L.A. Teachers Union Leader: 'There's No Such Thing As Learning Loss'

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
And we wonder why our schools are garbage compared to other OECD nations

"Our kids didn't lose anything," she said. "It's OK that our babies may not have learned all their times tables. They learned resilience. They learned survival. They learned critical-thinking skills. They know the difference between a riot and a protest. They know the words insurrection and coup."

And this is another recent gem of hers too

“But here’s the trouble: You can recall the Governor. You can recall the school board. But how are you going to recall me?”

Union supporters complain about how little unionization there is in this country in the 21st century. There is your reason.
And we wonder why our schools are garbage compared to other OECD nations

And this is another recent gem of hers too

Union supporters complain about how little unionization there is in this country in the 21st century. There is your reason.
It is incumbent on the parents to educate their kids not the teachers, who now know a lot less IMO than when I went to school. Luckily our kids have the Internet and tools such as those to learn.

Sounds reasonable if they didn't learn anything in the first place.

0 (learned) - 0 (to lose) = 0 (lost)


:banana: :smoke::banana:


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Sending your kid to public school is child abuse.

“There is no such thing as learning loss. Our kids didn’t lose anything [during the pandemic]. It’s okay that our babies may not have learned all their times tables. They learned resilience. They learned survival. They learned critical-thinking skills. They know the difference between a riot and a protest. They know the words insurrectionand coup.”

“Education is political,” says Ms Myart-Cruz, who boasts of her ability to act with near-impunity, and whose list of Intolerable Things includes cognitive testing, “structural racism,” border controls, policing, and the supposed “privilege” of parents who would like their children to actually learn things, including times tables. Needless to say, the UTLA is vehemently opposed to voucher systems that would allow parents to spare their children a stay in what increasingly resemble not so much schools as activism farms. Where Ms Myart-Cruz and her “babies” can prioritise “fighting for… social justice.”

“We’re re-envisioning what the future of public schools will look like,” says she.

Home schooling, charter schools, co ops or any other alternative education source is preferable to our union controlled government schools.
As another poster pointed out it is the parent job to make sure their child is learning and advancing and just not the teacher job.

The failure of our younger generation start at home and progress throughout their educational years because society doesn’t want to make the failures feel like they have failed but also parents who breed these kids do not want to be bothered to raise and educate those kids they made!

My Uncle would make me work with him on the farm and building stuff, but in today time you will be hard pressed to find a parent that does that or want to be bothered with their child or the mental growth of the child.

We as a nation will fall further behind and yes the person that said “ our kids didn’t lose anything “ is living proof why we must change so much with our society from the home to the schools!
Unfortunately, for today's society, the Leftists in the Public Education Monopoly have convinced "everyone" that it cannot be held to account for results. Test scores have no validity. Ban the SAT and ACT. Take teacher proficiency tests and water them down so that a typical tenth grader could pass, and call that a positive development when most of the teachers pass the test.

Now, in the campaign to eliminate the "achievement gap," make sure nobody learns anything, then brag the the differences between white scores and Black scores are shrinking. But it's not Black scores getting better, it's everyone else getting more mediocre.

Now bring hundreds of thousands of non-English speaking illegals into the classroom, and make sure they all pass. Yeah, that will help.

As others have said, if a foreign enemy plotted a campaign to destroy American public education fifty years ago, they would be breaking open champagne bottles now, celebrating their success.
Home schooling, charter schools, co ops or any other alternative education source is preferable to our union controlled government schools.

There's that broad brush again! Why do you fucktards think just because Los Angeles is fucked up, that it means all schools are the same?

This woman is a classless moron, but she doesn't run the other thousands of school districts in the country.
Unfortunately, for today's society, the Leftists in the Public Education Monopoly have convinced "everyone" that it cannot be held to account for results. Test scores have no validity. Ban the SAT and ACT. Take teacher proficiency tests and water them down so that a typical tenth grader could pass, and call that a positive development when most of the teachers pass the test.

Now, in the campaign to eliminate the "achievement gap," make sure nobody learns anything, then brag the the differences between white scores and Black scores are shrinking. But it's not Black scores getting better, it's everyone else getting more mediocre.

Now bring hundreds of thousands of non-English speaking illegals into the classroom, and make sure they all pass. Yeah, that will help.

As others have said, if a foreign enemy plotted a campaign to destroy American public education fifty years ago, they would be breaking open champagne bottles now, celebrating their success.

There is no such thing as a Public Education monopoly unless you created a new board game.

The woman represents the LAUSD and nothing more. She is an idiot of high caliber. That doesn't give you education bashers free reign to exaggerate the problem.
Alright then...close the schools and go straight to schooling from home on the computer.
Think of all the money we'll save on taxes when we dont have to pay for the extravagant schools that dont do shit when it comes to learning.
I see no reason why we shouldn't cut the teachers salaries in half while we're at it.
Hey, if school is via computer the limits on class size should be eliminated. A class could have five or six hundred students watching the teacher speak. That would cut the need for teachers down to almost nil.

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