‘Kill all white people’: Suspect in killings of five white men made threat in 2014


Gold Member
Oct 11, 2016
Washington, DC

This (yet another) white-hating black walked up behind white men and shot and killed five of them in the head.

‘Kill all white people’: Suspect in killings of five white men made threat in 2014

Where is this hatred coming from? How about the steady stream of anti-white hatred coming from resentful Jews in Hollywood, from Mississippi Burning to 12 Years a Slave to Django Unchained to Detroit. Or how about the resentful Jews who own the media responsible for printing anti-white hatred like this exterminationist corker in the New York Times last week In Movies and on TV, Racism Made Plain in which we are informed

You need a kind of racial chemotherapy.
Or as the Jewess, Susan Sontag put it 50 years ago:

If America is the culmination of Western white civilization, as everyone from the Left to the Right declares, then there must be something terribly wrong with Western white civilization. This is a painful truth; few of us want to go that far.… The truth is that Mozart, Pascal, Boolean algebra, Shakespeare, parliamentary government, baroque churches, Newton, the emancipation of women, Kant, Marx, Balanchine ballets, et al., don’t redeem what this particular civilization has wrought upon the world. The white race is the cancer of human history; it is the white race and it alone—its ideologies and inventions—which eradicates autonomous civilizations wherever it spreads, which has upset the ecological balance of the planet, which now threatens the very existence of life itself.

According to the New York Times, whites are threatening the very existence of life itself. It's a wonder there aren't more murderous, 80 IQ , dupes out there slaughtering whites. But as long as this anti-white hatred is allowed to be spewed about us in our own country, more and more innocent whites will die violently at the hands of stupid blacks.

Jews are threatening the very existence of whites themselves. Whites need to wake up and put a stop to it. Jews have proven they can't be trusted with power. They need to be disempowered.
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Any credibility you might have had washed away when you started babbling about Jews.

The libturds who run leftist media agitprop operations in some cases maybe "jews", but they are so for convenience not any spiritual connections to the hebrew religion.

Attempting to discredit them by repeating inane rants from Mein Kampft is like pissing in your own shoes.

in some cases maybe "jews", but they are so for convenience

Speaking as a member of the tribe. There is NOTHING convenient about being Jewish.

But, that's our cross to bear (mixed metaphor).
in some cases maybe "jews", but they are so for convenience

Speaking as a member of the tribe. There is NOTHING convenient about being Jewish.

But, that's our cross to bear (mixed metaphor).

I can accept that.

I can't accept the idea you gather at temple to discuss world domination via establishment of a collectivist global government.
Any credibility you might have had washed away when you started babbling about Jews.

The libturds who run leftist media agitprop operations in some cases maybe "jews", but they are so for convenience not any spiritual connections to the hebrew religion.

Attempting to discredit them by repeating inane rants from Mein Kampft is like pissing in your own shoes.

Jews are a heritage, they are unique culturally, ethnically, and religiously.
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Any credibility you might have had washed away when you started babbling about Jews.

The libturds who run leftist media agitprop operations in some cases maybe "jews", but they are so for convenience not any spiritual connections to the hebrew religion.

Attempting to discredit them by repeating inane rants from Mein Kampft is like pissing in your own shoes.
Go ahead and keep whistling past the graveyard. All ten of the top ten Hollywood studios are owned by Jews, and except for a medium sized radio holding company in Texas, ALL of the media is owned or controlled by Jews. The advertising industry is dominated by Jews. Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook and Eric Schmitt of Google are Jews. Open your eyes, goy. Read some actual history. Stop being a dupe.

Btw, Jew isn't a religion, it's an ethnicity. Judaism is the religion. But if you try to immigrate to Israel, they don't ask you whether you believe in God. They ask you who your mother was.
in some cases maybe "jews", but they are so for convenience

Speaking as a member of the tribe. There is NOTHING convenient about being Jewish.

But, that's our cross to bear (mixed metaphor).
A priest and a rabbi are walking down the street and see a little boy.
The priest says " Hey, let's fuck him."
The rabbi says " Out of what?"
in some cases maybe "jews", but they are so for convenience

Speaking as a member of the tribe. There is NOTHING convenient about being Jewish.

But, that's our cross to bear (mixed metaphor).

I can accept that.

I can't accept the idea you gather at temple to discuss world domination via establishment of a collectivist global government.
Rabbis' sermons are every bit as political as Rev Jeremiah Wright's, but without the rhetorical flourishes and dramatic delivery. And the music isn't as good.
I can't accept the idea you gather at temple to discuss world domination via establishment of a collectivist global government.

Not at temple, but at the International Jewish Conspiracy Bowling League, every other Tuesday night --- bring a dish to pass.
Any credibility you might have had washed away when you started babbling about Jews.

The libturds who run leftist media agitprop operations in some cases maybe "jews", but they are so for convenience not any spiritual connections to the hebrew religion.

Attempting to discredit them by repeating inane rants from Mein Kampft is like pissing in your own shoes.
Go ahead and keep whistling past the graveyard. All ten of the top ten Hollywood studios are owned by Jews, and except for a medium sized radio holding company in Texas, ALL of the media is owned or controlled by Jews. The advertising industry is dominated by Jews. Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook and Eric Schmitt of Google are Jews. Open your eyes, goy. Read some actual history. Stop being a dupe.

Btw, Jew isn't a religion, it's an ethnicity. Judaism is the religion. But if you try to immigrate to Israel, they don't ask you whether you believe in God. They ask you who your mother was.

And ask you to submit to a DNA test. But muh Holocau$t™... so it isn't racist or any shit.

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