Last gun shop in San Francisco to close

“With other gun shops right outside city limits, the closing of Highbridge Arms will only result in inconveniencing law-abiding folks who will now have to drive a little extra out of their way for their firearms needs,” said Chris Cheng, Top Shot winner, NRA Commentator and city resident, to “I’m confident the criminals will still be able to acquire firearms through the trunks of cars and other nefarious sources within city limits.”
YEP! Thanks anti gun freaks...the criminals thank you!
Keep in mind that opening up shop in a local community is a privilege, not a right.
Same for an abortion clinic.... right?

That's a silly comparison that makes no sense at all.There's a huge difference between retail sales outlets and medical clinics providing health care. Or hadn't you noticed ?
“With other gun shops right outside city limits, the closing of Highbridge Arms will only result in inconveniencing law-abiding folks who will now have to drive a little extra out of their way for their firearms needs,” said Chris Cheng, Top Shot winner, NRA Commentator and city resident, to “I’m confident the criminals will still be able to acquire firearms through the trunks of cars and other nefarious sources within city limits.”
YEP! Thanks anti gun freaks...the criminals thank you!
Keep in mind that opening up shop in a local community is a privilege, not a right.
Same for an abortion clinic.... right?
That's a silly comparison that makes no sense at all.There's a huge difference between retail sales outlets and medical clinics providing health care.
Either way... its a privilege, not a right.
So if a San Fran girly man gets accosted on the street and swings his purse in self- defense, will he be in trouble for not having a license to carry a purse?

I'm sure the criminal element in San Fran will be pleased.

Now they can invade a home and no homeowner will have a gun to defend himself and his family with.

The officials in San Fran are truly idiots.
Last gun shop in San Francisco confirms closure due to new law

Enjoy the increase in gun crime San Francisco residents!

California passed some of the nation’s toughest gun laws over the past two decades, and gun deaths across the state have declined by more than half, according to a new study by a California-based nonprofit research group.

Gun violence across California dropped 56% from 5,500 gun deaths in 1993 to 2,935 in 2010, according tothe study, which took into account California’s expanded population from about 30 to 37 million people over the same period.

Among all 50 states, California has perhaps the strongest gun control laws. “California is at the very top end of firearms regulation,” legal expert Bryan L. Ciyou and author of “Gun Laws By State” told msnbc.


Yes, in Californification, you go to prison for having an over ten round clip in your possession even without having a firearm to discharge the rounds. That makes sense, right? Libitards!!
Last gun shop in San Francisco confirms closure due to new law

Enjoy the increase in gun crime San Francisco residents!

California passed some of the nation’s toughest gun laws over the past two decades, and gun deaths across the state have declined by more than half, according to a new study by a California-based nonprofit research group.

Gun violence across California dropped 56% from 5,500 gun deaths in 1993 to 2,935 in 2010, according tothe study, which took into account California’s expanded population from about 30 to 37 million people over the same period.

Among all 50 states, California has perhaps the strongest gun control laws. “California is at the very top end of firearms regulation,” legal expert Bryan L. Ciyou and author of “Gun Laws By State” told msnbc.


Care to provide a link. I have friends in law enforcement and they say this is not factual.
Last gun shop in San Francisco confirms closure due to new law

Enjoy the increase in gun crime San Francisco residents!

California passed some of the nation’s toughest gun laws over the past two decades, and gun deaths across the state have declined by more than half, according to a new study by a California-based nonprofit research group.

Gun violence across California dropped 56% from 5,500 gun deaths in 1993 to 2,935 in 2010, according to the study, which took into account California’s expanded population from about 30 to 37 million people over the same period.

Among all 50 states, California has perhaps the strongest gun control laws. “California is at the very top end of firearms regulation,” legal expert Bryan L. Ciyou and author of “Gun Laws By State” told msnbc.


Care to provide a link. I have friends in law enforcement and they say this is not factual.

My bad; i was going to add the link, but missed doing so before posting; was hurried at work.

Maybe all gun manufacturers should pull out of Leftist states, and refuse to do business with them, including the police forces within those states.

Such states might just rethink their idiocy.
If the homo was smart they would keep their guns. What IF a case of "Islamic homo tossing" broke out?
"Islamic homo tossing"
Last gun shop in San Francisco confirms closure due to new law

Enjoy the increase in gun crime San Francisco residents!

California passed some of the nation’s toughest gun laws over the past two decades, and gun deaths across the state have declined by more than half, according to a new study by a California-based nonprofit research group.

Gun violence across California dropped 56% from 5,500 gun deaths in 1993 to 2,935 in 2010, according to the study, which took into account California’s expanded population from about 30 to 37 million people over the same period.

Among all 50 states, California has perhaps the strongest gun control laws. “California is at the very top end of firearms regulation,” legal expert Bryan L. Ciyou and author of “Gun Laws By State” told msnbc.


Care to provide a link. I have friends in law enforcement and they say this is not factual.

My bad; i was going to add the link, but missed doing so before posting; was hurried at work.


Cute propaganda piece. The evidence shows that the mandatory incarceration of violent criminals had the effect. The violent gangbangers were put in prison for years and that had an immediate impact on gun and violent crimes in general. In fact, now that they are being released the crime rate and the violent crime rate is increasing. Funny how your web site didn't mention those very checkable facts.
Last gun shop in San Francisco confirms closure due to new law

Enjoy the increase in gun crime San Francisco residents!
"The mood is somber at High Bridge Arms as the shop is closing following introduction of a law to video all gun and ammo sales and transmit data to the police department."
What law abiding person would object to being videoed when purchasing from a gun shop?
If you're not doing anything wrong then you have nothing to fear...right?
Last gun shop in San Francisco confirms closure due to new law

Enjoy the increase in gun crime San Francisco residents!
"The mood is somber at High Bridge Arms as the shop is closing following introduction of a law to video all gun and ammo sales and transmit data to the police department."
What law abiding person would object to being videoed when purchasing from a gun shop?

Pretty much anyone I know. Something about Article IV of the Bill of Rights. You know, that little bit of verbiage that says government pricks like you can't spy on us without a Court Order and probable cause.
So if a San Fran girly man gets accosted on the street and swings his purse in self- defense, will he be in trouble for not having a license to carry a purse?

I'm sure the criminal element in San Fran will be pleased.

Now they can invade a home and no homeowner will have a gun to defend himself and his family with.

The officials in San Fran are truly idiots.

Non sequitur. FYI, closing a gun shop is totally unrelated to the number of guns already in the possession of SF homeowners. Gun shows at the Cow Palace, a stone's throw from the SF city limits are a regular occurrence. In fact one can jump on the "T" street car at AT&T park and get off on Sunnydale Ave and be within a 10 minute walk get to the cow palace.
Question for Odium:

If in a few year's time, San Francisco has the lowest or one of the lowest rates in gun related crime and deaths would you pledge for other cities and states to follow suit?
Last gun shop in San Francisco confirms closure due to new law

Enjoy the increase in gun crime San Francisco residents!
"The mood is somber at High Bridge Arms as the shop is closing following introduction of a law to video all gun and ammo sales and transmit data to the police department."
What law abiding person would object to being videoed when purchasing from a gun shop?
Me and any other law abiding citizen.This isn't 1984 but San Francisco sure wants to make it seem like it.

Last gun shop in San Francisco confirms closure due to new law

Enjoy the increase in gun crime San Francisco residents!
The murder rate in 2015 is spiraling. Arming citizens is not helping a bit.
Sudden Spike in Violent Crime Across US Raises Alarm
Um no.
Last gun shop in San Francisco confirms closure due to new law

Enjoy the increase in gun crime San Francisco residents!
The murder rate in 2015 is spiraling. Arming citizens is not helping a bit.

I'm not sure what your point is, but here are some facts:

Bay Area cities’ homicide rates show striking drop
You forgot to read. Hard for you, I know....

"Police leaders and criminologists say they aren’t certain what is behind the historic dip in homicides, which mirrors state and national trends..."

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