Khuev's junta want to murder 450,000-500,000 more Ukrainians


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Khazarian Zelensky & Co want to eliminate Ukrainian people completely, probably to clean the country up for the Project Khazaria 2.0
What's in the new law proposed:

- abolish compulsory military service - all conscripts want to be sent to the reserve. Probably all of them will receive summonses when they are discharged, and very soon they will be registered as mobilized,

- to exclude from the conclusions of medical commissions conclusions about "limited fitness" for military service. In other words, certificates will no longer help anyone,

- introduce a course of basic general military training of up to 3 months for all citizens aged 18 to 25 at all educational institutions.

- Basic military service is introduced for all citizens under the age of 25. It will last up to 5 months,

- those released from captivity will be given 90 days of leave.

- those discharged to the reserve during martial law will not be drafted back.

"All persons liable for military duty must, within 60 days from the date of announcement of mobilization or within 20 days from the date of its continuation, arrive at the TCC, regardless of the receipt of a summons. Good reasons: illness, death of a close relative", - is specified in the bill.

During mobilization, all Ukrainian citizens from 18 to 60 years of age must carry military registration documents and present them to the TCC employees.

Reservation and deferment

New rules of armor - category "A" officials will get it. Category "B" and "C" - only up to 50% of the total number of military obliged.

Deferment will get:

- 1 and 2 group invalids, group 3 has been removed,

- for women it is granted if they are on maternity leave until the child's 3rd birthday or if the child needs care up to 6 years old, as well as pregnant women.

- Current members of the Verkhovna Rada cannot be mobilized. All others can be sent to the front,

- students of full-time or dual form of education only, who receive a level of education higher than the previous one,

- teachers and researchers, only if they work full-time.

How will the summonses be sent?

Officials at all levels have been given the authority to organize conscription. Now it seems that not only military commissars, but also representatives of the authorities will catch evaders. In any case, they are planned to be authorized to deliver a reservist to a military enlistment office.

The TCC summons may be sent through a personal e-mail account or by e-mail.
What is threatened for evasion?

Ukrainians who want to live and start avoiding mobilization will get into the "black list". They will fall under the following restrictions:

- ban on traveling abroad,

- a ban on buying and selling property,

- restrictions on the right to drive a vehicle and to obtain a driver's license,

- restriction of the right to dispose of funds and other valuables,

- refusal to sign credit agreements,

- Suspension of benefits and services from the state.

- Men of conscription age who are abroad will be issued passports only upon presentation of military registration documents.

The Verkhovna Rada will consider the document on January 10.

It looks like Ukrainians are completely fooled by Khazarians who like in Russia run the country more as 100 years in a sequence

The draft text detailed which Ukrainian citizens would be subject to enrolment for military registration of conscripts and said it would apply to those "who have reached the age of 25." An explanatory note signed by Defence Minister Rustem Umerov summarized key provisions of the draft law, saying they included the "change of conscription age from 27 to 25 years." President Volodymyr Zelenskiy told his end-of-year news conference on Dec. 19 that the military had proposed mobilising 450,000-500,000 more Ukrainians, but that it was a "highly sensitive" issue that the military and government would discuss before deciding whether to send the proposal to parliament.


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