Kyle Rittenhouse FLEES from a group of students w/dog in tow after being asked a few questions

It's a fact, no questions about it,

What do you mean no questions? he was aquitted , so at the very least.. there ARE questions. This was the aftermath of what happens when you have riots take over cities. Its not lke Rittenhouse just committed murders in a vacuum here.
Wether or not I agree with his decision as a 17 year old to be out with a Rifle... he did not instigate contact. He was approached first and someone tried to grab his weapon.... later someone hit him with a skate board and had him on the ground. So for you to claim he is a murderer without question takes away all credibility from you. riddiculous .

We have a girl right now lying in a coma maye going to die from another girl bashing her head in the concrete.. In Rittenhouse's situation.. in which you were no where around to get a sense of what was going on.. I can clearly say there is Question that Rittenhouse may have feared for his life.
Only tough guy key board warriors woud say otherwise.
I don't understand the last decade, where provocateurs are invited by College Republicans/Democrat's to college campuses. I don't see how this furthers educational discourse.

I could see if Rittenhouse was part of a panel discussing, crime, self defense, riots, or something similar. But otherwise...why?
Also there looked to be only about 25 people there.
Colleges are supposed to be places where all sides can be aired and discussed. This flies in the face of the far-left Marxist dogma so prevalent in higher education today.
As usual, a rightwinger opts to FLEE in fear, rather than to face actual people who simply want answers.

In this case a group of youngsters asked him a couple of easy questions, which he flubbed, like someone else we know

what happened here....

Notice how he got his ass up outta there so fast he damned near choked that poor little doggie to death?

The way they rushed him off the stage it almost looks like they might have had a tip that someone was gonna take a shot at him from the audience.

Given today's political climate, it wouldn't surprise me at all if that was the case.
The boy had no property in Kenosha.

He was breaking curfew.

He's now flat broke.

Whether he had property or not is irrelevant, he still has a right to defend himself from people trying to attack him.

All who were there were breaking curfew.

Despite his reported net worth, Kyle's lawyer said in November 2023 that he is now broke. Times Now reported that Mark Richards, his lawyer, said: 'He is working; he is trying to support himself. Everyone thinks that Kyle got so much money from this. Whatever money he did get is gone.' Read more: Unveiling Kyle Rittenhouse's net worth today: How rich is he?

Cool story.
Self-defense isn't murder, even if whiny bitches whine that it is.
How is it self defense when you illegally acquire a rifle and cross state lines looking for someone to shoot?

Kyle rittenhouse is a murdering tRumpling, and a coward to boot. Some day he will get his.
How is it self defense when you illegally acquire a rifle and cross state lines looking for someone to shoot?

Kyle rittenhouse is a murdering tRumpling, and a coward to boot. Some day he will get his.

How is it self defense when you illegally acquire a rifle and cross state lines looking for someone to shoot?

You can't defend yourself against a violent felon if you acquired a rifle incorrectly?

What law says that? Link?

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