Latino Immigrants Falling In Line With Past Migration Grouops - Language-wise


Apr 22, 2007
Regardless of the propaganda, Latino immigrants are becoming English dominate and most become English only as the generation increase. See the story. By 3rd generation only 17% of Mex-Americans speak spanish and ONLY 5% speak Spanish in the 4th generations.

As the illegal immigration fight moves nowhere, I am glad to know the fear of by a country of two languages where the sides speak different languages appears not to be an issue.

There are only good and valid reasons to fight illegal immigration and secure the border, but I am again glad that losing our language isn't one of them.

Sorry, I don't speak Spanish: Hispanics deal with the loss of Spanish fluency | Minero Magazine
The results of The Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Study conveyed that 17 percent of third-generation Mexican-Americans speak Spanish, while 5 percent of the fourth generation speaks Spanish. Campbell describes the absence of a mother language in upcoming generations as a form of assimilation. “By and large in the United States, it is the pressure of the American culture that forces Mexicans or Latinos to ultimately make English their first language,” Campbell says.

He credits the preference of the English language among the youth in El Paso to be inevitable because of the fact that it is all around them. “We have to be realistic—Spanish is confronted by American popular culture. English is needed in the school systems, in getting a job and in terms of their social identity and their social lives,” he says. “Students may speak Spanish at home with their family, which is usually the case for second and third generations, but ultimately it begins slanting to English.”

English is introduced during the early levels of the American public education system, which plays a role in Spanish fluency loss among young Mexican-Americans. In elementary school programs, Spanish speakers are transitioned from speaking Spanish to speaking English. Matthew Castro, a second-generation Mexican-American, grew up speaking Spanish at home, but at an early age was transitioned to the English language. “I grew up speaking Spanish, but probably when I was 6 or 7 years old, I started to pick up English,” he says. “School was probably the reason why I stopped talking Spanish.”
Jews are obsessed with diluting European Christian culture. Nice attempt at balance, you fucking retard piece of shit.
Jews are obsessed with diluting European Christian culture. Nice attempt at balance, you fucking retard piece of shit.

I strongly against amnesty, I am for new amendment getting rid of birthright cause, I want English as the official language, I want eVerify, I demand a tripled layered board fence, I think the AL and AZ laws were too tame (they should have gone a hell of a lot further) and I think there should he huge penalties (both at the company level and the individual HR person) who hires an illegal.

Are these beliefs work for you?

And I don't see anything wrong with Latinos. I esp love their women.
Jews are obsessed with diluting European Christian culture. Nice attempt at balance, you fucking retard piece of shit.

You might just as well be debating with a rock, Penny.

Jewhook's mind is soaked with the multiracialist goo his people created and sold to white countries but never had the courage to implement in their own supremacist nation (unlike America that's not supremacist anymore).

Classic case of do as I say, not as I do.
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Who cares if mexican mestizos speak shakespearean English, for Christ's sake!!!

They'll be destroying America's national character as a european nation all the same!!

America's anglo character is an overriding priority, a gazilion times more important than any economic consideration.

Every country on Earth consider the preservation of their racial and cultural composition as an undisputable, absolute national priority except those ravaged by the multiracialist mental disease like America and so many other white nations.

Can you even imagine a mentally sane country like China spouting insanities like these??

"It's OK for millions of Africans to destroy China's han chinese character provided they speak fluent Mandarin."

That's why I recently created a thread entitled "A madhouse named America".
I'm all for letting anybody who wants to come here come here as long as they have a job and aren't allowed to collect public welfare benefits. After so many years here if they want to apply for citizenship and can prove they are able to pull their own weight then fine.
Regardless of the propaganda, Latino immigrants are becoming English dominate and most become English only as the generation increase. See the story. By 3rd generation only 17% of Mex-Americans speak spanish and ONLY 5% speak Spanish in the 4th generations.

As the illegal immigration fight moves nowhere, I am glad to know the fear of by a country of two languages where the sides speak different languages appears not to be an issue.

There are only good and valid reasons to fight illegal immigration and secure the border, but I am again glad that losing our language isn't one of them.

Sorry, I don't speak Spanish: Hispanics deal with the loss of Spanish fluency | Minero Magazine
The results of The Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Study conveyed that 17 percent of third-generation Mexican-Americans speak Spanish, while 5 percent of the fourth generation speaks Spanish. Campbell describes the absence of a mother language in upcoming generations as a form of assimilation. “By and large in the United States, it is the pressure of the American culture that forces Mexicans or Latinos to ultimately make English their first language,” Campbell says.

He credits the preference of the English language among the youth in El Paso to be inevitable because of the fact that it is all around them. “We have to be realistic—Spanish is confronted by American popular culture. English is needed in the school systems, in getting a job and in terms of their social identity and their social lives,” he says. “Students may speak Spanish at home with their family, which is usually the case for second and third generations, but ultimately it begins slanting to English.”

English is introduced during the early levels of the American public education system, which plays a role in Spanish fluency loss among young Mexican-Americans. In elementary school programs, Spanish speakers are transitioned from speaking Spanish to speaking English. Matthew Castro, a second-generation Mexican-American, grew up speaking Spanish at home, but at an early age was transitioned to the English language. “I grew up speaking Spanish, but probably when I was 6 or 7 years old, I started to pick up English,” he says. “School was probably the reason why I stopped talking Spanish.”

I would like to know what this post is based on. Because, I have noticed in the last twenty years + that Spanish speakers and Spanish media in the erstwhile English speaking country of America has grown exponetoionaly and that has to be tied to the influx of Mexican illegals. Or it's just a coincidence.
Regardless of the propaganda, Latino immigrants are becoming English dominate and most become English only as the generation increase. See the story. By 3rd generation only 17% of Mex-Americans speak spanish and ONLY 5% speak Spanish in the 4th generations.

As the illegal immigration fight moves nowhere, I am glad to know the fear of by a country of two languages where the sides speak different languages appears not to be an issue.

There are only good and valid reasons to fight illegal immigration and secure the border, but I am again glad that losing our language isn't one of them.

Sorry, I don't speak Spanish: Hispanics deal with the loss of Spanish fluency | Minero Magazine
The results of The Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Study conveyed that 17 percent of third-generation Mexican-Americans speak Spanish, while 5 percent of the fourth generation speaks Spanish. Campbell describes the absence of a mother language in upcoming generations as a form of assimilation. “By and large in the United States, it is the pressure of the American culture that forces Mexicans or Latinos to ultimately make English their first language,” Campbell says.

He credits the preference of the English language among the youth in El Paso to be inevitable because of the fact that it is all around them. “We have to be realistic—Spanish is confronted by American popular culture. English is needed in the school systems, in getting a job and in terms of their social identity and their social lives,” he says. “Students may speak Spanish at home with their family, which is usually the case for second and third generations, but ultimately it begins slanting to English.”

English is introduced during the early levels of the American public education system, which plays a role in Spanish fluency loss among young Mexican-Americans. In elementary school programs, Spanish speakers are transitioned from speaking Spanish to speaking English. Matthew Castro, a second-generation Mexican-American, grew up speaking Spanish at home, but at an early age was transitioned to the English language. “I grew up speaking Spanish, but probably when I was 6 or 7 years old, I started to pick up English,” he says. “School was probably the reason why I stopped talking Spanish.”

I would like to know what this post is based on. Because, I have noticed in the last twenty years + that Spanish speakers and Spanish media in the erstwhile English speaking country of America has grown exponetoionaly and that has to be tied to the influx of Mexican illegals. Or it's just a coincidence.

I based it on the source in the OP.

I too am uncertain of the results are true. I see the same thing myself.
Regardless of the propaganda, Latino immigrants are becoming English dominate and most become English only as the generation increase. See the story. By 3rd generation only 17% of Mex-Americans speak spanish and ONLY 5% speak Spanish in the 4th generations.

As the illegal immigration fight moves nowhere, I am glad to know the fear of by a country of two languages where the sides speak different languages appears not to be an issue.

There are only good and valid reasons to fight illegal immigration and secure the border, but I am again glad that losing our language isn't one of them.

/sorry-i-dont-speak-spanish-hispanics-deal-with-the-loss-of-spanish-fluency/]Sorry, I don't speak Spanish: Hispanics deal with the loss of Spanish fluency |
The results of The Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Study conveyed that 17 percent of third-generation Mexican-Americans speak Spanish, while 5 percent of the fourth generation speaks Spanish. Campbell describes the absence of a mother language in upcoming generations as a form of assimilation. “By and large in the United States, it is the pressure of the American culture that forces Mexicans or Latinos to ultimately make English their first language,” Campbell says.

He credits the preference of the English language among the youth in El Paso to be inevitable because of the fact that it is all around them. “We have to be realistic—Spanish is confronted by American popular culture. English is needed in the school systems, in getting a job and in terms of their social identity and their social lives,” he says. “Students may speak Spanish at home with their family, which is usually the case for second and third generations, but ultimately it begins slanting to English.”

English is introduced during the early levels of the American public education system, which plays a role in Spanish fluency loss among young Mexican-Americans. In elementary school programs, Spanish speakers are transitioned from speaking Spanish to speaking English. Matthew Castro, a second-generation Mexican-American, grew up speaking Spanish at home, but at an early age was transitioned to the English language. “I grew up speaking Spanish, but probably when I was 6 or 7 years old, I started to pick up English,” he says. “School was probably the reason why I stopped talking Spanish.”

Yeah? You think so??
Come to the Pacific south west US.
Im sitting in a McDonalds in Glendora.
The only language i hear is mexican. Including the people behind the counter.
I'm all for letting anybody who wants to come here come here as long as they have a job and aren't allowed to collect public welfare benefits. After so many years here if they want to apply for citizenship and can prove they are able to pull their own weight then fine.

Yup. Good Idea.
Lets start with letting an illegal take your job.
Another one that just doesnt get it.
Regardless of the propaganda, Latino immigrants are becoming English dominate and most become English only as the generation increase. See the story. By 3rd generation only 17% of Mex-Americans speak spanish and ONLY 5% speak Spanish in the 4th generations.

As the illegal immigration fight moves nowhere, I am glad to know the fear of by a country of two languages where the sides speak different languages appears not to be an issue.

There are only good and valid reasons to fight illegal immigration and secure the border, but I am again glad that losing our language isn't one of them.

Sorry, I don't speak Spanish: Hispanics deal with the loss of Spanish fluency | Minero Magazine
The results of The Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Study conveyed that 17 percent of third-generation Mexican-Americans speak Spanish, while 5 percent of the fourth generation speaks Spanish. Campbell describes the absence of a mother language in upcoming generations as a form of assimilation. “By and large in the United States, it is the pressure of the American culture that forces Mexicans or Latinos to ultimately make English their first language,” Campbell says.

He credits the preference of the English language among the youth in El Paso to be inevitable because of the fact that it is all around them. “We have to be realistic—Spanish is confronted by American popular culture. English is needed in the school systems, in getting a job and in terms of their social identity and their social lives,” he says. “Students may speak Spanish at home with their family, which is usually the case for second and third generations, but ultimately it begins slanting to English.”

English is introduced during the early levels of the American public education system, which plays a role in Spanish fluency loss among young Mexican-Americans. In elementary school programs, Spanish speakers are transitioned from speaking Spanish to speaking English. Matthew Castro, a second-generation Mexican-American, grew up speaking Spanish at home, but at an early age was transitioned to the English language. “I grew up speaking Spanish, but probably when I was 6 or 7 years old, I started to pick up English,” he says. “School was probably the reason why I stopped talking Spanish.”

Lol. Where do you live?
you are part of he problem
I'm all for letting anybody who wants to come here come here as long as they have a job and aren't allowed to collect public welfare benefits. After so many years here if they want to apply for citizenship and can prove they are able to pull their own weight then fine.

Your post is so ignorant that I must post again.
Illegals drive down wages, working conditions and benifits.
That is fact and is undisputed anywhere.
Wages have already been stagnant for 30 years and now you want to let in the ones that
will work for almost nothing, with no benifits and with no worries about their working conditions? Oh its ok because they work sooooooo haaaaarrrrd. What happenes to an economy when perople have no money to spend and they have no credit?
Well, when wages are so low and bennies are so few and people need to feed their kids and themselves but the job pays too little and the gov will give them more!
What do you think they'll do?
You sir, sooooooo dont get it.
You, sir, are a big part of this problem.
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Do you know why the holocast happened?
Because the jews, just didnt believe that anything like what people were talking about in back rooms, could actually happen.
Regardless of the propaganda, Latino immigrants are becoming English dominate and most become English only as the generation increase. See the story. By 3rd generation only 17% of Mex-Americans speak spanish and ONLY 5% speak Spanish in the 4th generations.

As the illegal immigration fight moves nowhere, I am glad to know the fear of by a country of two languages where the sides speak different languages appears not to be an issue.

There are only good and valid reasons to fight illegal immigration and secure the border, but I am again glad that losing our language isn't one of them.

Sorry, I don't speak Spanish: Hispanics deal with the loss of Spanish fluency | Minero Magazine
The results of The Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Study conveyed that 17 percent of third-generation Mexican-Americans speak Spanish, while 5 percent of the fourth generation speaks Spanish. Campbell describes the absence of a mother language in upcoming generations as a form of assimilation.He credits the preference of the English language among the youth in El Paso to be inevitable because of the fact that it is all around them. “We have to be realistic—Spanish is confronted by American popular culture. English is needed in the school systems, in getting a job and in terms of their social identity and their social lives,” he says. “Students may speak Spanish at home with their family, which is usually the case for second and third generations, but ultimately it begins slanting to English.”

English is introduced during the early levels of the American public education system, “By and large in the United States, it is the pressure of the American culture that forces Mexicans or Latinos to ultimately make English their first language,” Campbell says.

which plays a role in Spanish fluency loss among young Mexican-Americans. In elementary school programs, Spanish speakers are transitioned from speaking Spanish to speaking English. Matthew Castro, a second-generation Mexican-American, grew up speaking Spanish at home, but at an early age was transitioned to the English language. “I grew up speaking Spanish, but probably when I was 6 or 7 years old, I started to pick up English,” he says. “School was probably the reason why I stopped talking Spanish.”

You ignorant POS.
Your post is the only propaganda.

“By and large in the United States, it is the pressure of the American culture that forces Mexicans or Latinos to ultimately make English their first language,” Campbell says.

What American culture. There is very little here and soon ther wil be none just mexico.
This is a mathmatical certainty and you and people like you are paving the way.
You, sir, are a traitor. YOU and all LIKE you should know
Regardless of the propaganda, Latino immigrants are becoming English dominate and most become English only as the generation increase. See the story. By 3rd generation only 17% of Mex-Americans speak spanish and ONLY 5% speak Spanish in the 4th generations.

As the illegal immigration fight moves nowhere, I am glad to know the fear of by a country of two languages where the sides speak different languages appears not to be an issue.

There are only good and valid reasons to fight illegal immigration and secure the border, but I am again glad that losing our language isn't one of them.

Sorry, I don't speak Spanish: Hispanics deal with the loss of Spanish fluency | Minero Magazine
The results of The Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Study conveyed that 17 percent of third-generation Mexican-Americans speak Spanish, while 5 percent of the fourth generation speaks Spanish. Campbell describes the absence of a mother language in upcoming generations as a form of assimilation.He credits the preference of the English language among the youth in El Paso to be inevitable because of the fact that it is all around them. “We have to be realistic—Spanish is confronted by American popular culture. English is needed in the school systems, in getting a job and in terms of their social identity and their social lives,” he says. “Students may speak Spanish at home with their family, which is usually the case for second and third generations, but ultimately it begins slanting to English.”

English is introduced during the early levels of the American public education system, “By and large in the United States, it is the pressure of the American culture that forces Mexicans or Latinos to ultimately make English their first language,” Campbell says.

which plays a role in Spanish fluency loss among young Mexican-Americans. In elementary school programs, Spanish speakers are transitioned from speaking Spanish to speaking English. Matthew Castro, a second-generation Mexican-American, grew up speaking Spanish at home, but at an early age was transitioned to the English language. “I grew up speaking Spanish, but probably when I was 6 or 7 years old, I started to pick up English,” he says. “School was probably the reason why I stopped talking Spanish.”

You ignorant POS.
Your post is the only propaganda.

“By and large in the United States, it is the pressure of the American culture that forces Mexicans or Latinos to ultimately make English their first language,” Campbell says.

What American culture. There is very little here and soon ther wil be none just mexico.
This is a mathmatical certainty and you and people like you are paving the way.
You, sir, are a traitor. YOU and all LIKE you should know
America has an uncanny ability to absorb other cultures and make them it's own. Latin American cultures will just add to mix. No doubt our culture will become more Latino just as it has become more European and Asian at times. The United States with a population of 315 million is the most diverse nation on earth and will probably remain so. Our "American Culture" is far more foreign than you might think.
America has an uncanny ability to absorb other cultures and make them it's own. Latin American cultures will just add to mix. No doubt our culture will become more Latino just as it has become more European and Asian at times. The United States with a population of 315 million is the most diverse nation on earth and will probably remain so. Our "American Culture" is far more foreign than you might think.[/QUOTE]

Is 54% of the population of CValifornia "diverse" enough for you?
Ill bet all my money, my whole family and my dick, that you are nooooooowhere near,...a mexican community.
54% of the pop of Cali is mex. The legal mex support the illegals.
Whats worse?...a nazi or a nazi sympathizer?
The lagal mex vote mex candidates that change legislation to benifit the illegals. Fact.
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