Khazars: The Thirteen Tribe


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
This book traces the history of the ancient Khazar Empire, a major but almost forgotten power in Eastern Europe, which in the Dark Ages converted to Judaism. Khazaria was finally wiped out by the forces of Ghengis Khan, but evidence indicates that the Khazars themselves migrated to Russia and Poland and formed the cradle of Western Jewry.



it's well-known almost that 10 tribes of Israel were disappeared through 2,000 years.Can Khazarians claim to be the True Jews?
Only Ethiopian Jews are the True ones.


By the way Ethiopian Jews have no smallest problem among neighboring peoples and the word 'Antisemitism' ism unknown for them.
Because they haven't Talmud and use the Holy Bible only.

The Ashkenazi jews ancestors never set foot in the Holy Land.
They are descendents of the Khazar people of eastern Europe who adopted Judaism and eventually migrated into western Europe. ... :cool:
Perhaps you just have read some comments online about the book and are giving an extravagant opinion here.

The Kashar people, this is Ukraine before becoming Ukraine, were in a rare situation when the Muslims were invading Europe. In those years, those territories weren't discovered yet about their rich potential in prime matter, but was a kind of bridge connecting Europe with the peoples of Russia.

Today, only by DNA test people can know what the hell they are, this is to say, if they are descendants from England, Germany or etc. ancestors.

But, we are talking of 7th century, 8th century and similar, when families weren't distracted by TV and video games, and they kept the counting of the family branches, the knowledge of their ancestors.

And, descendants of the tribes of Levy, Simeon, and Judah (as the main ones) were looking for a land in order to establish a new kingdom of Israel, or Jewish Kingdom as many have interpreted it.

They practically convinced to the Czar of Kashar to become Jewish, and after he accepted, the building of synagogues started in that land. Those people converted to Judaism.

Be aware that Kashar peoples were the majority in that new kingdom, but there were descendants of the tribes of Israel who also lived there. The DNA tests reveal their ancestry.

Communication was very poor in those centuries, and by the time Jews from Spain received the news about that "Jewish Kingdom" it was at the end of the millennium, hundreds years later.

The existence of this "Jewish Kingdom" helped to impede the advance of Muslims propagating themselves to everywhere. It is a thought that without that Jewish Kingdom in existence in those times, then Russia might be a Muslim nation today.

Besides the DNA tests as evidence of descendants of the tribes of Israel in Ukraine since the 7th century CE, is the existence of letters written by some key people mentioning such a kingdom. Historians have ignored it in purpose.
This topic has been discussed before and debunked. I am actually happy it is brought up once again as people become curious and can look into it for themselves and draw their own conclusions by educating themselves through reading and discovery This is the beugh of the internet although it is a double edged sword and can be used to spread propaganda and harm it can also bring truth and knowledge to the forefront as well...
This book traces the history of the ancient Khazar Empire, a major but almost forgotten power in Eastern Europe, which in the Dark Ages converted to Judaism. Khazaria was finally wiped out by the forces of Ghengis Khan, but evidence indicates that the Khazars themselves migrated to Russia and Poland and formed the cradle of Western Jewry.



it's well-known almost that 10 tribes of Israel were disappeared through 2,000 years.Can Khazarians claim to be the True Jews?
Only Ethiopian Jews are the True ones.


By the way Ethiopian Jews have no smallest problem among neighboring peoples and the word 'Antisemitism' ism unknown for them.
Because they haven't Talmud and use the Holy Bible only.

Jews are WHITE, not black.

And "Jews" are not the same as "Israel." Jews are predominately of the Tribe of Judah.

The British and the true Americans are of the Tribe of Joseph.

All the Tribes of Israel will be reunited when the Messiah returns (no, not Obama)

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