Late demands on the day of the debate... could it kill the debate afterall?


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Biden camp has demanded there be a break every 30 minutes.... Trump camp says no. If candidates can't discuss topics for 90minutes, they shouldn't be President.
Trump camp demanding a third party company inspect candidates for listening devices etc.
Biden camp appears to be deny.


Biden camp has demanded there be a break every 30 minutes.... Trump camp says no. If candidates can't discuss topics for 90minutes, they shouldn't be President.
Trump camp demanding a third party company inspect candidates for listening devices etc.
Biden camp appears to be deny.


I notice how Fox pushes Trumps request but not Bidens demands for breaks in the headline? lol, is Paul Ryan running the website now too?
Biden camp has demanded there be a break every 30 minutes.... Trump camp says no. If candidates can't discuss topics for 90minutes, they shouldn't be President.
Trump camp demanding a third party company inspect candidates for listening devices etc.
Biden camp appears to be deny.


Is the break every 30 minutes so Creepy Joe's Handlers can give him more Boost Injections? Could be, why else would they want a break every 30 minutes?

Also good on The Trump Campaign demanding inspecting the candidates for listening devices.

Creepy Joe's Handler's already said no to a drug test, even though The Donald was saying he would have one also and so what to conclude? Creepy Joe is on a drug cocktail or else would not be afraid of having a drug test. The only reason you refuse a drug test is because you know the result is going to be Positive.

Creepy Joe cannot operate without reading words written for him by his Handlers off a Teleprompter, no Teleprompter at the debates and so logic dictates they will have to have him wired up with an ear piece to tell him what to say etc If as I suspect his Handlers say no to a listening device search then we can conclude that as well as being on a drug cocktail he will be wired up with an ear piece and now ADD to this his Handlers want a break every 30 minutes, as I said a break what for? To obviously give him more Boost Injections to Pep him up.
Biden camp has demanded there be a break every 30 minutes.... Trump camp says no. If candidates can't discuss topics for 90minutes, they shouldn't be President.
Trump camp demanding a third party company inspect candidates for listening devices etc.
Biden camp appears to be deny.


I notice how Fox pushes Trumps request but not Bidens demands for breaks in the headline? lol, is Paul Ryan running the website now too?

Why on earth would the Biden campaign have an issue with someone checking to make sure Biden isn't cheating by wearing an ear piece? I think you know why.
He probably needs to shoot up every 30 minutes. Not sure he can maintain focus much longer than 30 mins. without little boost.

Biden probably already has the questions and I am sure he will try to wear an earpiece.

The secret service should employ a jamming device... And not say a word...

Better than jamming, feed him some nonsense and see if he actually said it. I am sure he would.
Biden camp has demanded there be a break every 30 minutes.... Trump camp says no. If candidates can't discuss topics for 90minutes, they shouldn't be President.
Trump camp demanding a third party company inspect candidates for listening devices etc.
Biden camp appears to be deny.


I notice how Fox pushes Trumps request but not Bidens demands for breaks in the headline? lol, is Paul Ryan running the website now too?
YEP.... Biden needs breaks every thirty minuets... Im sure other leaders in negotiations will allow these as well.... This man is unfit to serve as president...
He probably needs to shoot up every 30 minutes. Not sure he can maintain focus much longer than 30 mins. without little boost.

Biden probably already has the questions and I am sure he will try to wear an earpiece.

The secret service should employ a jamming device... And not say a word...

Better than jamming, feed him some nonsense and see if he actually said it. I am sure he would.
That would be hilarious......
Wow, is Biden going to face plant an hour into the debate? His handlers are obviously worried.

I think Fox News is expecting, some even hoping Biden backs out, and of course, they will say "well, both sides had requests".

If he backs out it's because of the earpiece request, not the demands for breaks that were denied. Seems this is becoming interesting just a few hours before the debate.
Biden has to do blow every 30 minutes or he will fall asleep at that late hour.

Isnt he usually inbed by 4 pm?
Breaks in a debate would be unprecedented.
And is an unusual request for sure, and interesting to say the least since the biggest concern about Biden is can he hold up for 90 minutes.
Biden camp has demanded there be a break every 30 minutes.... Trump camp says no. If candidates can't discuss topics for 90minutes, they shouldn't be President.
Trump camp demanding a third party company inspect candidates for listening devices etc.
Biden camp appears to be deny.


Someone should get near the vicinity of where they are having the debate, go there with some listening device jamming equipment, you could get a 360 degree audio jammer that would jam the audio signal and then Creepy Joe would not be able to hear what his Handlers are telling him to say and then he would resort to using his own rotting brain which will result in his usual babbling incoherently and sounding like a demented loon.

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