Kurt Schlichter: Everything democrats say about guns is a lie...yes....yes it is....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
In Kurt's column today he makes a few points that too many gun owners still don't understand, ad far too many Americans don't understand.......democrats hate that you own guns, they lie about every aspect of gun ownership....

And yes....they want to ban and confiscate all guns.....

He coins a great name for the teenagers who call you a child killer because you own a gun or belong to the NRA...

But subtlety is not a big thing with the Teen Titans of Tyranny.

Kurt Schlichter - Every Word Liberals Say About Guns Is A Lie

Here’s the deal – everything the liberals say about guns is a lie. Every. Single. Thing.

It’s a lie when they scream that you can hit the Guns-2-Go drive-thru and buy yourself a fully semi-automatic assault machine gun with high-powered 5.56 mm rounds, because glorified 5.56 mm rounds are “high-powered” on their planet, faster and quicker than you can call an Uber.

It’s a lie when they say an armed citizenry would be powerless in the face of a leftist government equipped with tanks and artillery and bombers – though their assumption that a leftist government would use tanks and artillery and bombers on the American people seems like a pretty good reason for having an armed citizenry.

It’s a lie when they say they only want to have a “conversation” and seek only “bipartisan compromise.” Foamy Marco Rubio got suckered into that grift just like Chuck Schumer suckered him into pushing amnesty, and they’ve been ritually disemboweling him ever since.

Bought and paid for by the NRA; wants children murdered; blah blah blah.” You know the score. He went to that CNN town hall, which seemed more like a dinner theater staging of The Crucible, and tried to be a nice, open-minded guy, and they slaughtered him. There’s a lesson for you – never show these aspiring Red Guards any weakness. They hate us fans of the Constitution for resisting, but at least they have to grudgingly respect that we won’t roll over. But Rubio is weak, and he showed his belly, and they despise him for it.

By the way, Marco’s latest megafail is his refusal to campaign against Democrat Bill Nelson in the upcoming Senate race. If you need to reach him, he’ll be in his gimp box.

Though soft boys like Marco and his fellow submissive Fredocons refuse to acknowledge it, the other side’s goal is simple – they want us disarmed. But why? They know that Normal Americans are perfectly capable of safely owning all kinds of firearms. You slice the Democrat-run blue cities out of the statistics and America’s gun murder rate is comparable to Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood. They absolutely know that. But that’s not remotely the point.

What they cannot abide is us Normals being proud and free.

To disarm us would forever convert us from citizens to subjects. They get that our identity is wrapped up not in our guns themselves, but in the fact that armed we have the ability to control our destiny. If necessary, an armed citizenry can tell those who would trample our rights, “No” – and to back it up with force if necessary.

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