Kyle Rittenhouse FLEES from a group of students w/dog in tow after being asked a few questions

As usual, a rightwinger opts to FLEE in fear, rather than to face actual people who simply want answers.

In this case a group of youngsters asked him a couple of easy questions, which he flubbed, like someone else we know

what happened here....


Notice how he got his ass up outta there so fast he damned near choked that poor little doggie to death?

As soon as I see all those bolds sprinkled WITHOUT REASON throughout your post, I SCROLL PAST UNREAD
How is it self defense when you illegally acquire a rifle and cross state lines looking for someone to shoot?

You can't defend yourself against a violent felon if you acquired a rifle incorrectly?

What law says that? Link?
Already did.
No You did notr

TYou bnever offered anything to support that claim

Stop lying and post some evidence
How is it self defense when you illegally acquire a rifle and cross state lines looking for someone to shoot?

Kyle rittenhouse is a murdering tRumpling, and a coward to boot. Some day he will get his.
It is irrelevant how one acquires a weapon. acquiring it illegally does not negate self defense moron

Prove he went looking for some one to shoot because you have NOT DONE SO
It was not murder and the facts prove you to be a coward and liar
To be fair, they were getting very agitated and hostile, and we’ve seen black mobs attack whites before. Seemed like a smart move rather than remain in the room with them.
It is always possible that he was packing heat.

If you are carrying it is wise to leave before an argument escalates to the point of violence even if it makes you look like a coward.
Now your being an internet tough guy, but actually NO thats not what we want to do dummy. I want BLM protestors to be able to hold rallies unharrassed, have speakers and hopefull even hear what others have to say.. thats America. It would be completely wrong otherwise.... just because I might FEEL different then some BLM speaker,, it doesnt give me any right to shout him down... or have some action group go out and buy up tickets so they can be there for the sole reason to harass, or confront people who showed up.
Why not? Isn't protest everyone's right? If you're going to speak in public then you have to accept the fact that others might heckle you or shout and drown you out. If you're speaking in private then you should do a better job of screening who you're allowing in. I don't get the Rights constant crying that they don't have a right to an audience in public. You don't. You have a right to speak, not to be heard or to have everyone silenced as you do it.
Thats not really what we want for America, today but we have seen the LEFT tick up social unrest when congress members supported rioting, looting and burning buildings by calling it justified unrest back in 2021.... they made you think that shit is normal.
Why do you imagine, like a clown, that I'm receiving instruction from Congress? I'm a black father. If police are going to be allowed to murder black people without facing consequence then your country and cities and people if need be are going to burn until they do. It's just as simple as that. I don't care about justifying myself to you. I don't care if you don't think it's justified. That's just how it's going to be.
They also ticked it up the moment TRump became president, with their lies.
If you seriously want to fight, create unrest in the streets at this point of our history, then your a fucking idiot and a loser. If you think that dissolving whats left of our society is a good thing, you deserve to live in a place like Somalia or Haiti.
Haiti and Somalia aren't in the state their in because they didn't respect the right to protest or allow the government to abuse minorities. They are in the state their in because they've faced centuries of exploitation. Warning about Haiti isn't going to stop us from giving your culture the necessary cuckolding it needs.
It is always possible that he was packing heat.

If you are carrying it is wise to leave before an argument escalates to the point of violence even if it makes you look like a coward.
It would have been something, though, if he tried to escape from an increasingly hostile black mob and they blocked him, and started to assault him, and he killed one in self-defense.
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That conservatives have make a ‘hero’ out of a racist and coward like Rittenhouse speaks volumes.
And what does it say how leftists made a hero out of a violent ex-felon drug addict black? I was forced to stop in the middle of MACY’s for eight minutes of fucking silence in tribute to him!

And there is no indication that Rittenhouse is either a racist or a coward. He was quite brave, actually, in trying to stop the BLM violence (although naive).
He really needs to get into a good trades school or internship program.
He needs to change his name and appearance and move.
There is a difference between defending and attacking.

People have a right to defend their property and lives from those who only want to kill, steal, and destroy.

You should learn the difference.
He's not capable.
I know what he feels like to be surrounded by hostile, racist blacks. Just lack week, I was two feet away from four grown black men, a foot taller than me, and a good 30 or 40 years younger (I’m a senior citizen), shouting nasty racist things to each other about whites - and for my benefit. It was intended to mock and taunt me, and make me scared.

I guess they found it entertaining to harass a 5’3 white lady in her late 60s.
I know what he feels like to be surrounded by hostile, racist blacks. Just lack week, I was two feet away from four grown black men, a foot taller than me, and a good 30 or 40 years younger (I’m a senior citizen), shouting nasty racist things to each other about whites - and for my benefit. It was intended to mock and taunt me, and make me scared.

I guess they found it entertaining to harass a 5’3 white lady in her late 60s.
Then again, you freak out when you see posters with black people on them at the maul, this must have been terrifying for you.
As usual, a rightwinger opts to FLEE in fear, rather than to face actual people who simply want answers.

In this case a group of youngsters asked him a couple of easy questions, which he flubbed, like someone else we know

what happened here....

Notice how he got his ass up outta there so fast he damned near choked that poor little doggie to death?

He has no obligation to speak to you fucking liberals.

Fuck off.

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