Launch Grand Juries To Deal With Election Fraud - Forget Spineless Government And Law Enforcement Officials


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2018
" Launch Grand Juries To Deal With Election Fraud - Forget Spineless Government And Law Enforcement Officials "

* Overcoming Public Learned Helplessness To Prosecute Violations Of State Election Law *

Setting around waiting for attorney general low barr to resign early after the clock has run out , or waiting for the georgia secretary of state to launch an investigation , is not necessary when grand juries are available and were put in place to account for when government is itself corrupt and unwilling or unable to properly investigate and prosecute corruption .
But grand juries usually do what the prosecutors tell them to do.

And many prosecutors & grand jury members no doubt voted for Mr. Biden.

So, sadly, grand juries will be no more impartial than judges or state legislatures.

If there was rigging, the bad guys have won! (As they often do,)
" Launch Grand Juries To Deal With Election Fraud - Forget Spineless Government And Law Enforcement Officials "

* Overcoming Public Learned Helplessness To Prosecute Violations Of State Election Law *

Setting around waiting for attorney general low barr to resign early after the clock has run out , or waiting for the georgia secretary of state to launch an investigation , is not necessary when grand juries are available and were put in place to account for when government is itself corrupt and unwilling or unable to properly investigate and prosecute corruption .
From the looks of things many state judges and their supreme court justices are going along with the crap so unless it is prosecuted by the government or SCOTUS stop it everyone is screwed; and civil unrest or civil war is at the door with its foot already in and prying to get it opened the rest of the way.
" Launch Grand Juries To Deal With Election Fraud - Forget Spineless Government And Law Enforcement Officials "

* Overcoming Public Learned Helplessness To Prosecute Violations Of State Election Law *

Setting around waiting for attorney general low barr to resign early after the clock has run out , or waiting for the georgia secretary of state to launch an investigation , is not necessary when grand juries are available and were put in place to account for when government is itself corrupt and unwilling or unable to properly investigate and prosecute corruption .

Grand juries are part of government.

A truly ignorant and ridiculous thread premise.
" Launch Grand Juries To Deal With Election Fraud - Forget Spineless Government And Law Enforcement Officials "

* Overcoming Public Learned Helplessness To Prosecute Violations Of State Election Law *

Setting around waiting for attorney general low barr to resign early after the clock has run out , or waiting for the georgia secretary of state to launch an investigation , is not necessary when grand juries are available and were put in place to account for when government is itself corrupt and unwilling or unable to properly investigate and prosecute corruption .
There is no election fraud. Donald’s own attorneys said in court there was no fraud. They tell you mental midgets and Russian propagandists something else because you send money to the grifters.

can you say treasonous trumpkins? Sure I knew you could.

trumpscum Are mentally ill.
" Launch Grand Juries To Deal With Election Fraud - Forget Spineless Government And Law Enforcement Officials "

* Overcoming Public Learned Helplessness To Prosecute Violations Of State Election Law *

Setting around waiting for attorney general low barr to resign early after the clock has run out , or waiting for the georgia secretary of state to launch an investigation , is not necessary when grand juries are available and were put in place to account for when government is itself corrupt and unwilling or unable to properly investigate and prosecute corruption .
I have a better idea. Since the election results have not proven to be fraudulent in court and you won't accept the findings even from trump's lapdog Barr, let's stop wasting taxpayer dollars, accept the inevitable like mature adults and move on so that our government is able to begin its tenure and tackle the covid situation. That trump lost by 7 million votes and elected officials who supported trump were in charge of the electoral process speaks volumes, and your denigration of them is indicative of your response to any anti-trump result. So stop whining and meowing like children.
" Launch Grand Juries To Deal With Election Fraud - Forget Spineless Government And Law Enforcement Officials "

* Overcoming Public Learned Helplessness To Prosecute Violations Of State Election Law *

Setting around waiting for attorney general low barr to resign early after the clock has run out , or waiting for the georgia secretary of state to launch an investigation , is not necessary when grand juries are available and were put in place to account for when government is itself corrupt and unwilling or unable to properly investigate and prosecute corruption .
Your fanatasy is not going to happen.
" Launch Grand Juries To Deal With Election Fraud - Forget Spineless Government And Law Enforcement Officials "

* Overcoming Public Learned Helplessness To Prosecute Violations Of State Election Law *

Setting around waiting for attorney general low barr to resign early after the clock has run out , or waiting for the georgia secretary of state to launch an investigation , is not necessary when grand juries are available and were put in place to account for when government is itself corrupt and unwilling or unable to properly investigate and prosecute corruption .
I have a better idea. Since the election results have not proven to be fraudulent in court and you won't accept the findings even from trump's lapdog Barr, let's stop wasting taxpayer dollars, accept the inevitable like mature adults and move on so that our government is able to begin its tenure and tackle the covid situation. That trump lost by 7 million votes and elected officials who supported trump were in charge of the electoral process speaks volumes, and your denigration of them is indicative of your response to any anti-trump result. So stop whining and meowing like children.
They remind me of the Democrats in 2016
" Launch Grand Juries To Deal With Election Fraud - Forget Spineless Government And Law Enforcement Officials "

* Overcoming Public Learned Helplessness To Prosecute Violations Of State Election Law *

Setting around waiting for attorney general low barr to resign early after the clock has run out , or waiting for the georgia secretary of state to launch an investigation , is not necessary when grand juries are available and were put in place to account for when government is itself corrupt and unwilling or unable to properly investigate and prosecute corruption .
What election fraud?
" Left Wing Ideology Is Stupid And Their Adherents Are Criminals "

* Left Wing Telling Lies To A Plethora Of Believing Idiots *

There is no election fraud. Donald’s own attorneys said in court there was no fraud. They tell you mental midgets and Russian propagandists something else because you send money to the grifters.
can you say treasonous trumpkins? Sure I knew you could.
trumpscum Are mentally ill.
Apparently you were sleeping during the 3 1/2 hour cspan broadcast of the senate hearing on november 10 2020 when the degenerate andrew mccabe testified .

Apparently the cia had issued an e-mail at the very start that cankles was generating a russian hoax to distract from her private e-mail server and the fbi conveniently did not bother to follow up , and it was not until the very last senator from louisiana spoke that idiot mccabe finally learned the identity of the russian informant for the steel dossier to be some dc clown nobody .

The mccabe was reprimanded by the inspector general and fired by the attorney general for not providing well know exculpatory evidence to the fisa courts who continued to issue search warrants for wiretaps to strip us citizens of their wright to privacy and the fibbing bureau of ineptitude claims it was all unintentional .

The left are the russian propagandists , just as they are the anti-racist racists sowing racial division , just as they are compulsive liars who literally hate the united states .

" Left Wing Taking After Third World Tyrants And Aggrandizing Criminal Behavior "

* Rigging An Election Without Rigor *

What election fraud?
Playing dumb is a game to you .

" Left Wing Taking After Third World Tyrants And Aggrandizing Criminal Behavior "

* Rigging An Election Without Rigor *

What election fraud?
Playing dumb is a game to you .

Not a game. Nobody has found any fraud.

So I ask again, what election fraud?
" Launch Grand Juries To Deal With Election Fraud - Forget Spineless Government And Law Enforcement Officials "

* Overcoming Public Learned Helplessness To Prosecute Violations Of State Election Law *

Setting around waiting for attorney general low barr to resign early after the clock has run out , or waiting for the georgia secretary of state to launch an investigation , is not necessary when grand juries are available and were put in place to account for when government is itself corrupt and unwilling or unable to properly investigate and prosecute corruption .

The Georgia SoS has 250 investigtions running. With the DOJ coordinating with the FBI to look into allegations of voter fraud.

The 'stolen election' conspiracy just hasn't panned out.
" Conspiring Criminals "

* Too Stupid To Turn Off The Video *

Posting conspiracy theories from entertainment sites is not gonna prove fraud. Try again.
Counting votes at 2 in the morning under a ruse that counting has stopped and that republican inspectors - REQUIRED BY LAW - be sent home for the evening is apparently a conspiracy to criminals .

If you were playing illegal search and seizure of your own property then good luck to you , but elections are supposed to transparent and rigorous , rather than sneaky and sloppy .

Illegal activities become evident about 4 minutes into the video .

Grand juries only issue indictments upon hearing the evidence to allow prosecutors to take their cases to court.

Donnie's cases have already been to court.
" AP News Calling Into Question "

* Missing Files And The Hide It Destroy It Actors *

Grand juries only issue indictments upon hearing the evidence to allow prosecutors to take their cases to court.
Donnie's cases have already been to court.
Investigators believe the error rate in Antrim County is an intentional flaw built into the software in order to compel “bulk adjudication” of ballots by election officials — a process that allows alteration of ballots with minimal or no meaningful oversight. Antrim County maintains records of the adjudication process for previous elections, but records for the 2020 election were either deleted or never entered, making it impossible to determine whether adjudicated ballots accurately reflected the intent of the voters.

ARLINGTON, Va., Dec. 14, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- The Amistad Project of the non-partisan Thomas More Society is announcing today that it is demanding the preservation of evidence in five key swing states in response to a bombshell report detailing the results of a forensic audit of Dominion voting machines in Antrim County, Michigan, which was approved for release by 13th Circuit Judge Kevin Elsenheimer.

The report claims that the "tabulation log for the forensic examination of the server for Antrim County from December 6, 2020 consists of 15,676 individual events, of which 10,667 or 68.05% of the events were recorded errors." The Federal Election Commission allows a maximum error rate of just 0.0008 percent.

"In Michigan, the Secretary of State has ordered deletion of e-poll books and other evidence and also has taken affirmative steps to seal forensic evidence regarding the flaws in the operation of Dominion machines from both the public and from legislators who need access to this information in order to perform their constitutional duty," Kline said. "This joins with the Michigan Attorney General threatening legislators with criminal investigation and possible prosecution if they disagree with her, and the Michigan Governor and other officials shutting down the peoples' house and preventing them from gathering today to perform their constitutional duty."
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But grand juries usually do what the prosecutors tell them to do.
Sore loser's fake claims have been adjudicated in courts across the land, many presided over by Republican judges, including Trump appointees, all the way up to the Supreme Court. They have been adjudged frivolous, without merit, and characterized as a fund-raising stunt rather than seeking to redress any valid grievances.

Anyone who still fantasizes that Squid Head Giuliani can, belatedly, suddenly whip magic evidence out of his pants might want to speculate as to why that has not happened in any of the multiple opportunities it would have been in his interests to do so.

Trump lost. That empowers him to do what he does best: whine like a big cry baby, insisting that everybody's being very, very mean to him, and leading his cult that parrots his sniveling in discordant disharmony.

Screen Shot 2020-12-15 at 9.32.54 AM.png

"All together now...
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" Trust But Verify Even When Nothing To Hide "

* Left Wing Fear Excuses To Deny Robust Post-Election Audits *

Sore loser's fake claims have been adjudicated in courts across the land, many presided over by Republican judges, including Trump appointees, all the way up to the Supreme Court. They have been adjudged frivolous, without merit, and characterized as a fund-raising stunt rather than seeking to redress any valid grievances.
Anyone who still fantasizes that Squid Head Giuliani can, belatedly, suddenly whip magic evidence out of his pants might want to speculate as to why that has not happened in any of the multiple opportunities it would have been in his interests to do so.
Trump lost. That empowers him to do what he does best: whine like a big cry baby, insisting that everybody's being very, very mean to him, and leading his cult that parrots his sniveling in discordant disharmony.
Are you indicating that the cctv footage is not sufficient proof of criminal activity , in that all observers and press were directed to leave at 10:30 pm and to return at 8:30 am , under a guise that no further counting would continue for the rest of the evening , while only moments before 1:30 am observers returned - delayed by security - the counters promptly fled the room so as not to raise suspicion of an election law violation or that an actual crime was in progress ?

Let us know what the left would be doing had the preliminary results been that trump had won and that footage was pushed out by the anti-fascist fascits news outlets .


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