Last Surviving WW2 Medal of Honor Recipient to be Hated by Young People


May 23, 2014
Our youth will be taught that he is a white supremacist racist because he killed Asian people. That the military was segregated in his day and he is not part of the “greatest generation of Americans.” They will be taught that the United States was wrong in World War Two for fighting in the Pacific and that the Pearl Harbor attack was justified because of a US oil embargo on Japan. They will be taught that fire bombing white Germans was acceptable because they were Nazis. Stalin said the winners write the history. Antifa professoriate and the Democratic Party/liberal media along with Washington DC establishment will write ours. Greatest nation on earth will be brought down by one city and the 5 county area in Virginia where the hate America movement and their families live. So depressing.
The last-surviving World War II Marine to receive the Medal of Honor on his last mission
Hatred of the United States starts in our liberal classrooms.
Rebecca Ross - The New, Shameful, Liberal High School History Curriculum
Evidence supports that WW2 combat veterans will eventually be vilified by liberal education system and our socialist culture.
Charlottesville, Virginia, Thomas Jefferson’s hometown, votes to scrap holiday in honor of his birthday
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Is this another "I'm a widdle victim 'cause it's so hard being a white guy in America!" thread?
Nope. It’s a fact based thread. Will ad attachments. BTW...don’t ever call me a victim, I refuse it as a label. Just speaking truth.
What are you going on about? That's ridiculous.
Liberals hate the United States and our history. They blame white people for every evil in that has ever existed in our American story. In the eyes of Democrats history starts with the Emancipation Proclamation and does not start again until Martín Luther King.

I'm a liberal. I'm not a Democrat. Both of my grandfathers and my father are Vets. So, your tangent is simply a tangent. Nobody is blaming anybody for anything. You need to turn off the television, the radio and put some of the whackadoodles on ignore as they don't come close to representing liberals.
What are you going on about? That's ridiculous.
Liberals hate the United States and our history. They blame white people for every evil in that has ever existed in our American story. In the eyes of Democrats history starts with the Emancipation Proclamation and does not start again until Martín Luther King.

I'm a liberal. I'm not a Democrat. Both of my grandfathers and my father are Vets. So, your tangent is simply a tangent. Nobody is blaming anybody for anything. You need to turn off the television, the radio and put some of the whackadoodles on ignore as they don't come close to representing liberals.
You are wrong and misguided...
Rebecca Ross - The New, Shameful, Liberal High School History Curriculum
What are you going on about? That's ridiculous.
Liberals hate the United States and our history. They blame white people for every evil in that has ever existed in our American story. In the eyes of Democrats history starts with the Emancipation Proclamation and does not start again until Martín Luther King.

I'm a liberal. I'm not a Democrat. Both of my grandfathers and my father are Vets. So, your tangent is simply a tangent. Nobody is blaming anybody for anything. You need to turn off the television, the radio and put some of the whackadoodles on ignore as they don't come close to representing liberals.
You are wrong and misguided...
Rebecca Ross - The New, Shameful, Liberal High School History Curriculum

[A good essay] might note, for example, that the outcome of the American Revolution saw no broad change in the composition of those who dominated the social, political, and economic structure of the former colonies. Those individuals who were wealthy, powerful, and influential before the event continued to possess wealth, power, and influence later. George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson could serve as examples.”

What is the problem?
What are you going on about? That's ridiculous.
Liberals hate the United States and our history. They blame white people for every evil in that has ever existed in our American story. In the eyes of Democrats history starts with the Emancipation Proclamation and does not start again until Martín Luther King.

I'm a liberal. I'm not a Democrat. Both of my grandfathers and my father are Vets. So, your tangent is simply a tangent. Nobody is blaming anybody for anything. You need to turn off the television, the radio and put some of the whackadoodles on ignore as they don't come close to representing liberals.
You are refuted yet again
Charlottesville, Virginia, Thomas Jefferson’s hometown, votes to scrap holiday in honor of his birthday
What are you going on about? That's ridiculous.
Liberals hate the United States and our history. They blame white people for every evil in that has ever existed in our American story. In the eyes of Democrats history starts with the Emancipation Proclamation and does not start again until Martín Luther King.

I'm a liberal. I'm not a Democrat. Both of my grandfathers and my father are Vets. So, your tangent is simply a tangent. Nobody is blaming anybody for anything. You need to turn off the television, the radio and put some of the whackadoodles on ignore as they don't come close to representing liberals.
You are refuted yet again
Charlottesville, Virginia, Thomas Jefferson’s hometown, votes to scrap holiday in honor of his birthday

I've never been there. You got nothing.
What are you going on about? That's ridiculous.
Liberals hate the United States and our history. They blame white people for every evil in that has ever existed in our American story. In the eyes of Democrats history starts with the Emancipation Proclamation and does not start again until Martín Luther King.

I'm a liberal. I'm not a Democrat. Both of my grandfathers and my father are Vets. So, your tangent is simply a tangent. Nobody is blaming anybody for anything. You need to turn off the television, the radio and put some of the whackadoodles on ignore as they don't come close to representing liberals.
You are wrong and misguided...
Rebecca Ross - The New, Shameful, Liberal High School History Curriculum

[A good essay] might note, for example, that the outcome of the American Revolution saw no broad change in the composition of those who dominated the social, political, and economic structure of the former colonies. Those individuals who were wealthy, powerful, and influential before the event continued to possess wealth, power, and influence later. George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson could serve as examples.”

What is the problem?
They built the greatest nation on earth. The first time “the people” ruled their own future through a republican form of government. The fact they were white and wealthy is irrelevant when placed next to how they changed the world.
What are you going on about? That's ridiculous.
Liberals hate the United States and our history. They blame white people for every evil in that has ever existed in our American story. In the eyes of Democrats history starts with the Emancipation Proclamation and does not start again until Martín Luther King.

I'm a liberal. I'm not a Democrat. Both of my grandfathers and my father are Vets. So, your tangent is simply a tangent. Nobody is blaming anybody for anything. You need to turn off the television, the radio and put some of the whackadoodles on ignore as they don't come close to representing liberals.
You are refuted yet again
Charlottesville, Virginia, Thomas Jefferson’s hometown, votes to scrap holiday in honor of his birthday

I've never been there. You got nothing.
Thank you for a validation of my point.
What are you going on about? That's ridiculous.
Liberals hate the United States and our history. They blame white people for every evil in that has ever existed in our American story. In the eyes of Democrats history starts with the Emancipation Proclamation and does not start again until Martín Luther King.

I'm a liberal. I'm not a Democrat. Both of my grandfathers and my father are Vets. So, your tangent is simply a tangent. Nobody is blaming anybody for anything. You need to turn off the television, the radio and put some of the whackadoodles on ignore as they don't come close to representing liberals.
You are wrong and misguided...
Rebecca Ross - The New, Shameful, Liberal High School History Curriculum

[A good essay] might note, for example, that the outcome of the American Revolution saw no broad change in the composition of those who dominated the social, political, and economic structure of the former colonies. Those individuals who were wealthy, powerful, and influential before the event continued to possess wealth, power, and influence later. George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson could serve as examples.”

What is the problem?
They built the greatest nation on earth. The first time “the people” ruled their own future through a republican form of government. The fact they were white and wealthy is irrelevant when placed next to how they changed the world.

That doesn't tell me what is wrong with the above paragraph.

What is untrue with the above paragraph?
Our youth will be taught that he is a white supremacist racist because he killed Asian people. That the military was segregated in his day and he is not part of the “greatest generation of Americans.” They will be taught that the United States was wrong in World War Two for fighting in the Pacific and that the Pearl Harbor attack was justified because of a US oil embargo on Japan. They will be taught that fire bombing white Germans was acceptable because they were Nazis. Stalin said the winners write the history. Antifa professoriate and the Democratic Party/liberal media along with Washington DC establishment will write ours. Greatest nation on earth will be brought down by one city and the 5 county area in Virginia where the hate America movement and their families live. So depressing.
The last-surviving World War II Marine to receive the Medal of Honor on his last mission
Hatred of the United States starts in our liberal classrooms.
Rebecca Ross - The New, Shameful, Liberal High School History Curriculum
Evidence supports that WW2 combat veterans will eventually be vilified by liberal education system and our socialist culture.
Charlottesville, Virginia, Thomas Jefferson’s hometown, votes to scrap holiday in honor of his birthday

first, I doubt that anyone would begrudge WWII vets for killing Japanese.

Second, we already crossed that line a long time ago on our attitudes about WWII.

During WWII, propagandists made a distinction between the Nazis and the "Good Germans' who needed to be liberated, while the Japanese were portrayed as sub-human monsters.

Of course, the 'Good Germans" never showed up. They fought to the last old man and little boy for Hitler's Reich.

Today, we all know the Nazis were the bad guys, mostly because the Jews who run Hollywood keep reminding us and giving each other Oscars for telling us how the Holocaust was a bad thing.

American cinema never really focuses today on the awful things the Japanese did, so you'll never see a movie about the Bataan Death March or the Rape of Nanking. (They actually did make one movie about Nanking, but it was mostly about how it inconvenienced white people.)
What are you going on about? That's ridiculous.
Liberals hate the United States and our history. They blame white people for every evil in that has ever existed in our American story. In the eyes of Democrats history starts with the Emancipation Proclamation and does not start again until Martín Luther King.

I'm a liberal. I'm not a Democrat. Both of my grandfathers and my father are Vets. So, your tangent is simply a tangent. Nobody is blaming anybody for anything. You need to turn off the television, the radio and put some of the whackadoodles on ignore as they don't come close to representing liberals.
You are refuted yet again
Charlottesville, Virginia, Thomas Jefferson’s hometown, votes to scrap holiday in honor of his birthday

I've never been there. You got nothing.
Thank you for a validation of my point.

You don't appear to have a point. You have a throw spaghetti at the wall and see if it sticks.
AP History is about utilizing critical thinking skills. It appears that Bush92 wants oversimplified propaganda.
What are you going on about? That's ridiculous.
Liberals hate the United States and our history. They blame white people for every evil in that has ever existed in our American story. In the eyes of Democrats history starts with the Emancipation Proclamation and does not start again until Martín Luther King.

I'm a liberal. I'm not a Democrat. Both of my grandfathers and my father are Vets. So, your tangent is simply a tangent. Nobody is blaming anybody for anything. You need to turn off the television, the radio and put some of the whackadoodles on ignore as they don't come close to representing liberals.
“Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.”
- A. Lincoln

Can a Democratic Republic survive when statues are torn down, when our educational system becomes an indoctrination tool for a political ideology, or when so few brave people defend her for the whining narcissistic naysayers that tear her apart from within?
Our youth will be taught that he is a white supremacist racist because he killed Asian people. That the military was segregated in his day and he is not part of the “greatest generation of Americans.” They will be taught that the United States was wrong in World War Two for fighting in the Pacific and that the Pearl Harbor attack was justified because of a US oil embargo on Japan. They will be taught that fire bombing white Germans was acceptable because they were Nazis. Stalin said the winners write the history. Antifa professoriate and the Democratic Party/liberal media along with Washington DC establishment will write ours. Greatest nation on earth will be brought down by one city and the 5 county area in Virginia where the hate America movement and their families live. So depressing.
The last-surviving World War II Marine to receive the Medal of Honor on his last mission
Hatred of the United States starts in our liberal classrooms.
Rebecca Ross - The New, Shameful, Liberal High School History Curriculum
Evidence supports that WW2 combat veterans will eventually be vilified by liberal education system and our socialist culture.
Charlottesville, Virginia, Thomas Jefferson’s hometown, votes to scrap holiday in honor of his birthday

first, I doubt that anyone would begrudge WWII vets for killing Japanese.

Second, we already crossed that line a long time ago on our attitudes about WWII.

During WWII, propagandists made a distinction between the Nazis and the "Good Germans' who needed to be liberated, while the Japanese were portrayed as sub-human monsters.

Of course, the 'Good Germans" never showed up. They fought to the last old man and little boy for Hitler's Reich.

Today, we all know the Nazis were the bad guys, mostly because the Jews who run Hollywood keep reminding us and giving each other Oscars for telling us how the Holocaust was a bad thing.

American cinema never really focuses today on the awful things the Japanese did, so you'll never see a movie about the Bataan Death March or the Rape of Nanking. (They actually did make one movie about Nanking, but it was mostly about how it inconvenienced white people.)
Thanks for your input. You’re 100% spot on about Hollywood and that’s a big problem with historical perception in our society. As a young boy my towns Post Master was a survivor of the Bataan Death March. I had six uncles in WW2 and three of them were shot by Nazi German troops. How will revisionist history treat them? Ahhhh, just a bunch of racist white guys. Democrats and their Antifa friends would throw piss in their faces.

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