Kill the Deniers!!!


Gold Member
Nov 6, 2012
Kill the Deniers.....hell of a name for a government sponsored "fantasy play", but there it is. Such is life when you support a failed pseudoscientific hypothesis. Here in the US, there is talk of trying skeptics in court...down under the government is sponsoring "fantasy plays" where deniers are murdered....and to make it all the more interesting, they are now publishing the play as an E-book.

Not so far off from cricks quote some time ago...(see my sig line) Clearly being one of them, he knows where they must go as reality continues to deny the AGW hypothesis.

The left is defending into the old style totalitarian propaganda mode very quickly...they apparently need guns, hostages, brute force and threats since it becomes more clear every day that they don't have any actual observational evidence that man is altering the global climate.
Kill the Deniers.....hell of a name for a government sponsored "fantasy play", but there it is. Such is life when you support a failed pseudoscientific hypothesis. Here in the US, there is talk of trying skeptics in court...down under the government is sponsoring "fantasy plays" where deniers are murdered....and to make it all the more interesting, they are now publishing the play as an E-book.

Not so far off from cricks quote some time ago...(see my sig line) Clearly being one of them, he knows where they must go as reality continues to deny the AGW hypothesis.

The left is defending into the old style totalitarian propaganda mode very quickly...they apparently need guns, hostages, brute force and threats since it becomes more clear every day that they don't have any actual observational evidence that man is altering the global climate.
Apparently your claim is that there is a huge conspiracy world wide to pretend that there is Global warming...this Conspiracy involves the UK Meteorological Services , The Japanese Meteorological agency, NASA, NOAA and 97 percent of Climate Scientist..... Any Proof of any of this chump ?
Apparently your claim is that there is a huge conspiracy world wide to pretend that there is Global warming...this Conspiracy involves the UK Meteorological Services , The Japanese Meteorological agency, NASA, NOAA and 97 percent of Climate Scientist..... Any Proof of any of this chump ?

One need only follow the money....chump. And the pretense isn't that the climate is is that man is the root cause. Got any actual observed, measured evidence to support the idea that man is altering the global climate?.....of course not...ergo the pure politics of plays like Kill the Deniers and threats of court action against skeptics. How much clear evidence is require to penetrate a pseudo intellect as dense as yours?
Apparently your claim is that there is a huge conspiracy world wide to pretend that there is Global warming...this Conspiracy involves the UK Meteorological Services , The Japanese Meteorological agency, NASA, NOAA and 97 percent of Climate Scientist..... Any Proof of any of this chump ?

One need only follow the money....chump. And the pretense isn't that the climate is is that man is the root cause. Got any actual observed, measured evidence to support the idea that man is altering the global climate?.....of course not...ergo the pure politics of plays like Kill the Deniers and threats of court action against skeptics. How much clear evidence is require to penetrate a pseudo intellect as dense as yours?
Your Ignorant opinions with no supporting evidence of any kind, none, does not make for reality...all you have are opinions that is it...Ignorant "dumb ass" opinions at that
Why is 2016 smashing heat records?
Posted on 30 March 2016 by Guest Author
Yet another global heat record has been beaten. It appears January 2016 - the most abnormally hot month in history, according to Nasa - will be comprehensively trounced once official figures come in for February.

Initial satellite measurements, compiled by Eric Holthaus at Slate, put February’s anomaly from the pre-industrial average between 1.15C and 1.4C. The UN Paris climate agreement struck in December seeks to limit warming to 1.5C if possible.

“Even the lower part of that range is extraordinary,” said Will Steffen, an emeritus professor of climate science at Australian National University and a councillor at Australia’s Climate Council.

It appears that on Wednesday, the northern hemisphere even slipped above the milestone 2C average for the first time in recorded history. This is the arbitrary limit above which scientists believe global temperature rise will be “dangerous”.

The Arctic in particular experienced terrific warmth throughout the winter. Temperatures at the north pole approached 0C in late December – 30C to 35C above average.

Mark Serreze, the director of the US National Snow and Ice Data Centre, described the conditions as “absurd”.

New survey finds a growing climate consensus among meteorologists28 March 201
So what did the survey find? First, nearly every meteorologist (96%) agrees that climate change is happening, and the vast majority are confident in their opinion. Only 1% felt that climate change isn’t happening (3% did not know). Next, a large majority feel that climate change is being caused by humans. For instance, 29% believe that the change is largely or entirely human caused; 38% think most of the change is from humans; 14% answered that humans and natural factors are about equally responsible. Only 5% felt that climate change is mainly natural.

New survey finds a growing climate consensus among meteorologists28 March 201
So what did the survey find? First, nearly every meteorologist (96%) agrees that climate change is happening, and the vast majority are confident in their opinion. Only 1% felt that climate change isn’t happening (3% did not know). Next, a large majority feel that climate change is being caused by humans. For instance, 29% believe that the change is largely or entirely human caused; 38% think most of the change is from humans; 14% answered that humans and natural factors are about equally responsible. Only 5% felt that climate change is mainly natural.
A minority is not a consensus.
Kill the Deniers.....hell of a name for a government sponsored "fantasy play", but there it is. Such is life when you support a failed pseudoscientific hypothesis. Here in the US, there is talk of trying skeptics in court...down under the government is sponsoring "fantasy plays" where deniers are murdered....and to make it all the more interesting, they are now publishing the play as an E-book.

Not so far off from cricks quote some time ago...(see my sig line) Clearly being one of them, he knows where they must go as reality continues to deny the AGW hypothesis.

The left is defending into the old style totalitarian propaganda mode very quickly...they apparently need guns, hostages, brute force and threats since it becomes more clear every day that they don't have any actual observational evidence that man is altering the global climate.
Apparently your claim is that there is a huge conspiracy world wide to pretend that there is Global warming...this Conspiracy involves the UK Meteorological Services , The Japanese Meteorological agency, NASA, NOAA and 97 percent of Climate Scientist..... Any Proof of any of this chump ?

There's no warming, ahole, there's the proof. You have to suddenly add in "Warming" in the deep ocean to make your numbers work
The Arctic "warmed to -26F!!!




http:// http://
Apparently your claim is that there is a huge conspiracy world wide to pretend that there is Global warming...this Conspiracy involves the UK Meteorological Services , The Japanese Meteorological agency, NASA, NOAA and 97 percent of Climate Scientist..... Any Proof of any of this chump ?

One need only follow the money....chump. And the pretense isn't that the climate is is that man is the root cause. Got any actual observed, measured evidence to support the idea that man is altering the global climate?.....of course not...ergo the pure politics of plays like Kill the Deniers and threats of court action against skeptics. How much clear evidence is require to penetrate a pseudo intellect as dense as yours?
Your Ignorant opinions with no supporting evidence of any kind, none, does not make for reality...all you have are opinions that is it...Ignorant "dumb ass" opinions at that
Why is 2016 smashing heat records?
Posted on 30 March 2016 by Guest Author
Yet another global heat record has been beaten. It appears January 2016 - the most abnormally hot month in history, according to Nasa - will be comprehensively trounced once official figures come in for February.

Initial satellite measurements, compiled by Eric Holthaus at Slate, put February’s anomaly from the pre-industrial average between 1.15C and 1.4C. The UN Paris climate agreement struck in December seeks to limit warming to 1.5C if possible.

“Even the lower part of that range is extraordinary,” said Will Steffen, an emeritus professor of climate science at Australian National University and a councillor at Australia’s Climate Council.

It appears that on Wednesday, the northern hemisphere even slipped above the milestone 2C average for the first time in recorded history. This is the arbitrary limit above which scientists believe global temperature rise will be “dangerous”.

The Arctic in particular experienced terrific warmth throughout the winter. Temperatures at the north pole approached 0C in late December – 30C to 35C above average.

Mark Serreze, the director of the US National Snow and Ice Data Centre, described the conditions as “absurd”.

Lmfao so where are these pre industrial temperture recordings kept? In a wig wam in on an Indian reservation ? And wow down to the degree.
Are We Entering a New Period of Rapid Global Warming?
By: Bob Henson , 5:04 PM GMT on February 24, 2015
Are We Entering a New Period of Rapid Global Warming? | Dr. Jeff Masters' WunderBlog

Residents of New England may understandably look back at 2015 as the year of their never-ending winter. For the planet as a whole, though, this year could stand out most for putting to rest the “hiatus”— the 15-year slowdown in atmospheric warming that gained intense scrutiny by pundits, scientists, and the public. While interesting in its own right, the hiatus garnered far more attention than it deserved as a purported sign that future global warming would be much less than expected. The slowdown was preceded by almost 20 years of dramatic global temperature rise, and with 2014 having set a new global record high, there are signs that another decade-plus period of intensified atmospheric warming may be at our doorstep.

The most compelling argument for a renewed surge in global air temperature is rooted in the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). This index tracks the fingerprint of sea surface temperature (SST) across the Pacific north of 20°N. A closely related index, the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation (IPO), covers a larger swath of the entire Pacific. Both the PDO and IPO capture back-and-forth swings in the geography of Pacific SSTs that affect the exchange of heat between ocean and atmosphere (see Figure 1). We’ll use PDO as shorthand for both indexes in the following discussion.

The PDO typically leans toward a positive or negative state for more than a decade at a time. The positive phase, which features warmer-than-average SSTs along the U.S. West Coast, was dominant from the mid-1970s to the late 1990s. The PDO then flipped to a negative phase between about 1999 and 2013, with cooler-than-average SSTs along the West Coast. Figure 2 shows that even when a particular mode is favored, the PDO can still flip back to its opposite mode for periods of a few months or so.


Figure 1. Departures from average sea-surface temperature (degrees C) and wind (arrows) that typically prevail when the Pacific Decadal Oscillation is in its positive mode (left) and negative mode (right). Image credit: University of Washington.
Are We Entering a New Period of Rapid Global Warming?
By: Bob Henson , 5:04 PM GMT on February 24, 2015
Are We Entering a New Period of Rapid Global Warming? | Dr. Jeff Masters' WunderBlog

Residents of New England may understandably look back at 2015 as the year of their never-ending winter. For the planet as a whole, though, this year could stand out most for putting to rest the “hiatus”— the 15-year slowdown in atmospheric warming that gained intense scrutiny by pundits, scientists, and the public. While interesting in its own right, the hiatus garnered far more attention than it deserved as a purported sign that future global warming would be much less than expected. The slowdown was preceded by almost 20 years of dramatic global temperature rise, and with 2014 having set a new global record high, there are signs that another decade-plus period of intensified atmospheric warming may be at our doorstep.

The most compelling argument for a renewed surge in global air temperature is rooted in the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). This index tracks the fingerprint of sea surface temperature (SST) across the Pacific north of 20°N. A closely related index, the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation (IPO), covers a larger swath of the entire Pacific. Both the PDO and IPO capture back-and-forth swings in the geography of Pacific SSTs that affect the exchange of heat between ocean and atmosphere (see Figure 1). We’ll use PDO as shorthand for both indexes in the following discussion.

The PDO typically leans toward a positive or negative state for more than a decade at a time. The positive phase, which features warmer-than-average SSTs along the U.S. West Coast, was dominant from the mid-1970s to the late 1990s. The PDO then flipped to a negative phase between about 1999 and 2013, with cooler-than-average SSTs along the West Coast. Figure 2 shows that even when a particular mode is favored, the PDO can still flip back to its opposite mode for periods of a few months or so.


Figure 1. Departures from average sea-surface temperature (degrees C) and wind (arrows) that typically prevail when the Pacific Decadal Oscillation is in its positive mode (left) and negative mode (right). Image credit: University of Washington.


it warmed from -35 to -34.2 at the poles

How is Earth even habitable with that warming
Are We Entering a New Period of Rapid Global Warming?
By: Bob Henson , 5:04 PM GMT on February 24, 2015
Are We Entering a New Period of Rapid Global Warming? | Dr. Jeff Masters' WunderBlog

Residents of New England may understandably look back at 2015 as the year of their never-ending winter. For the planet as a whole, though, this year could stand out most for putting to rest the “hiatus”— the 15-year slowdown in atmospheric warming that gained intense scrutiny by pundits, scientists, and the public. While interesting in its own right, the hiatus garnered far more attention than it deserved as a purported sign that future global warming would be much less than expected. The slowdown was preceded by almost 20 years of dramatic global temperature rise, and with 2014 having set a new global record high, there are signs that another decade-plus period of intensified atmospheric warming may be at our doorstep.

The most compelling argument for a renewed surge in global air temperature is rooted in the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). This index tracks the fingerprint of sea surface temperature (SST) across the Pacific north of 20°N. A closely related index, the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation (IPO), covers a larger swath of the entire Pacific. Both the PDO and IPO capture back-and-forth swings in the geography of Pacific SSTs that affect the exchange of heat between ocean and atmosphere (see Figure 1). We’ll use PDO as shorthand for both indexes in the following discussion.

The PDO typically leans toward a positive or negative state for more than a decade at a time. The positive phase, which features warmer-than-average SSTs along the U.S. West Coast, was dominant from the mid-1970s to the late 1990s. The PDO then flipped to a negative phase between about 1999 and 2013, with cooler-than-average SSTs along the West Coast. Figure 2 shows that even when a particular mode is favored, the PDO can still flip back to its opposite mode for periods of a few months or so.


Figure 1. Departures from average sea-surface temperature (degrees C) and wind (arrows) that typically prevail when the Pacific Decadal Oscillation is in its positive mode (left) and negative mode (right). Image credit: University of Washington.


it warmed from -35 to -34.2 at the poles

How is Earth even habitable with that warming

But but but


0.8 of a degree

Happened to fast.

We have sooooooooo much evidence it never Evah happened before in the past 4.5 billion years

Are We Entering a New Period of Rapid Global Warming?
By: Bob Henson , 5:04 PM GMT on February 24, 2015
Are We Entering a New Period of Rapid Global Warming? | Dr. Jeff Masters' WunderBlog

Residents of New England may understandably look back at 2015 as the year of their never-ending winter. For the planet as a whole, though, this year could stand out most for putting to rest the “hiatus”— the 15-year slowdown in atmospheric warming that gained intense scrutiny by pundits, scientists, and the public. While interesting in its own right, the hiatus garnered far more attention than it deserved as a purported sign that future global warming would be much less than expected. The slowdown was preceded by almost 20 years of dramatic global temperature rise, and with 2014 having set a new global record high, there are signs that another decade-plus period of intensified atmospheric warming may be at our doorstep.

The most compelling argument for a renewed surge in global air temperature is rooted in the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). This index tracks the fingerprint of sea surface temperature (SST) across the Pacific north of 20°N. A closely related index, the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation (IPO), covers a larger swath of the entire Pacific. Both the PDO and IPO capture back-and-forth swings in the geography of Pacific SSTs that affect the exchange of heat between ocean and atmosphere (see Figure 1). We’ll use PDO as shorthand for both indexes in the following discussion.

The PDO typically leans toward a positive or negative state for more than a decade at a time. The positive phase, which features warmer-than-average SSTs along the U.S. West Coast, was dominant from the mid-1970s to the late 1990s. The PDO then flipped to a negative phase between about 1999 and 2013, with cooler-than-average SSTs along the West Coast. Figure 2 shows that even when a particular mode is favored, the PDO can still flip back to its opposite mode for periods of a few months or so.


Figure 1. Departures from average sea-surface temperature (degrees C) and wind (arrows) that typically prevail when the Pacific Decadal Oscillation is in its positive mode (left) and negative mode (right). Image credit: University of Washington.

nobody is caring s0n.......except the OCD goofballs!!! :2up:

Except for those established in this rigged science, the media and a few internet message boards........who is caring?:bye1:
Are We Entering a New Period of Rapid Global Warming?
By: Bob Henson , 5:04 PM GMT on February 24, 2015
Are We Entering a New Period of Rapid Global Warming? | Dr. Jeff Masters' WunderBlog

Residents of New England may understandably look back at 2015 as the year of their never-ending winter. For the planet as a whole, though, this year could stand out most for putting to rest the “hiatus”— the 15-year slowdown in atmospheric warming that gained intense scrutiny by pundits, scientists, and the public. While interesting in its own right, the hiatus garnered far more attention than it deserved as a purported sign that future global warming would be much less than expected. The slowdown was preceded by almost 20 years of dramatic global temperature rise, and with 2014 having set a new global record high, there are signs that another decade-plus period of intensified atmospheric warming may be at our doorstep.

The most compelling argument for a renewed surge in global air temperature is rooted in the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). This index tracks the fingerprint of sea surface temperature (SST) across the Pacific north of 20°N. A closely related index, the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation (IPO), covers a larger swath of the entire Pacific. Both the PDO and IPO capture back-and-forth swings in the geography of Pacific SSTs that affect the exchange of heat between ocean and atmosphere (see Figure 1). We’ll use PDO as shorthand for both indexes in the following discussion.

The PDO typically leans toward a positive or negative state for more than a decade at a time. The positive phase, which features warmer-than-average SSTs along the U.S. West Coast, was dominant from the mid-1970s to the late 1990s. The PDO then flipped to a negative phase between about 1999 and 2013, with cooler-than-average SSTs along the West Coast. Figure 2 shows that even when a particular mode is favored, the PDO can still flip back to its opposite mode for periods of a few months or so.


Figure 1. Departures from average sea-surface temperature (degrees C) and wind (arrows) that typically prevail when the Pacific Decadal Oscillation is in its positive mode (left) and negative mode (right). Image credit: University of Washington.

nobody is caring s0n.......except the OCD goofballs!!! :2up:

Except for those established in this rigged science, the media and a few internet message boards........who is caring?:bye1:
and all the Nations and their leaders that met in Paris....
Are We Entering a New Period of Rapid Global Warming?
By: Bob Henson , 5:04 PM GMT on February 24, 2015
Are We Entering a New Period of Rapid Global Warming? | Dr. Jeff Masters' WunderBlog

Residents of New England may understandably look back at 2015 as the year of their never-ending winter. For the planet as a whole, though, this year could stand out most for putting to rest the “hiatus”— the 15-year slowdown in atmospheric warming that gained intense scrutiny by pundits, scientists, and the public. While interesting in its own right, the hiatus garnered far more attention than it deserved as a purported sign that future global warming would be much less than expected. The slowdown was preceded by almost 20 years of dramatic global temperature rise, and with 2014 having set a new global record high, there are signs that another decade-plus period of intensified atmospheric warming may be at our doorstep.

The most compelling argument for a renewed surge in global air temperature is rooted in the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). This index tracks the fingerprint of sea surface temperature (SST) across the Pacific north of 20°N. A closely related index, the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation (IPO), covers a larger swath of the entire Pacific. Both the PDO and IPO capture back-and-forth swings in the geography of Pacific SSTs that affect the exchange of heat between ocean and atmosphere (see Figure 1). We’ll use PDO as shorthand for both indexes in the following discussion.

The PDO typically leans toward a positive or negative state for more than a decade at a time. The positive phase, which features warmer-than-average SSTs along the U.S. West Coast, was dominant from the mid-1970s to the late 1990s. The PDO then flipped to a negative phase between about 1999 and 2013, with cooler-than-average SSTs along the West Coast. Figure 2 shows that even when a particular mode is favored, the PDO can still flip back to its opposite mode for periods of a few months or so.


Figure 1. Departures from average sea-surface temperature (degrees C) and wind (arrows) that typically prevail when the Pacific Decadal Oscillation is in its positive mode (left) and negative mode (right). Image credit: University of Washington.

nobody is caring s0n.......except the OCD goofballs!!! :2up:

Except for those established in this rigged science, the media and a few internet message boards........who is caring?:bye1:
and all the Nations and their leaders that met in Paris....

lol........they meet somewhere in the world EVERY YEAR!!:funnyface: Meetings to do group navel contemplation = :gay:


And nothing ever comes of it s0n!!!

Show us where Paris is mattering in the real world? ( not theory......need something measurable :up: )

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