Zone1 Late night radio and paranormal


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
Okay I'm bored with politics, partisanship and ideological ugliness for awhile. So changing horses. . .

For many years I worked out of our home and generally would do reports and other paper work from after the evening news until sometime in the wee hours of the morning. There were no interruptions or others needing me during those hours.

But I prefer some noise to total silence and having to change the music cds in the Bose was distracting so I usually had late night radio running in the background. And on our local talk radio station that included for some time Art Bell and then George Noory and their ecletic commentary often including the paranormal.

I tuned most of it out but every now and then got intrigued by a topic involving things like 'shadow people'--glimpses of what seem to be people out of the corner of your eye but then aren't there when you turn to look. And I'll admit, usually at night when I'm alone at my desk, I will see something that appears to move in the living room or kitchen, both visible from my office, but isn't there when I look for it.

What do you think? Power of suggestion? Or does anybody else experience this bit of phenomena?
Used to listen to Art Bell a lot back in the 90s...Sometimes try to find the Noory show when I'm driving late at night.....Good entertainment.

Haven't heard of the phenomenon you're referencing.
They didn't talk about the shadow people a lot but both did mention them from time to time. It just always intrigued me that maybe that very brief sense of movement in the corner of my eye--movement that was never anything when I looked--was what people were describing as 'shadow people.'
I used to listen to Art Bell when driving. It was a change of pace.

I have twin sons who have told me as a kid they saw a shadow person run across the street where we used to live. I asked the other when the one told me about it and he told me the exact same story.


I've said this elsewhere. I believe there is far more we don't know than we do know.
Okay I'm bored with politics, partisanship and ideological ugliness for awhile. So changing horses. . .

For many years I worked out of our home and generally would do reports and other paper work from after the evening news until sometime in the wee hours of the morning. There were no interruptions or others needing me during those hours.

But I prefer some noise to total silence and having to change the music cds in the Bose was distracting so I usually had late night radio running in the background. And on our local talk radio station that included for some time Art Bell and then George Noory and their ecletic commentary often including the paranormal.

I tuned most of it out but every now and then got intrigued by a topic involving things like 'shadow people'--glimpses of what seem to be people out of the corner of your eye but then aren't there when you turn to look. And I'll admit, usually at night when I'm alone at my desk, I will see something that appears to move in the living room or kitchen, both visible from my office, but isn't there when I look for it.

What do you think? Power of suggestion? Or does anybody else experience this bit of phenomena?
I get a sense with people. I often People who are, lets say "evil", the hair on the back of my neck stands up.

Usually, they are spot on.

Get the same with empty rooms in a house sometimes.

I have a thread on a past house we lived in.
I really don't know what energy was there... but it was there.
And dozens of folks witnessed it over the years.
I have friends, both passed on now, who bought a home near the beach in Hawaii. These are both college educated, professional highly intelligent people who are not the least bit gullible about anything. They finally had to mention to each other that on several occasions they had each encountered for want of a better explanation what they described as a 'spirit being.' They finally decided they had to accept their house was haunted with something even though the phenomenon never occurred when they were together for whatever reason.

They didn't go so far to say this 'apparition' was a ghost. But it was something they could not explain. They also did not feel frightened or threatened about it.

I myself have never see a ghost or anything that could have been a ghost though I have visited many places that are reported to be haunted. I've always wanted to see what others see though as I know all those people aren't hallucinating or making things up. I don't know what it is they are seeing. But what they are seeing it is simply easier to define as a 'ghost.'
I get a sense with people. I often People who are, lets say "evil", the hair on the back of my neck stands up.

Usually, they are spot on.

Get the same with empty rooms in a house sometimes.

I have experienced that. Been in the presence of people or in places that I just didn't feel right, that something was wrong there, that I was not wanted there, and yes, perhaps something evil there.
I used to listen to Art Bell when driving. It was a change of pace.

I have twin sons who have told me as a kid they saw a shadow person run across the street where we used to live. I asked the other when the one told me about it and he told me the exact same story.


I've said this elsewhere. I believe there is far more we don't know than we do know.
Now that I do believe. I believe we puny humans know so very little about what is all around us, what possibilities exist, what can yet be learned about everything.
I have friends, both passed on now, who bought a home near the beach in Hawaii. These are both college educated, professional highly intelligent people who are not the least bit gullible about anything. They finally had to mention to each other that on several occasions they had each encountered for want of a better explanation what they described as a 'spirit being.' They finally decided they had to accept their house was haunted with something even though the phenomenon never occurred when they were together for whatever reason.

They didn't go so far to say this 'apparition' was a ghost. But it was something they could not explain. They also did not feel frightened or threatened about it.

I myself have never see a ghost or anything that could have been a ghost though I have visited many places that are reported to be haunted. I've always wanted to see what others see though as I know all those people aren't hallucinating or making things up. I don't know what it is they are seeing. But what they are seeing it is simply easier to define as a 'ghost.'

I've been to a ton of places that are reported to be haunted. I've never seen squat. That doesn't mean I doubt those who say they have but for me, I have not.

I had one really odd occurrence. I used to sell cars. A guy came in and we came to a deal. He called his wife to come in. When she walked through the door I 100% thought she was a real close friend. It was like I knew her really well. I finally had to ask her if I knew here. She said she thought the same thing. We tried to figure our where we knew each other but came up with nothing.

I saw a picture of her in a friends yearbook (I didn't go to same school or year he did) and it was like looking at a complete stranger then.
I've been to a ton of places that are reported to be haunted. I've never seen squat. That doesn't mean I doubt those who say they have but for me, I have not.

I had one really odd occurrence. I used to sell cars. A guy came in and we came to a deal. He called his wife to come in. When she walked through the door I 100% thought she was a real close friend. It was like I knew her really well. I finally had to ask her if I knew here. She said she thought the same thing. We tried to figure our where we knew each other but came up with nothing.

I saw a picture of her in a friends yearbook (I didn't go to same school or year he did) and it was like looking at a complete stranger then.
I remember a nurse telling me she was doing some morgue care on a patient that had passed and another nurse was in there with her. Then they both inexplicably experienced the same thing at the same time. All they could do was describe it as this unbelievable weight and dread that fell upon them as they looked at each other at the same time, realizing they both were feeling it. They ran out of the room.
Okay I'm bored with politics, partisanship and ideological ugliness for awhile. So changing horses. . .

For many years I worked out of our home and generally would do reports and other paper work from after the evening news until sometime in the wee hours of the morning. There were no interruptions or others needing me during those hours.

But I prefer some noise to total silence and having to change the music cds in the Bose was distracting so I usually had late night radio running in the background. And on our local talk radio station that included for some time Art Bell and then George Noory and their ecletic commentary often including the paranormal.

I tuned most of it out but every now and then got intrigued by a topic involving things like 'shadow people'--glimpses of what seem to be people out of the corner of your eye but then aren't there when you turn to look. And I'll admit, usually at night when I'm alone at my desk, I will see something that appears to move in the living room or kitchen, both visible from my office, but isn't there when I look for it.

What do you think? Power of suggestion? Or does anybody else experience this bit of phenomena?
If you like George noory type stuff, you should check out this YouTube channel called “The Why Files”. He does shows weekly about various topics including paranormal, ufos and other things.

His isn’t your typical conspiracy theory show though. He tells the story, then goes back and talks about what’s true and what’s not true, and debunks it where there is no evidence to support, and also tells you when there isn’t evidence to refute the story.
If you like George noory type stuff, you should check out this YouTube channel called “The Why Files”. He does shows weekly about various topics including paranormal, ufos and other things.

His isn’t your typical conspiracy theory show though. He tells the story, then goes back and talks about what’s true and what’s not true, and debunks it where there is no evidence to support, and also tells you when there isn’t evidence to refute the story.
Aw I've seen some stuff like that. It's more fun to hear them tell the stories though and discuss their theories. I haven't listened to late night/very early morning radio for some time so don't know if that's still being done. But it was quite entertaining at the time and did peak your curiosity as to how much of it was true. :)
Coast2CoastAM with George Noory is still on late night. He sort of took over for Art Bell. I get it on my local AM station but you can probably stream the show. He has somebody on that is about a star that comes around causing changes on Earth.
Coast2CoastAM with George Noory is still on late night. He sort of took over for Art Bell. I get it on my local AM station but you can probably stream the show. He has somebody on that is about a star that comes around causing changes on Earth.
Yes, every once in awhile I do turn on the radio late night when I'm playing on the computer late and can't sleep. And they do a lot of astronomy stuff and maybe a little scientific theory that you usually don't find in the science text books. :)
Don't listen often any more since Bell retired. I liked the space traveling physicist guy who would regale Bell/Noori with his visits to other galaxies and tell us all the gossip from other advanced societies and stuff. Mostly I just listen to the News and Sport stations and the classical music one. I was going to get the pay radio thing once, but a friend has it and I don't hear much on it worth paying for; same with pay TV.

Don't know that there is anything to the psychic stuff, might be something to it, claims have been around a long long time in human history, but I've never experienced any of it personally. I chalk it up to narcissistic delusions and fantasies. That Nostradamus nutjob dreamed up some cool stuff for his era, though, but like that 'broken clock' homily, throw enough shit around and some of it will occasionally be 'right' if you want it to be. Some predictions are pretty easy to make and get 100% right.
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I have experienced that. Been in the presence of people or in places that I just didn't feel right, that something was wrong there, that I was not wanted there, and yes, perhaps something evil there.
The strange part is that I don't even have to see them.

They can just sneak up behind me and the antenna goes off.

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