Korean War started 70 years ago today... 25 June 1950

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
The Korean War is sometimes referred to as the "Forgotten War".
It was brutal war with the fighting many times close up and hand to hand.
One of the longest retreats in American history took place during the Korean War when over a quarter of a million Chinese troops crossed the border in a sneak attack.
Almost as many American soldiers died in the 3 years of the Korean War, as did American soldiers in over a decade of the Vietnam War.
The Korean war saw the first use of the helicopter in combat and the first jet fighter vers jet fighter air combat.
Also, the Korean war was the first time black and white soldiers were integrated into the same unit. Unlike previous wars were blacks and whites were segregated into units by race.
MacArthur screwed it up by not stopping at the narrowest point on the penninsula and also conducting landings on the western side of that narrow gap. He was almost completely useless without a competent staff to make him look good. Almost nobody wanted to work under him voluntarily.
MacArthur screwed it up by not stopping at the narrowest point on the penninsula and also conducting landings on the western side of that narrow gap. He was almost completely useless without a competent staff to make him look good. Almost nobody wanted to work under him voluntarily.
MacArthur was a disaster
His arrogance brought the Chinese into the war and cost us 50,000 lives
MacArthur screwed it up by not stopping at the narrowest point on the penninsula and also conducting landings on the western side of that narrow gap. He was almost completely useless without a competent staff to make him look good. Almost nobody wanted to work under him voluntarily.
MacArthur was a disaster
His arrogance brought the Chinese into the war and cost us 50,000 lives

Actually Stalin suckered Mao into the war, then bailed out and left him with egg on his face, since he couldn't withdraw without losing face in his own Politburo. Stalin then rubbed salt into the wound by forcing Mao to buy Soviet weapons up front in gold.
Yet another failed military escapade that young men (many drafted)had to pay for with their lives and limbs.

MacArthur screwed it up by not stopping at the narrowest point on the penninsula and also conducting landings on the western side of that narrow gap. He was almost completely useless without a competent staff to make him look good. Almost nobody wanted to work under him voluntarily.
MacArthur was a disaster
His arrogance brought the Chinese into the war and cost us 50,000 lives

Actually Stalin suckered Mao into the war, then bailed out and left him with egg on his face, since he couldn't withdraw without losing face in his own Politburo. Stalin then rubbed salt into the wound by forcing Mao to buy Soviet weapons up front in gold.
MacArthur suckered Mao by marching to the Yalu River after Truman told him not to.
Actually it was the first test on whether or not the U.S. would actually back its allies against Communist imperialism around the world. Just because it didn't please you doesn't matter to anyone who has to make the serious decisions when there are no good alternatives. Kissinger was spot on when he said many times in foreign policy there are no good choices, so you go with the least bad in the long term.
MacArthur screwed it up by not stopping at the narrowest point on the penninsula and also conducting landings on the western side of that narrow gap. He was almost completely useless without a competent staff to make him look good. Almost nobody wanted to work under him voluntarily.
MacArthur was a disaster
His arrogance brought the Chinese into the war and cost us 50,000 lives

Actually Stalin suckered Mao into the war, then bailed out and left him with egg on his face, since he couldn't withdraw without losing face in his own Politburo. Stalin then rubbed salt into the wound by forcing Mao to buy Soviet weapons up front in gold.
MacArthur suckered Mao by marching to the Yalu River after Truman told him not to.

Mao would never have invaded if Stalin hadn't talked him into it; neither waned to face American power alone directly, and Stalin didn't even want to with Mao as an ally.
Actually it was the first test on whether or not the U.S. would actually back its allies against Communist imperialism around the world. Just because it didn't please you doesn't matter to anyone who has to make the serious decisions when there are no good alternatives. Kissinger was spot on when he said many times in foreign policy there are no good choices, so you go with the least bad in the long term.
N Korea had invaded the South. UN (US) troops drove them back over the 39 th parallel. MacArthur decided he wanted to conquer the north and exceeded his orders.

That action turned a minor skirmish into a conflict that killed 50,000 Americans
Actually it was the first test on whether or not the U.S. would actually back its allies against Communist imperialism around the world. Just because it didn't please you doesn't matter to anyone who has to make the serious decisions when there are no good alternatives. Kissinger was spot on when he said many times in foreign policy there are no good choices, so you go with the least bad in the long term.
N Korea had invaded the South. UN (US) troops drove them back over the 39 th parallel. MacArthur decided he wanted to conquer the north and exceeded his orders.

That action turned a minor skirmish into a conflict that killed 50,000 Americans

Stalin was the first to occupy Korea, in his race to occupy as much of Japanese territory as he could in the last days WW II, not Mao. Stalin suckered Mao into the war and then bailed out himself, leaving Mao holding the bag. MacArthur came along later.

One of the side effects of Mao's ineffectiveness was it saved Taiwan from invasion and conquest, among others, along with making Mao reticent to invade other Asian countries, like Thailand and Viet Nam; the latter became a Soviet satellite, and the division between Mao and the Soviets deepened and kept them from doing much in unified fashion re Asia and the Pacific. They almost went to war against each other at least twice over the rift re Korea. That rift made the SEATO alliance a viable arrangement in the coming 3 decades.
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MacArthur screwed it up by not stopping at the narrowest point on the penninsula and also conducting landings on the western side of that narrow gap. He was almost completely useless without a competent staff to make him look good. Almost nobody wanted to work under him voluntarily.
MacArthur was a disaster
His arrogance brought the Chinese into the war and cost us 50,000 lives

Nonsense.....you do not know the history....Mao planned that war and though Russia caved in to his desires....they initially opposed it.

The most authoritative life of the Chinese leader every written, Mao: The Unknown Story is based on a decade of research, and on interviews with many of Mao’s close circle in China who have never talked before — and with virtually everyone outside China who had significant dealings with him. It is full of startling revelations, exploding the myth of the Long March, and showing a completely unknown Mao: he was not driven by idealism or ideology; his intimate and intricate relationship with Stalin went back to the 1920s, ultimately bringing him to power; he welcomed Japanese occupation of much of China; and he schemed, poisoned, and blackmailed to get his way. After Mao conquered China in 1949, his secret goal was to dominate the world. In chasing this dream he caused the deaths of 38 million people in the greatest famine in history. In all, well over 70 million Chinese perished under Mao’s rule — in peacetime.

Rather than reluctantly entering the conflict as the Chinese government suggests, Mao is shown to have deliberately entered the Korean War, having promised Chinese troops to Kim Il Sung (then leader of North Korea) before the conflict started. Also, the book details Mao's desperation in needing economic and military aid promised by the Soviets, as the prime motivating factor in backing Kim Il-sung's invasion of South Korea. Halliday had previously conducted research into this conflict, publishing his book Korea: The Unknown War.

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N Korea had invaded the South. UN (US) troops drove them back over the 39 th parallel. MacArthur decided he wanted to conquer the north and exceeded his orders.
That action turned a minor skirmish into a conflict that killed 50,000 Americans
"Minor skirmish"..... you've got to be joking!! .... :cool:
MacArthur screwed it up by not stopping at the narrowest point on the penninsula and also conducting landings on the western side of that narrow gap. He was almost completely useless without a competent staff to make him look good. Almost nobody wanted to work under him voluntarily.
MacArthur was a disaster
His arrogance brought the Chinese into the war and cost us 50,000 lives

Actually Stalin suckered Mao into the war, then bailed out and left him with egg on his face, since he couldn't withdraw without losing face in his own Politburo. Stalin then rubbed salt into the wound by forcing Mao to buy Soviet weapons up front in gold.
No it was quite the opposite......Mao wanted the war...Stalin was reluctant but finally agreed to go along with Mao.......this is a new revelation as history goes.....revealed in 'Mao ...the Untold story'

Mao was desperate for Soviet Arms and sacrificed the lives of millions of chinese by shipping produce to Russia to pay for weapons instead of feeding his people.....millions starved.

Anyone who wants to know the real truth about the Korean War needs to read........

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N Korea had invaded the South. UN (US) troops drove them back over the 39 th parallel. MacArthur decided he wanted to conquer the north and exceeded his orders.
That action turned a minor skirmish into a conflict that killed 50,000 Americans
"Minor skirmish"..... you've got to be joking!! .... :cool:

The Legacy of Mao Zedong is Mass Murder
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N Korea had invaded the South. UN (US) troops drove them back over the 39 th parallel. MacArthur decided he wanted to conquer the north and exceeded his orders.
That action turned a minor skirmish into a conflict that killed 50,000 Americans
"Minor skirmish"..... you've got to be joking!! .... :cool:

There were minor US casualties until MacArthur invaded the North. Bringing in the Chinese turned it into a major conflict
N Korea had invaded the South. UN (US) troops drove them back over the 39 th parallel. MacArthur decided he wanted to conquer the north and exceeded his orders.
That action turned a minor skirmish into a conflict that killed 50,000 Americans
"Minor skirmish"..... you've got to be joking!! .... :cool:

There were minor US casualties until MacArthur invaded the North. Bringing in the Chinese turned it into a major conflict
Again....we did not bring them in.....Mao as previously pointed out had promised N. Korea that he would send in his troops before the war even began....Mao personally was responsible for the war........his real involvement aka the one who really initiated the war has only come rather recently with the publication of the book 'Mao....the untold story'
The aftermath that still lingers

Get everyone divided in groups and sub groups ...for equity !why does that sound so familiar ....????
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