Largest oil drilling platform


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
Russia just launched the largest oil drilling platform in the world. It stands taller than a 50-story building. Indian company ONGC owns a 20% stake in it. India it seems is convinced on finding an alternative to middle eastern oil.



The Sakhalin-1 project put the new Berkut (Golden Eagle in Russian) platform into operation on the Arkutun-Dagi oilfield. The press office of co-financier Rosneft—the largest oil company in the world—reported the superlative dimensions of the installation: 105 metres in length, 60 metres in width, and 144 metres in height, equal to a 50-floor building.

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Rosneft's press office also noted that the process of installing and transporting the platform broke several world records for the industry. Together with its foundation, the overall weight of the platform is greater than 200,000 tonnes, making it the largest platform of its type in the world. Berkut will soon receive its firefighting equipment and living quarters’ module. Drilling is set to commence in the autumn, after the completion of essential tests. The development of this oilfield will add up to 4.5 million tonnes of oil to the yearly yield of the Sakhalin-1 project.

“The opening of this oil platform marks a significant event, as it is the largest platform in Russia and one of the most technologically advanced drilling platforms in the world,” says UFS IC macroeconomic analyst Vasily Ukharsky. “The Russian-made drilling rig installed inside has no rivals for power and working capacity.” He adds that the platform's structure provides for round-the-clock work in severe sub-Arctic conditions. Particularly noteworthy is Berkut’s seismic protection system, whose ability to withstand a 9.0 earthquake without interruption of operations is unprecedented in the global oil industry. The platform likewise need not fear low temperatures, given that it can work at -44 degrees Celsius. Berkut is designed to withstand an 18-metre-high tsunami and the pressure of two metres of ice.

President Vladimir Putin supervised the platform's opening, having earlier given the go-ahead to the Gazprom's Prirazlomnaya project for the first Russian oil platform on the Arctic shelf. Berkut is now the second large-scale installation on the shelf. “Thanks to projects like Berkut, we can now utilize richer—but difficult-to-access—oilfields, open up new production, and overall strengthen the socioeconomic development of our country's most important region: the Far East,” the Russian president stated via video conference.


Largest oil drilling platform in Russia launched in Sakhalin | Russia & India Report

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