King Obama I need to golf who cares if you planned your wedding today!!!

I imagine if the golf course manager told him of the wedding conflict he would have cancelled his game. Shame on these members of the military for whining.
He was invited to the wedding and declined :lol:
You called him out for highlighting how rightwingnut reactionaries idiotically jumped all over this non-issue?


Your mommy & daddy must be sooo proud of you.

Thank you for admitting you have lost the debate.
Your delusions are noted.

and parental references? Aren't those verbotten?
I don't know, are they?
Other than FoxNews....who really cares?

Obama is going to get bad PR in the conservative media regardless of what he does.....and don't call me Shirley!

so , you'd rather be a partisan jerk than admit something was stupid?

Ok, it was stupid for a couple to plan a wedding where they risked having to change their wedding plans should the president come to play golf. Happy now?

Ah blame the victim.
Well who else acted stupidly in this situation? Even you admitted they knew this was a risk when they first planned their wedding.

The PR people should have realized that making someone move 24 hours before the ceremony would result in some bad press. Typically presidential activities are planned far in advance, but this seems to have been an off the cuff thing. I'm sure the intent of the contract was for notification more than 24 hours in advance.

A good PR team would realize that.
Whoa..... before we proceed ... prove his "PR team" even knew about the wedding ....
The same guy who read a prepared statement about a beheaded American then played golf would not be moved by someone's wedding.
Thank you for admitting you have lost the debate.
Your delusions are noted.

and parental references? Aren't those verbotten?
I don't know, are they?
so , you'd rather be a partisan jerk than admit something was stupid?

Ok, it was stupid for a couple to plan a wedding where they risked having to change their wedding plans should the president come to play golf. Happy now?

Ah blame the victim.
Well who else acted stupidly in this situation? Even you admitted they knew this was a risk when they first planned their wedding.

The PR people should have realized that making someone move 24 hours before the ceremony would result in some bad press. Typically presidential activities are planned far in advance, but this seems to have been an off the cuff thing. I'm sure the intent of the contract was for notification more than 24 hours in advance.

A good PR team would realize that.
Whoa..... before we proceed ... prove his "PR team" even knew about the wedding ....

That's what they are there for. Not knowing about it is almost as bad as knowing about it and saying "meh"
I see, so now pointing out how insane you rightwingnuts are over Obama is now a reflection on me, is it?


Oh, and your continued bluffs fail to provide you adequate cover for your bullshitting. It's apparent to all that you are incapable of posting even one thing Obama did wrong here.

But if you really think you're accomplishing anything by further confessing in every post that you can't actually find fault in Obama for playing golf in this instance, then by all means, please continue bluffing.....

I posted one specific issue awhile back ... but not in response to you.

Here's and idea ... why don't you go back a few posts and read my answer ... Mkay????
You made a false claim and got called on it. It matters not if it was made to me or not.

I did no such thing. The truth to you is a lie.

. All you are is a time-waster.

When you learn to be objective I'll prove to you that Obama fucked up.
Do'ers do and bullshitters bluff.

And here you are, still bluffing. :eusa_doh:
I already pointed out what Obama is doing wrong. I'm not going to repeat myself just because of your weak taunting act. The only bullshitter is you.
Pretending like you posted what Obama did wrong in order to avoid posting what you can't is also bluffing.

Do'ers do; bullshitters bluff.

Keep bluffing ....
How utterly disgraceful. I doubt Obama knew that the couple had their wedding scheduled on the golf course - but it's indicative of the Obama Imperialism that his staff didn't manage this so that the wedding wasn't disrupted. I can't imagine any other President's staff being so callous.
To some of the nuthuggers embarrassing themselves on this thread, if obama ran over someone's dog and left a note on the carcass saying "Oops, my bad - da prez" the dog's owners would be oh-so-fortunate to have gained a treasured family heirloom.
Your delusions are noted.

I don't know, are they?
Ok, it was stupid for a couple to plan a wedding where they risked having to change their wedding plans should the president come to play golf. Happy now?

Ah blame the victim.
Well who else acted stupidly in this situation? Even you admitted they knew this was a risk when they first planned their wedding.

The PR people should have realized that making someone move 24 hours before the ceremony would result in some bad press. Typically presidential activities are planned far in advance, but this seems to have been an off the cuff thing. I'm sure the intent of the contract was for notification more than 24 hours in advance.

A good PR team would realize that.
Whoa..... before we proceed ... prove his "PR team" even knew about the wedding ....

That's what they are there for. Not knowing about it is almost as bad as knowing about it and saying "meh"
Regardless of what you think their job duties are, show some evidence they knew. You're accusing them of screwing up, yet for all you know, they were never informed a wedding was scheduled.
I posted one specific issue awhile back ... but not in response to you.

Here's and idea ... why don't you go back a few posts and read my answer ... Mkay????
You made a false claim and got called on it. It matters not if it was made to me or not.

I did no such thing. The truth to you is a lie.

. All you are is a time-waster.

When you learn to be objective I'll prove to you that Obama fucked up.
Do'ers do and bullshitters bluff.

And here you are, still bluffing. :eusa_doh:
I already pointed out what Obama is doing wrong. I'm not going to repeat myself just because of your weak taunting act. The only bullshitter is you.
Pretending like you posted what Obama did wrong in order to avoid posting what you can't is also bluffing.

Do'ers do; bullshitters bluff.

Keep bluffing ....

Keep bullshitting.

Stop acting like a fucking baby.
Obama was quite humorous as he chatted with the couple for quite a while. He said that if he had known they were getting married on the 16th hole he would have just skipped the 16th hole. The groom asked what he shot and the President said he shot an 84, but if he had skipped the 16th he would have shot a 79.
The couple said they could see him golfing on the 16th during the ceremony and Obama said "That must have been painful"
The President then asked "If you get married in Hawaii where do you go for a honeymoon?" The two Army officers then said, looks like it is going to be Ft Polk
They then invited Obama to the reception at the Officers Club and told them there was an open bar. Obama said....You don't want me there, everyone would have to go through a magnitron

Looks like the couple will have a story they can tell the rest of their lives

In the end, the couple was thrilled to speak to the President and only the conservatives were left fuming

Surely you agree that from a PR standpoint, this was stupid?

Other than FoxNews....who really cares?

Obama is going to get bad PR in the conservative media regardless of what he does.....and don't call me Shirley!

so , you'd rather be a partisan jerk than admit something was stupid?


Nothing partisan about it other than the conservatives once again making a mountain out of a mole hill

The couple planned a wedding on the golf course. They had to move to a location that was better than they originally planned. They also got a chance to chat with and be personally congratulated by the President of the United States. The couple is thrilled

Now....who is being partisan here Yogi?
Ah blame the victim.
Well who else acted stupidly in this situation? Even you admitted they knew this was a risk when they first planned their wedding.

The PR people should have realized that making someone move 24 hours before the ceremony would result in some bad press. Typically presidential activities are planned far in advance, but this seems to have been an off the cuff thing. I'm sure the intent of the contract was for notification more than 24 hours in advance.

A good PR team would realize that.
Whoa..... before we proceed ... prove his "PR team" even knew about the wedding ....

That's what they are there for. Not knowing about it is almost as bad as knowing about it and saying "meh"
Regardless of what you think their job duties are, show some evidence they knew. You're accusing them of screwing up, yet for all you know, they were never informed a wedding was scheduled.
As if you had a clue either way.

We've had six years of this sort of nonessential bs from this administration. Any new incidents merely reinforces his image as a pampered autocrat with not a care in the world for the peasants in this country.
Obama used the course for its intended purpose.....playing golf

Golf courses are not intended as wedding locations
Obama tells his minions to clear the course it's tee time. Minions inform golf course they are to bow to his magnificence. Owner of the course ... uhm but we have customers, hell one has a wedding today. Henchman: "Resistance is futile." You will accommodate the "one", or the IRS will set up office at the ninth hole.
Obama used the course for its intended purpose.....playing golf

Golf courses are not intended as wedding locations
Please provide us with a link to the federal statute that requires golf courses to be used for golf only. For that matter provide us with the link that puts the president's recreation above all others.
Obama used the course for its intended purpose.....playing golf

Golf courses are not intended as wedding locations
Please provide us with a link to the federal statute that requires golf courses to be used for golf only.

Now, If Obama were to insist on playing golf in the middle of a church during their wedding, I can see where some may complain
Obama used the course for its intended purpose.....playing golf

Golf courses are not intended as wedding locations
Please provide us with a link to the federal statute that requires golf courses to be used for golf only.

Now, If Obama were to insist on playing golf in the middle of a church during their wedding, I can see where some may complain
Obama playing golf in a church? That's funny.

FYI many weddings are held in outdoor settings. Church is not a requirement for wedding ceremonies. Further, many religious ceremonies are held in outdoor settings. There is no requirement that a wedding be held in a building.

Why is it that some folks get a tingle with the idea of their masters pissing on someone's booked venue? Is it some sort of sexual thing where the person assuming the position of being punished by their master gets off?

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