Largest crowd ever at C-Pac- and they said conserveratives were dead


Senior Member
Mar 15, 2009
Newsmax - Conservatives Pack Largest-Ever CPAC

By: Ronald Kessler

This time last year, pundits were predicting the end of conservatism and the Republican Party.

So-called conservative columnists like David Frum, formerly of National Review, and David Brooks of The New York Times were warning conservatives that something was wrong with their beliefs.

But Dave Keene, chairman of the American Conservative Union, was predicting that President Obama would overreach and help Republicans return to power.

As the elections in Massachusetts, Virginia, and New Jersey demonstrated, Keene was dead on.

This week, Keene presides over the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), where a 28 percent increase in registrations over last year underscores his optimism. With more than 10,000 conservative activists attending this year, CPAC has moved to Washington’s Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, where the ballroom holds 2 1/2 times more people than at the previous location.

It appears to me that conservatives are alive and well and riled up for a fight. LOLOLOL
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