspiracy by Democrats... conspiracy by Republicans.... evil communist monsters... evil black monsters... evil white monsters... evil Arab monsters... evil Jewish monsters... evil weather disasters that could kill you tomorrow... isn't it great we have all these channels to choose from.


Of course, trumpeting conflict and rage and despair and angst has not one but two ::click: two ::click:: two benefits in one: you not only ensnare the gullible in the moment but you foment more unrest so that you get them to tune in later as well. Self-fulfilling propaganda. Kind of a perpetual emotion machine.
...Television media.

Just my personal opinion, but the tv media loves a good controversy. And if in covering an incident they can depict something as racially charged or motivated they do seem to do that. Would Ferguson have blown up into fullscale riots without media coverage? Are there riots everywhere everytime a minority suspect is shot by police? If not, what's the X factor but media coverage fueling the fire and turning a match into a bonfire.
I wonder if CNN can turn Madison and the death of a violent felon into another Ferguson?
...Television media.

Just my personal opinion, but the tv media loves a good controversy. And if in covering an incident they can depict something as racially charged or motivated they do seem to do that. Would Ferguson have blown up into fullscale riots without media coverage? Are there riots everywhere everytime a minority suspect is shot by police? If not, what's the X factor but media coverage fueling the fire and turning a match into a bonfire.

The media caters to that shit big time and the Negro rabble-rousers are ALWAYS there eating up the attention which then attracts the thug corps...INCLUDING Al Sharpton, Jackson, Obama and his "enforcer", the attorney general, who gets all their investigative information from the lying audience out on the street. But the media embellishes the action so much that it becomes like pack of hyenas chasing down their next victim.
...Television media.

Just my personal opinion, but the tv media loves a good controversy. And if in covering an incident they can depict something as racially charged or motivated they do seem to do that. Would Ferguson have blown up into fullscale riots without media coverage? Are there riots everywhere everytime a minority suspect is shot by police? If not, what's the X factor but media coverage fueling the fire and turning a match into a bonfire.

Fear and ignorance are at the root of racism, and racists come by their hate having little to do with what they see on television.
Do some of y'all really believe there was less racism before the advent of television? WTF?
Do some of y'all really believe there was less racism before the advent of television? WTF?

Always been racism. But television focuses on incidents greatly magnifying them whereas absent tv they'd come and go unremarked.

When people know there's gonna be press, they tend to do things they wouldn't do otherwise. The presence of cameras changing the behaviour (and why wildlife researchers use discreet cameras so as not to alter natural behaviours of their subjects.)

In the case of Ferguson, the round the clock coverage and speculation about motives fueled the whole situation. What should have been a one sentence news item of like, "Office shoots criminal who went for his weapon." Became a public spectacle beginning with the autopsies and progressing there with every news outlet present and speculating about what happened. So instead of simply accepting they raised a pos thug, saying goodbye, and moving on, the parents grief was focused on as though some altar boy was killed by mistake which fed into local resentment and in effect threw gas on the fire.

Without that constant media coverage, it's doubtful things would have blown up like they did.
Fear and ignorance are at the root of racism, and racists come by their hate having little to do with what they see on television.

Nope. The more you actually interact with nonwhites, the more 'racist' you become.

The least racist whites live in VERMONT. Not one black person lives there.
A mix of surroundings, ignorance and how they were raised.

I would love for year to transplant 5000 blacks with their kids from Memphis to Burlington and watch what happens.

And vice versa.

The opinion polls before they arrived
The opinion polls after they left.

That would be some seriously comical stuff.

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