Lady Gaga’s dad joins restaurants suing New York City for indoor dining ban


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
This is a video with Lady Gagas dad and lawyer. We are right now having the same debates in Toronto. Businesses are dropping off like flies and they are strangling them with restrictions. Once outdoor dining isn't possible, the economy is going to expand on it's 20% unemployment rate.

Lady Gaga’s dad joins restaurants suing New York City for indoor dining ban

Lady Gaga’s dad joins restaurants suing New York City for indoor dining ban
This is a video with Lady Gagas dad and lawyer. We are right now having the same debates in Toronto. Businesses are dropping off like flies and they are strangling them with restrictions. Once outdoor dining isn't possible, the economy is going to expand on it's 20% unemployment rate.

Lady Gaga’s dad joins restaurants suing New York City for indoor dining ban

Lady Gaga’s dad joins restaurants suing New York City for indoor dining ban
I can see where she gets her looks from...Does this Dad have a name and why do you not know it?
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This is a video with Lady Gagas dad and lawyer. We are right now having the same debates in Toronto. Businesses are dropping off like flies and they are strangling them with restrictions. Once outdoor dining isn't possible, the economy is going to expand on it's 20% unemployment rate.

Lady Gaga’s dad joins restaurants suing New York City for indoor dining ban

Lady Gaga’s dad joins restaurants suing New York City for indoor dining ban

Well then.....credibility has most certainly arrived !!!!
Upgrading A/C in public accommodation to HEPA standard can create jobs and help mitigate airborne pathogens.
The staff should be nude and wear only masks..
Nice advertising suggestion.
Democrats have it backwards. Instead of encouraging riots and discouraging commerce, they should be doing the opposite. And after they destroy thousands of businesses and their tax base in the process, they'll be the first states begging for bailouts. These idiots have to forget about trying to make Trump look bad (it isn't working) and start opening businesses up. MAGA, live and let live.
Restaurants will have to open back up all the way at some point if the people in charge of them want the businesses to remain alive and kicking well enough.

God bless you always!!!

Democrats have it backwards. Instead of encouraging riots and discouraging commerce, they should be doing the opposite. And after they destroy thousands of businesses and their tax base in the process, they'll be the first states begging for bailouts. These idiots have to forget about trying to make Trump look bad (it isn't working) and start opening businesses up. MAGA, live and let live.
Yup. And Cocaine Mitch says "NO!" to bailing out foolish Blue States so they can shoulder the responsibility of their own foolish decisions.

THERE IS NO SCIENCE BEHIND THIS: Cuomo’s New Ban On Indoor Dining In NYC Is Abject Madness.
On Wednesday, I wrote a column in the New York Post urging Gov. Andrew Cuomo to release contact tracing data on the spread of the Chinese virus in New York restaurants before closing them down. My logic was that the owners of these establishments, their employees, and their patrons deserved to see the evidence that proves that indoor dining is a major driver of virus spread.
Show The Science!
On Friday, the governor released that data. It does not show that restaurants are a major driver; it shows they accounted for 1.4 percent of spread. And yet, in a move that defies even the basic tenets of common sense, Emperor Cuomo is closing down indoor dining anyway.
Heed The Science!
In mid-December, when it is too cold to eat outside and a week before a Christmas, this order will directly lead to thousands of more unemployed New Yorkers.
This decision is insane. It is also cruel and arbitrary. For two months Gotham’s restaurants have done everything asked of them: created outdoor dining areas, bought heaters, run at 25 percent capacity, had customers fill out tracing forms, and enforced masks. And guess what? It looks like it worked. Fewer than 2 in 100 infections can be traced back to eateries. So why are they now being punished? . . .
Cuomo Will Find The Worst Decision Possible, No Matter How Hard He Has To Hunt For It.
There is no excuse for this decision. Not only is the infection rate for restaurants and bars a meager 1.4 percent, the rate for households is 74 percent.
1.4% vs 74%
So let me posit a simple question. Now that friends are to be banned from sharing time together at a restaurant or pub, where will they gather? Oh, right, in households. Brilliant, governor, just brilliant. Don’t let us go where almost no one gets COVID, but shove us into the places where almost everyone does.
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