Krazy Kamala Harris to call for federal spending to raise teacher salaries

The USA is by far the richest nation on Earth.

And $22 trillion in debt

Its wealthy citizens and corporations can easily be taxed more to assist with the social problems they are part of.
You need people to get rich from, and all people should be respected, not just used.

Over taxing wealthier people has never produced economic equality in human history, aside from it being immoral.

FDR taxed the wealthy tremendously and used the money to raise up the very poor and destitute. And then there was money to fight WW2. How is it immoral to tax the wealthy when there's such extreme wealth inequality? A lot of that inequality happened by the very wealthy lobbying our so called representatives to push through bills that favored the wealthy so they could become even wealthier. This used to be illegal and was called bribery, but no more.
Pocahontas was a special needs teacher. they should have taught her!
Who? I thought she lived hundreds of years ago.
Thank you for the reference. If you read it carefully (not stop when you think you confirmed what you want to believe), you will read in updated link:

“the results (Warren’s DNA) strongly support the existence of an unadmixed Native American ancestor in the individual’s pedigree, likely in the range of 6-10 generations ago,”

Her claim of SOME native American ancestry is correct!
Education is not a federal function and teachers aren't federal employees, so she is just pandering as usual. While I do think teachers in some places (like Las Vegas) are underpaid, that's on the local governments to resolve. Just like every other government institution, many school districts are rife with waste they can redirect to the classroom.
Basic Education should be a federal priority.
If well trained teachers help the country achieve equality for all, including education and job opportunities that education represents, then that should be a national priority.

Let's be honest here...the Democratic Party doesn't really care about having the best teachers teaching in the classroom...they're working to give union teachers higher pay but more importantly...make it almost impossible to get rid of the ones that aren't good teachers. It's all about supporting unions that give them back huge amounts of money in campaign donations each year!
Fire all the bloated, unnecessary public school nonsense like "school superintendents" and get rid of idiotic, qu33r agenda stuff and distribute the savings to the so-called teachers who are really just classroom monitors really who have an easy work schedule and summers off.

The total ignorance of you conservatives assholes, knows no bounds.

You should try standing in front of 25+ children and have to teach them all day every day, and then go home, grade papers, set tests and get ready for another day. I had Brownies one day a week for 2 hours and I was exhausted at the end of it. It taught me enormous respect for teachers who have to be "on" and leading the class from the time they arrive at school, until they go home.

Teachers are hardly "classroom monitors", having to present the material in a way that engages and interests the student, as well as imparting the information they need.

If they are doing such a fine job why are they graduating kids like AOC ????????????????

Education is not a federal function and teachers aren't federal employees, so she is just pandering as usual. While I do think teachers in some places (like Las Vegas) are underpaid, that's on the local governments to resolve. Just like every other government institution, many school districts are rife with waste they can redirect to the classroom.
Basic Education should be a federal priority.
If well trained teachers help the country achieve equality for all, including education and job opportunities that education represents, then that should be a national priority.

Let's be honest here...the Democratic Party doesn't really care about having the best teachers teaching in the classroom...they're working to give union teachers higher pay but more importantly...make it almost impossible to get rid of the ones that aren't good teachers. It's all about supporting unions that give them back huge amounts of money in campaign donations each year!
I don’t care about political parties (and I am not a Democrat), but your campaign-donation comment also applies to other parties. Yes, we all know that MONEY talks, especially in the USA.

I was talking about PRINCIPLES and the value of education and job skills that should be available for ALL citizens. If you want better education, then you need to pay teachers what they SHOULD be worth, and yes, based on merit.
Better education for ALL will eventually benefit all of society, including the richer people living behind security gates.
Education is not a federal function and teachers aren't federal employees, so she is just pandering as usual. While I do think teachers in some places (like Las Vegas) are underpaid, that's on the local governments to resolve. Just like every other government institution, many school districts are rife with waste they can redirect to the classroom.
Basic Education should be a federal priority.
If well trained teachers help the country achieve equality for all, including education and job opportunities that education represents, then that should be a national priority.

Let's be honest here...the Democratic Party doesn't really care about having the best teachers teaching in the classroom...they're working to give union teachers higher pay but more importantly...make it almost impossible to get rid of the ones that aren't good teachers. It's all about supporting unions that give them back huge amounts of money in campaign donations each year!
I don’t care about political parties (and I am not a Democrat), but your campaign-donation comment also applies to other parties. Yes, we all know that MONEY talks, especially in the USA.

I was talking about PRINCIPLES and the value of education and job skills that should be available for ALL citizens. If you want better education, then you need to pay teachers what they SHOULD be worth, and yes, based on merit.
Better education for ALL will eventually benefit all of society, including the richer people living behind security gates.

So which party is it that teacher's unions contribute to, Denmark?
Those teachers unions contribute millions to liberal candidates and in return are given better pay and benefits without having to perform better in the classroom. They are NOT looking for a merit based system...they are looking for a system that pays for seniority and grants a form of tenure.
Kamala Harris to call for federal spending to raise teacher salaries

In America, public school teachers are paid about $13,000 a year less than other college graduates. That could be mortgage payments or the cost of groceries for a family for a year. It’s a national failure. It’s time we give America’s teachers a raise.

Public school teachers?
They are paid MORE than what they're worth already. Have you tried to have an intelligent conversation with a PS teacher lately? Guess not.
They're mostly indoctrinated Snowflakes and I would venture a guess that 90+ % of them voted for Hillary or a Socialist candidate.

I find it ironic that a majority of those entrusted to "educate" our children are about as clay brick stupid as they come.
Education is not a federal function and teachers aren't federal employees, so she is just pandering as usual. While I do think teachers in some places (like Las Vegas) are underpaid, that's on the local governments to resolve. Just like every other government institution, many school districts are rife with waste they can redirect to the classroom.
Basic Education should be a federal priority.
If well trained teachers help the country achieve equality for all, including education and job opportunities that education represents, then that should be a national priority.

Let's be honest here...the Democratic Party doesn't really care about having the best teachers teaching in the classroom...they're working to give union teachers higher pay but more importantly...make it almost impossible to get rid of the ones that aren't good teachers. It's all about supporting unions that give them back huge amounts of money in campaign donations each year!
I don’t care about political parties (and I am not a Democrat), but your campaign-donation comment also applies to other parties. Yes, we all know that MONEY talks, especially in the USA.

I was talking about PRINCIPLES and the value of education and job skills that should be available for ALL citizens. If you want better education, then you need to pay teachers what they SHOULD be worth, and yes, based on merit.
Better education for ALL will eventually benefit all of society, including the richer people living behind security gates.

So which party is it that teacher's unions contribute to, Denmark?
Why don’t you read my previous post more carefully.
I don’t care for political parties, but am expressing my thoughts and preferences on the value of good education and good teachers.

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