Kurds thank America


Gold Member
Jan 10, 2009
Very moving:

Kurds Welcome U.S. Airstrike Plan as ISIS Seizes More Towns - NBC News

Iraqi and Kurdish officials on Friday welcomed the White House's decision to authorize airstrikes in northern Iraq to counter advancing radical militants. "We thank Barack Obama," said Khalid Jamal Alber, of the Ministry of Religious Affairs for the Kurdish autonomous region of northern Iraq. Iraq's Ministry of the Displaced also welcomed the announcement of air drops of meals and water to refugees trapped on a mountaintop and surrounded by militants.

At least three more towns were taken by militants from the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), witnesses told NBC News on Friday. The seizures of Hamdanyah, Bashiqa and Bartella occurred on Wednesday. A string of victories by the ISIS and its allies have sent Iraq's minorities – including thousands of Christians - fleeing for their lives, exacerbating the country's already-dire humanitarian crisis. A senior U.S. defense official told NBC News that "a number of U.S. military aircraft" had successfully delivered food and water and had "safely exited the immediate airspace" around the trapped refugees.
doesn't seem like much is really being done according to some so called experts Peach . This operation doesn't even have a name and that fact according to ex military guy named Bob Scales [I think] is significant . He calls the operations that are going on as pinpricks on the Greta show just a little while ago .
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Supposedly the ISIS travels during the daylight on columns, so would be a great chance to test some new equipment and munitions.

I think we needed live testing of SDB II on a moving target, let's start there.
doesn't seem like much is really being done according to some so called experts Peach . This operation doesn't even have a name and that fact according to ex military guy named bob scales [I think] is significant . He calls the operations that are going on as pinpricks on the Greta show just a little while ago .

60 out of 72 drops on target, yes, much, much more to be done. That is why the President AND Congress need to cancel their current vacations. Not haning a name is good to me, I want action, not parades. The UK is getting water & food drops ready, and Russia is sending military supplies of course. The US is the best equipped for humanitarian aid, and we have hit convoys and ISIS troop camps.
send in some WARTHOGS with mini guns for the columns . Where is an updated Puff . As far as parades and names I can see the significance of not having a name and so can the experienced military guy , think he is a retired general . I'll go with his thinking !!
send in some WARTHOGS with mini guns for the columns . Where is an updated Puff . As far as parades and names I can see the significance of not having a name and so can the experienced military guy , think he is a retired general . I'll go with his thinking !!

As France is also promising humanitarian aid, and the US is leading......maybe it can be called Humanity Strikes Back.
send in some WARTHOGS with mini guns for the columns . Where is an updated Puff . As far as parades and names I can see the significance of not having a name and so can the experienced military guy , think he is a retired general . I'll go with his thinking !!
There aren't anymore A-10 's .......they have been deactivated and are to be scrapped. ...... :cool:

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as far as the food and water , isis may be the ones that get the food and water same as they got much of their equipment from the western world . Even , at this moment a talking head named Ed Henry on Bret Bier is saying that the [pinprick] operations may be coming to an end .
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thought I remembered that Sunniman but I wasn't sure . So , thankyou but no thanks to Mr . Obama for their deactivation .
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yeah , Peach , I think the lack of a name is a serious omission . To me it shows a lack of seriousness .
WARTHOGS were wonderful and efficient , deadler than heck . Must be a good reason for their deactivation [wink] !!
thought I remembered that Sunniman but I wasn't sure . So , thankyou but no thanks to mr . Obama for their deactivation .
The Air Force has always hated the A-10 because they only like super sonic jet fighters.

They are the main people responsible for getting rid of the A-10

But the Army and Marines love them for close ground support and their ability to loiter over the battle field. ... :cool:
once again , thanks Sunniman !! Yeah , like I said WARTHOGS are deadlier than heck !! I hear some calling for drones but drones only have a couple missles . WARTHOGS were very heavily armed with beautiful stuff for battle and like you say , they could loiter . As far as the Who that was responsible for getting rid of them , well , so much of EXPERIENCED USA military is being replaced by wussy yes men and women that I blame the higher ups .
I don't understand your post Peach , Sunniman seems to have useful info and you seem to make assumptions about me . You are certainly not accurate with your ASSUMPTIONS about me and like I say , Sunniman seems to know what he is talking about . I don't support the world but I support these Kurds and these helpless Christians . --- I'm just not thanking Mr. Obama for pinpricks .
I don't understand your post Peach , Sunniman seems to have useful info and you seem to make assumptions about me . You are certainly not accurate with your ASSUMPTIONS about me and like I say , Sunniman seems to know what he is talking about . I don't support the world but I support these Kurds and these helpless Christians . --- I'm just not thanking Mr. Obama for pinpricks .

I'll just delete it then, Sunni applauds ISIS & HAMAS.
How about 'Operation a Day Late, and a Dime Short'?

How about supporting the world against ISIS, tough as it may be for you & Sunni.

Come on Peach; it is truly disingenuous of you to state that I am NOT against ISIS. Tough as it may be for you to understand, we do not defeat an enemy by 'leading from behind'. Obie has been behind the curve as far as getting a jump on ISIS, and as a result, it will NOW take boots on the ground to defeat them. Therefore, shedding of American and possible coalition blood via future boots on the ground, turns out to be, in the name of humanity, an avoidable inhumane strategy.
doesn't seem like much is really being done according to some so called experts Peach . This operation doesn't even have a name and that fact according to ex military guy named Bob Scales [I think] is significant . He calls the operations that are going on as pinpricks on the Greta show just a little while ago .

I have trouble equating a 500 pound bomb with a pin prick; though I understand why an ex military guy would say so on Fox.

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